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What Has To Do With Materialism In American Beauty

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Materialism is a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values (, 2005). Carolyn Burnham, a suburban mother, does not understand that there is more to life than material things. In the 1999 film, American Beauty, one can see that all that has to do with materialism infatuates Carolyn.
In a scene in the film, Carolyn and her husband Lester have the home to themselves and Lester tries to take advantage of that time. In doing so, Lester leans in to kiss Carolyn and as he is kissing her neck, she turns her head and says, “Lester, you’re going to spill beer on the couch.” His response to her is, “So what? It’s just a couch,” and within those few minutes, you are able to

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