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Pro Life Research Paper

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What is abortion? Abortion is the innocent murder of millions of children. Those people from Planned Paretnhood like to be considered those innocent children who are murdered every day, a fetus or blob of tissue. There are those are pro-choice and those who are pro-life. I am pro-life. No child should be taken from the chance to have a life. A baby in the womb does have basic human civil rights. Who do parents think they are if they make the choice to end their child’s life. Abortion is legal in the United States and has been since January 22, 1973. The problem of keeping up to date with specific changes on the abortion scene was dramatized by the Unites States Court decision of January 22, 1973. That ruling allowed for a drastically altered the legal situation in the …show more content…
In the Old Testament, it was important for Abraham and Sarah to produce an heir so that their name would be carried through generations. God had promised them that they would have descendants larger than the sand on the seashore and stars in the sky. Everyone is created in the image of God. God created the traditional family unit for a specific purpose. The traditional family is what the Lord created so that children would be secure. Child would have their emotional needs met by having two parents, male and female. God created children and adults with a specific purpose and plan for everyone. Abortion is a sin in God’s eyes because it goes against what God created. God made a way for there to be creation of life that would bring glory and honor to God. Back in the ancient history, abortion was used for population control but eventually they were only allowed if the mother’s life was in danger. Abortion was practiced in the Greco-Roman empire as a means for population control. They also believed it was okay to perform abortion if the mother is at risk of death. 1 Corinthians 15:8 is a reference which some would refer to when discussing the topic of a miscarriage or an

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