...oil price (because of limited resources) And with demand overpowering supply, prices will continue to rise dramatically. Combustion of fossil fuels emits harmful gases like sulfur dioxide (causing acid rain) and carbon monoxide (contributing to greenhouse effect). Due to the adverse affects, the globe is heating up and the polar ice caps are melting faster. A need to shift to substitutes (renewable energy) 1. Produce harmful green house gases which contribute global warming. Coal once burnt produces carbon dioxide harmful to the environment. http://www.altenergy.org/ What is it? How can it replace non-renewable energy? Alternative energy refers to energy sources that have no undesired consequences such for example fossil fuels or nuclear...
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...Energy India: Towards Energy Independence 2030 January 2014 Copyright © 2014, by McKinsey & Company, Inc. India: Towards Energy Independence 2030 January 2014 4 India: Towards Energy Independence 2030 Introduction India is the world’s fourth largest economy1 as well as the fourth largest energy consumer. India imports a substantial portion of its energy — 80 per cent of its oil, 18 per cent of its gas, and now even 23 per cent of its coal. As the Indian economy continues to grow, so will its energy consumption, especially as the growth of its manufacturing sector catches up with services and agriculture. With domestic resource production facing various challenges, the general expectation has been that Indian energy imports will continue to grow, and energy security concerns will intensify. The outlook and options for Indian energy independence therefore becomes an important topic. A 2030 outlook is particularly relevant since it is difficult to significantly change energy policy in 5 or 10 years, but almost any boundary conditions can be changed over a 15-year period. Moreover, there have been few if any, in-depth perspectives on this topic for 2030. This white paper builds off the ‘2030 Global Energy Perspective’, McKinsey’s substantial body of research on energy demand and supply, and our understanding of the evolution of the global and Indian energy sectors. We have tried to address some of the basic questions that arise about Indian energy in 2030: Is India’s...
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... | |Metric |Meter(m) |Newton(N)kg*m/s2 |Joules |J/s(watt) | *kWh —— kilowatt hour hp —— horsepower 33,000 ft*lbs/min = 745 J/s = 746 W —— 1 hp Power —— the rate at which works is ? Mechanical —— relates to the movement of an objects or its position is gravity Sound —— relates to the repetitive compression and rarefaction of molecules in a substance Chemical —— relates to energy stored in the bonds between atoms in a molecule Electrical —— relates to the movement or flow of electrons Light —— relates to on electric change or magnetic field that produce electromagnetic waves Heat —— relates to the motion of particles, atoms or molecules in a substance Nuclear —— relates to the potential energy stored in bonds between particles in the nucleus of an atom Conservation of energy Energy cannot be created or destroyed, if only changer forms Class 2 10 Sources of Energy |Renewable |Non Renewable | |Biomass 4% |Coal 20% | |Solar 0.1% |Crude oil 36% | |Hydro 4%...
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...Environmental Health Issue Analysis Discussion Analyze a unique environmental health issue or problem that is currently controversial. Your discussion posting should include: 1. a description of the problem -- its size, scope and affected population(s); stressing the available information or data that best supports the position with regard to the public health significance of the problem or issue and its relationship to, or impact on, members of the community 2. the etiologic or causative factors involved with this particular problem, including the agent(s), mechanism(s) of injury or health impact, and the transmission pathway(s); 3. the prevention or control strategies and programs -- including the statutory basis for government regulation or intervention in this area and the major agency or agencies (if any) responsible for dealing with the problem and describe the activities, procedures, etc. employed or under discussion by the agencies 4. conclusions and recommendations including a brief assessment of how well the agency is (or agencies are) dealing with the problem and your reactions/observations concerning the relevancy of the agency program/activities to community needs. The information gathered could be from the course textbook, periodic literature, government, non-governmental organizations and other websites and, the popular press. Your original posting is due on Thursday. Please respond to two peer posts by Saturday. When responding to your peers, evaluate...
Words: 1864 - Pages: 8
...ASHFORD ENV 322 Entire Course For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 1 DQ 1 Gaia Hypothesis ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 1 DQ 2 Energy and Food Supplies ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 1 Assignment Model Ecosystems ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 2 DQ 1 Energy Policy ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 2 DQ 2 Fossil Fuel Reserves ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 2 Outline for Final Paper ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 3 DQ 1 Nuclear Energy ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 3 DQ 2 Nuclear Waste Disposal ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 3 Assignment Non-renewable Energy Sources ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 4 DQ 1 Alternative Energy Sources and Your Local Ecosystem ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 4 DQ 2 Unorthodox Energy Sources ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 4 Assignments How Big Is Your Footprint ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 5 DQ 1 Energy Consumption ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 5 DQ 2 Voluntary vs. Regulatory Involvement ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 5 Final Paper. __________________________________________________________ ASHFORD ENV 322 Week 1 Assignment Model Ecosystems For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Model Ecosystems. Review the virtual lab in Model Ecosystems. Within this laboratory exercise you will categorize various organisms into the correct tropic level for five different ecosystems. Once completed, you will calculate the amount of energy transferred between levels. Record your observations. Answer the journal questions and upload it as a Word document into the online course. __________________________________________________________ ...
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... Synopsis: 1 . Introduction 2 . Science in old age 3 . Agriculture field 4 . Man vs nature 5 . Electricity 6 . Medical field 7 . Killer science 8 . Biowar 9 . Conclusion Introduction We are in the age of science and technology. Everything in the universe has its uses and abuses. The same applies to science. Science has revolutionized the human existence. It has made man's life happier and more comfortable. Man cannot live without the aid of science. Science has so much engulfed our lives that nothing can take place in our day to day work without the help of science. There is the other side of the coin also. That science gave birth to destructive weapons like dynamite, guns, rifles, rockets, atom bombs, hydrogen bombs only to destroy people. Science in old age In our olden civilization also there had some science in their daily life. The people used wind mills to lift water from the wells, they used turmeric as it is a good antibiotic , the people guessed the future perfectly without any knowledge , the Tamil poets before 1100 years who said that world is formed through the burst of sun...
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...SLO Module-1 Environment and Ecosystem 5 1, 5, 12,14 Key environmental problems and their basic causes; Ecosystem, earth – life support system and ecosystem components; Energy flow in ecosystem; Ecological succession; Nutrient, water, carbon, nitrogen, cycles; Effect of human activities on these cycles. Module-2 Biodiversity 5 1,5,11, Importance, types, mega-biodiversity; Species 12,15 interaction - Extinct, endemic, endangered and rare species; Hot-spots; GM crops; Threats to biodiversity: Natural and anthropogenic activities; Conservation: Terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity. Module-3 Sustaining 5 Natural Resources and 1,2,3,5,8,12,13, Environmental Quality Environmental hazards: Biological, Chemical, 14,20 Nuclear; Risk and evaluation of hazards; Types of pollution: Air and water – Pollution sources, effects and mitigation. Water quality management and its conservation; Water footprint and virtual water, Solid waste management; Climate disruption and ozone depletion (Kyoto protocol, Carbon sequestration methods and Montreal Protocol – can be discussed). Module-4...
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...ENV 322 Entire Course (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.env322.com ENV 322 Complete Class Business - General Business Gaia Hypothesis. In Chapter 3, the Gaia hypothesis is introduced. It addresses two hypotheses; (1) life, since its inception, has greatly affected the planetary environment and (2) life has altered Earth’s environment in ways that have allowed life to persist. Do you agree with these two hypotheses? Why or why not? Energy and Food Supplies. The underlying theme of this course is energy. As a whole, the global society needs to find ways to reduce our energy consumption. The food pyramid is a prime example of energy transfer within individual ecosystems and the biosphere. As you increase the trophic levels, a greater amount of energy is lost. Some environmentalists argue that humans should eat a vegetarian diet in order to conserve energy. What are some of the pros and cons of this action? Consider the impact to the agricultural industry? How low on the food chain do you eat? Would you consider eating lower? Model Ecosystems. Review the virtual lab in Model Ecosystems. Within this laboratory exercise you will categorize various organisms into the correct trophic level for five different ecosystems. Once completed, you will calculate the amount of energy transferred between levels. Record your observations. Answer the journal questions and upload it as a Word document into the online course. Energy Policy. The U.S. Energy Policy is currently...
Words: 1862 - Pages: 8
...In Brief: Clean Energy Markets: Jobs and Opportunities April 2010 Update [Type text] In Brief: Clean Energy Markets: Jobs and Opportunities Executive Summary This brief discusses how investment in clean energy technologies will generate economic growth and create new jobs in the United States and around the globe. The United States stands to benefit from the expansion of global clean energy markets, but only if it moves quickly to support domestic demand for and production of clean energy technologies through well-designed policy that enhances the competitiveness of U.S. firms. Clean energy markets are already substantial in scope and growing fast. Between 2004 and 2007, global investments in renewable energy more than doubled. Forecasts of investment totals over the next few decades vary according to assumptions made regarding the nature of future global climate agreements. Annual investments in global renewable energy markets could reach $106-$230 billion a year in 2020 and as much as $424 billion a year in 2030 (in year 2000 dollars). Over the next decade, assuming strong global action on climate change, cumulative global investment totals for clean power generation technologies could reach nearly $2.2 trillion. Recognizing the potential of these markets, China, Europe, and other nations are moving to cultivate their own clean energy industries and position them to gain large market shares in the decades ahead. In 2009, China invested more money in clean energy...
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...Fossil Fuel vs. Renewable Energy: Which is More Environmentally Safe? Cassandra Bohaychyk ENG-122 Professor Welsh June 23, 2013 Fossil Fuel vs. Renewable Energy: Which is More Economical and Environmentally Safe? While both have vital uses in the U.S, oil energy and renewable energy are pitted against each other as the main focuses of resources in the U.S environmental policy because each has an effect on the environment. Renewable energy is constant and can be found all over the nation, but may be costly in different ways. Fossil fuels may be a natural resource but are a one-time use that could eventually become obsolete, and could also be costly. Demonstrating in this research is a plethora of information leading to the outcome of the U.S environmental policy, and whether fossil fuels or renewable resources are best for the environment. Fossil Fuels include coal, petroleum (oil), and natural gas are concentrated organic compounds created from remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago formed into biomass. The refining and consumption of these resources have a massive impact on the environment and will eventually be exhausted. According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), fossil fuels meet around 82% of U.S. energy demand. According to the Institute for Energy Research, oil is the “transportation fuel” that makes all modern modes of transportation possible and moves both people and goods around the world. Once the products of...
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...government has very strict regulations on nuclear mining and usage. Since Federal government enforces the environment law on energy sector, companies, which want to entry into nuclear energy industry, need to ensure the environment safety before the business launched. According to Cameco, “We study the environment around the project area to gain an understanding of potential effects on air and water quality, wildlife, plants, noise, human health, aboriginal activities, and the use of land and natural resources.”(Cameco, 2010) This is not an easy industry to penetrate, especially since the industry has been fulfilled by numerous major players such as Cameco, Nuchem, and Areva. The majority of uranium resource has been controlled by the existing operators. In 2011, eight companies marketed 85% of the world’s uranium mine production. (World Uranium Ming, 2012) Thus, the barriers to entry the current nuclear industry are intense. Threat of substitutes Respect to the main product that Cameco, Uranium currently are principle to produce nuclear weapon and nuclear energy. The nuclear weapon industry merely has substitution from other bomb industries. However, on the energy side, there are a huge amount of energy sources can substitute uranium to generate electricity and heat. In 2008, Coal (48.7%) and Natural gas (21.4%) are used for main resources to generate electricity in US. (Morgan, 2010) Meanwhile, other high-tech energy sources, such as solar, wind and hydro, are capturing their own...
Words: 2751 - Pages: 12
...material on Blackboard or we’ll retrieve materials through online sources; thus there are no texts to buy for this course. Requirements You will complete approximately four graded assignments over the course of this semester – comprised of the following: 1. Politics, government policy, and/or social and cultural issues. Some of you may be interested and engaged in these matters already – such matters as economic theory and policy, immigration, gun rights vs. sensible gun regulation, health care policy, veteran affairs and funding, equal pay for women, women’s access to abortion and contraception, the right wing’s current attempt to defund Planned Parenthood; the Tea Party vs. . . . ALL government at large; race issues (the Black Lives Matter movement and all that it entails, especially policing in minority communities and minority profiling); voter rights vs. draconian voter ID laws and eliminating early voting; drug policies; foreign policy (involvement/intervention vs. isolationism; military involvement vs. diplomatic/economic solutions to conflict, e.g., the current debate...
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...of Natural Resources, the fuels Iowans use fall into two main categories: nonrenewable in the form of fossil (coal, petroleum, and natural gas) and nuclear fuels and renewable energy resources (water for hydroelectricity, biomass, wind, and solar). The use of energy is divided into four sectors: Commercial usage is 15%, Residential usage is 22%, Transportation 22%, Industrial 41% Energy, in all its varied forms, is an essential part of every aspect of our lives. It’s the foundation for our economy and our lifestyles. In my home, most of my energy dollars goes to heat my home in the winter and make hot water. During the summer months the dollars spent on heating the home is switched to cooling the home. A small percentage goes to powering appliances and electronics. We use natural gas as a single heat source and all of my appliances are electric including the stove, washer, and dryer. I am very conscious about energy conservation in the home. We adjust the thermostat by lowering it in the winter to 68 and raising it in the summer to 78 by day and 60 and 82 during the evening. We change the furnace filter every 3 months and unplug TV’s, cell phone charges, computers, electronics, toaster, microwave, radios when we are not in the home. All lighting sources in the home are now equipped with compact fluorescent lamps vs the traditional light bulbs. Using the fluorescent lamps, we even use a lower wattage than the traditional bulb. Lights are turned off in rooms not...
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...1769. Steam engines worked like this. The water in a holding tank would be heated up and pressure would build in the tank. Once the water pressure was built up high enough the pressure was released to make power and propel the vehicle. Some examples of steam powered vehicles are Trains, ships, and cars. There were ups and downs for this type of engine though. On the up side of steam power it’s has the ability to convert raw heat into mechanical work. Also steam engines burn fuel cleanly and efficiently, with relatively little pollution. One down fall to the steam engine is, the engine would loss pressure and you would have to stop and let the pressure rebuild itself before you could move on. Without steam engines being invented, nuclear engines probably would not have been invented. The gasoline engine is a engine that is ran off of gas. The gas gets sprayed into a cylinder and mixed with air. When that happens a spark is ignited and makes a explosion in the cylinder. This makes the piston move up and down at a very high speed. The piston is connected to a crank shaft and that is connected to a transmission. The transmission will turn a drive shaft and that will make your car move. This was a improvement over the steam engine. There was not any more stop and wait for the pressure to build. This kept you moving for longer periods of time. This also gave you a lot more power and speed. The downfall to this is the pollution that is given off from these engines...
Words: 539 - Pages: 3
...Figure 1.1 shows production of electricity in Pakistan by different sources. 29.9% electricity is produced by hydro power plants, 35.2% from oil, 5.8% from nuclear, 29% from natural gas and 1% from other resources. It is widely admitted by all parties that Pakistan is entering a period where energy demand is exceeding readily available supply. Electricity supplies are already falling behind demand during peak periods which is leading to rolling blackouts. Pakistan is currently facing a serious energy crisis. Despite solid economic development during the past decade and consequent rising demand for energy, no worthwhile steps have been taken to install new capacity for generation of the required energy sources. Now, the demand exceeds supply...
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