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First Transcontinental Railroad Research Paper

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Between the 1840s and the 1860s, settlers began to venture westward across the United States. Many risked contracting yellow fever and other diseases by choosing to travel by sea rather than land, taking the six-month route around Cape Horn or the Isthmus of Panama instead of trekking through perilous mountains and deserts. As a resolution, President Abraham Lincoln signed into law the Pacific Railroad Act on July 1, 1862.

This act provided federal funding of the first transcontinental railroad, therefore supplying two railroad companies each with 12,800 acres of land and $48,000 in government bonds for every mile of track built upon completion. The Central Pacific Railroad Company built eastward from Sacramento, California while the Union

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...9-803-127 REV: DECEMBER 2, 2010 NANCY F. KOEHN Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance For scientific discovery give me Scott; for speed and efficiency of travel give me Amundsen; but when disaster strikes and all hope is gone, get down on your knees and pray for Shackleton. — Sir Raymond Priestley, Antarctic Explorer and Geologist On January 18, 1915, the ship Endurance, carrying a highly celebrated British polar expedition, froze into the icy waters off the coast of Antarctica. The leader of the expedition, Sir Ernest Shackleton, had planned to sail his boat to the coast through the Weddell Sea, which bounded Antarctica to the north, and then march a crew of six men, supported by dogs and sledges, to the Ross Sea on the opposite side of the continent (see Exhibit 1).1 Deep in the southern hemisphere, it was early in the summer, and the Endurance was within sight of land, so Shackleton still had reason to anticipate reaching shore. The ice, however, was unusually thick for the ship’s latitude, and an unexpected southern wind froze it solid around the ship. Within hours the Endurance was completely beset, a wooden island in a sea of ice. More than eight months later, the ice still held the vessel. Instead of melting and allowing the crew to proceed on its mission, the ice, moving with ocean currents, had carried the boat over 670 miles north.2 As it moved, the ice slowly began to soften, and the tremendous force of distant currents...

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