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Submitted By ANDREWMOSLEY1234
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OLS and eCampus Scavenger Hunt
Question 1
What tab or link do you click on the student website to access course materials?
Click the Classroom tab, and then click the Materials link.
Question 2
What tab do you click to get to the University of Phoenix Library?
Question 3
What document do you use to find out what assignments are due in your class?
Question 4
Click the Library tab, and then click the University Library link. Scroll down to view the Library Resources. What are the databases listed in General Resources?
EBSCOHost and ProQuest®
Question 5
What tab would you click to access the Center for Writing Excellence?
Question 6
What tab would you click to access your account information, such as your profile, password, and address?
Question 7
Click the Library tab, and then click the Center for Writing Excellence link. Which of the following is an automated review service providing feedback on basic grammar and usage? Hint: Scroll down to see the types of review services.
Tutorials and Guides
Question 8
How do you access the Main class forum in OLS?
Click the Materials link.
Question 9
What OLS forum is a private place for you to communicate with your facilitator?
Question 10
What icon shows next to messages posted by your facilitator?
Graduation cap
Question 11
What icon shows next to the messages posted by you?
Question 12
What is the phone number to contact University of Phoenix Student Technical Support? Hint: Scroll down to Contact Us at the bottom of the student website. Click Report a Problem, and then click Email Technical Support.

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Wind Turbines

...Wind Turbine San Jose State University, Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering E10 Introduction to Engineering By Justin DeCastro, Cari Geldreich, Hugo Quiroz, and Ashley Mishra March 24, 2011 Professor Athanasiou Section 6 Project Summary The project that was assigned in lab was the wind turbine lab. The objective of this lab was to develop and construct a wind turbine that would create enough energy to conduct electricity. The goal of the assignment was to construct the most creative and stable structure so that it would withstand high winds. After constructing the turbine, which was 17 inches high and weight 255 grams, the next task was to test its stiffness using various amounts of weights and to look for the displacement. The maximum amount of displacement by the turbine was 4.81 mm. After finding out how stiff the turbine was, the next task was to measure the amount of power the turbine generated. The turbine worked quite well except for the fact that the blade broke within the first few minutes. The blade speed started out with 9703 RPM and went down to as low as 6000RPM when it had 6 light bulbs on. The turbine successfully completed all the objectives with ease. The only thing that it could’ve done better in was the stiffness test because it displaced more weight than it needed to. Table of Contents Introduction pg. 4 Turbine Structure Design Structure & Blade Design pg. 5 Structure & Blade Construction pg. 6 ...

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Free Essay

Wind Turbines

...that we can use. Wind, water, sun and geothermal heat are a few that are readily available for use. However, we have to think of the pros and cons and the human interaction that comes with all four of these. Some of the pros and cons are the same with these, although from here-in there will only be talk of wind power and the good and bad sides to using it. Wind power is a totally renewable resource. Since, there is wind all over the world turbines could go up anywhere, on land and in the sea. The pros to putting wind turbines are that they are green. They do not produce any radiation or other type of pollution that can affect the local area. Efficiency always comes in to play when planning something that big and they are very efficient, both with space and what they provide. Some of the largest turbines offer power to generate enough watts for 600 homes; they also can protect against power outages, whereas telephone poles cannot since they can get knocked down more easy, for example in an ice storm. Wind power has been around since the early 1800’s when it was used to power water pumps to get water out of wells to go to farming. And, besides, once the structure is up and running and paid for the power is, for the most part, free. With the pros stated, now it is time for the cons to be gone over. Since the biggest part of a wind turbine is the wind, it can be hard to say where and for how long a certain place it going to be windy for. There could be a lot if wind one day and none...

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