...have, and not everyone will live as long as they will live. As Richard Skolnik, the author of Global Health 101, puts it, “Life expectancy has improved in all regions of the world since 1990, but at a slower pace in Sub-Saharan Africa than elsewhere (44).” If this does not touch your heart then I do not know what will. Just knowing that any region of the world’s life expectancy has declined over time is enough to make me wonder what can be done to turn it around. But in order to propose...
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...ABSTRACT Shards of Memories, Fragments of Sorrows: Mothertongue Transforming Spaces Occupied by Women in South Africa through Theatre This paper sets out to explore how processes of theatre making employed by The Mothertongue project, provide spaces for women to remap their personal narratives. Mothertongue works from the premise that the development and subsequent performance of stories in theatrical processes affords women the opportunity to re-write and remap their personal narratives and in so doing insert their voices into the landscape of South African Theatre. In an attempt to redress the gender imbalances and androcentricism prevalent in post-apartheid theatre, this paper speaks to the relationship between theatre, liminality and communitas. I am interested in unpacking how collaborative processes of theatre-making provide spaces for women to remap their personal narratives. Remapping in this instance refers to processes of transforming lived experience through story. I address how, through engaging in ritual activities that are central to the stories performed, actors, audiences and the owners of the source stories are invited to physically participate in remapping and transforming lived experience. Linked to this is the choice of form(s) and how this affects or impacts on the performed stories as well as on the construction of performed rituals and ultimately on the processes of remapping personal narratives. I focus specifically on Mothertongue’s 2004...
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...because it’s a loyal action, and that action can change people’s point of view on you. The novel, A Long Walk To Water tells the story of Salva and Nya, teenagers living in South Sudan that have to struggle each day with their own issues. Nya has to walk 12 hours a day just to get water from a local source, and when Salva got more mature he helped out those people living there. He and his coworkers went down to Nya’s area of the country and they built a well. Another example, is the article, “In South Africa, volunteers deliver water to ease drought emergency.” There was a drought two years ago in South Africa, and government officials sent down trucks of water...
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...SGES212 TAKE HOME ASSIGNMENT: “WHAT HAS SOUTH AFRICA DONE TO ACHIEVE THE MDG’S?” INTRODUCTION The Millennium Development Goals are set by the United Nations to be achieved by South Africa. Important global partnerships for development were formed, to ensure productive work for all, commitment, good governance and poverty eradication. Most importantly, “What has South Africa done to achieve the MDG’s?” GOAL 1 – TO ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY In South Africa the severity of poverty has been reduced since 2002. Malnutrition amongst under 5 year olds had a decline from 88971 cases in 2001 to 30082 in 2005. Households with access to clean water increase from 60% in 1995 to 85% in 2003. By December 2004 10 million people had access to clean water. Access to sanitation increased from 49% to 63% in 2003. 2.4 million housing subsidies were approved and 1.74 million housing units were built by 2005. NERICA (New Rice for Africa) allowed farmers to feed their own families and sell their crops to earn a living, thus becoming self sustaining. GOAL 2 – TO ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL PRIMARY EDUCATION Education in South Africa has the single largest budget item, approximately R95 billion. An increase in enrolment from 15000 to 280000 in primary level, over 98% of 7 to 13 year olds attended primary institutions. 15 to 24 year old illiterate decreased from 14% to 10 % in 2006. A world food programme was initiated to provide school lunch thus encouraging children to go to school and receive a nutritious...
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...Health Inquiry, Global Health Inequities Introduction: The Millennium Development Goals (or MDG) are a set of 8 goals set by the world’s nations in hope of reducing poverty by 2015. These 8 goals address poverty, education, equality, disease and the environment. Each goal has a targets and indicators we are aiming to achieve by 2015. The purpose of this report is to report on the history, objectives and constitution of the MDG’s and the success and effectiveness of the MDGs. History of MDGs: In the 1990’s the United Nation (UN) member states went through a historically extraordinary UN press conference process. This conference was aimed at building consensus on development priorities for the 21st century. However, at the end of the 1990’s the governments of the conference experienced conference fatigue and feared the process launched by the conferences was losing steam. In September 2000 in New York there was a large gathering of world leaders called the Millennium Summit. This was the largest gathering of world leaders in history including 189 UN member-states. At the Millennium Summit the United Nation Millennium Declaration was adopted as a result of a series of global conferences held during the 1990’s. The UN saw the Millennium Summit as an opportunity to bring back the development of priorities for the 21st century. It was at this Millennium Summit that the Millennium Declaration set in motion a global partnership and was signed by 147 heads of states....
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...comes to today's society, women have fought very hard in order to be recognized. Back in the 1900s it was very hard for women to be who they wanted to be without being told how to act or what they had to do and also being told no with many things. The men seen us as home workers as well as baby makers. Women were not allowed to voice their opinions, and they also were not allowed to vote. It felt like they were in prison. Women started to gain their own sense of independence and being when the social movements captivated them. The three social movements that have changed the women would be education and literacy, marriage and reproduction, and also woman and the work and economic life. All of these aspects have given women the empowerment that they were deprived from back in the day. This helps to make women stronger, as we are not told what we can and can't do. Literacy and Education When it comes to women's education as well as the ability to further their degrees, this was always a huge factor of independence. The education seems to raise as the age of women want to start bearing children and also when they restrict their fertility over the course of their life. The first step is basic literacy. There are large portions of the world that can not read. The countries also vary a very great deal on how they educate their populations, and there is a significant amount of difference when it comes to men and women with education. There are many women that feel if they higher...
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...Economic Commission for Africa The Millennium Development Goals in Africa: Progress and Challenges Economic Commission for Africa The Millennium Development Goals in Africa: Progress and Challenges August 2005 © 2005. Economic Commission for Africa Material from this publication may be freely quoted or reprinted. Acknowledgment is requested, together with a copy of the publication. The views expressed are those of the original authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the United Nations. Project coordinator: Adrian Gauci Editorial coordination: Cristina Müller Team: Abebe Shimeles, Workie Mitiku, Vanessa Steinmayer, Reto Thoenen This report was produced with guidance and input from Augustin Fosu, Director of the Economic and Social Policy Division of the ECA. It benefited greatly from the revisions of Bartholomew Armah and Kwabia Boateng. Special thanks to Lorna Davidson for the final editing, to Akwe Amosu for her valuable input, and to Seifu Dagnachew and Teshome Yohannes for creative and efficient lay-out and production. The report was designed by the ECA Communication Team and printed by the Documents Reproduction and Distribution Unit, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Photo credits (left to right): Front cover- R. Zurba/USAID, J. Dunlop/USAID, R. Zurba/USAID, M. Crozet/ILO. Back cover- J. Maillard/ILO, T. Brunette/USAID, I. Getachew/UNICEF. Table of Contents Acronyms .....................................................................
Words: 12663 - Pages: 51
...report has been prepared as input to the 2012 World Water Week and its Special Focus on Water and Food Security. Feeding a Thirsty World Challenges and Opportunities for a Water and Food Secure Future RepORT 31 Copyright © 2012, Stockholm International Water Institute, SIWI ISBN: 978-91-978846-5-5 ISSN: 1404-2134 How to Cite: Jägerskog, A., Jønch Clausen, T. (eds.) 2012. Feeding a Thirsty World – Challenges and Opportunities for a Water and Food Secure Future. Report Nr. 31. SIWI, Stockholm. Cover photo: iStockphoto Design by Britt-Louise Andersson and Elin Ingblom, SIWI Printing by Elanders, Mölnlycke, Sweden. The printing process has been certified according to the Nordic Swan label for environmental quality. For electronic versions of this and other SIWI publications, visit www.siwi.org. Feeding a Thirsty World Challenges and Opportunities for a Water and Food Secure Future Note to the Reader Today, in 2012, nearly one billion people still suffer from hunger and malnourishment, in spite of the fact that food production has been steadily increasing on a per capita basis for decades. Producing food to feed everyone well, including the 2 billion additional people expected to populate the planet by mid-century, will place greater pressure on available water and land resources. This report provides input into the discussions at the 2012 World Water Week in Stockholm, which is held under the theme of Water and Food Security, and was edited by Anders Jägerskog...
Words: 19153 - Pages: 77
...Discuss the assertion that disasters in Africa occur when hazards and vulnerability meet. Disasters are adverse or unfortunate events especially sudden and extraordinary misfortunes or calamities. Inhabitants of sub-Saharan Africa are threatened by natural disasters. This has led to consequences like poverty and disease (World Risk Report 2013). The assertion that disasters in Africa occur when hazards and vulnerability meet is true. Disasters in Africa tend to affect the vulnerable. Natural disasters occurring in African countries undermine the economic survival of poor communities. Many populations in countries throughout the continent have suffered under the impact of such hazards, which have killed thousands and caused injuries to many others. Mainly it is the vulnerable groups of people and their locations that are exposed to risk of these disasters. It is of paramount importance to note that these disasters can be natural or man-made. It is the scope of this paper to deliberate if disasters in Africa really occur when hazards and vulnerability meet or not. Increasing disaster threats not only reflect the onset of events such as earthquakes or floods, but also the changing demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the population. A large, violent tornado, for instance, passing through an open field presents little danger. On the other hand, a relatively weak tornado can pose significant risks to human life and can result in great economic losses in densely populated...
Words: 3436 - Pages: 14
...people did not believe in ownership of land. Some eastern woodlands people used their women to do the farming. Woodland Indians used the resources of their environment intelligently. The entire population was involved in gathering, growing, and hunting for food, although work was generally divided along gender lines. Men were hunters, fishers, warriors, and toolmakers, while women managed the household, made mats, pots, baskets and clothing, and preserved hides. Women were also the botanists and farmers. In between and around the rest of their duties, they raised the children. Just as in our society today, most Woodland Indian women were working mothers. Generally speaking, men and women in Eastern Woodland Indian society did not spend much of the day together, men did not expect to control women, and both genders were respected for the contributions they made to the sustenance of the entire community. What was the Treaty of Tordisillas and what does this have to do with the Pope? Treaty of Tordesillas , 1494, agreement signed at Tordesillas, Spain, by which Spain and Portugal divided the non-Christian world into two zones of influence. In principle the treaty followed the papal bull issued in 1493 by Pope Alexander VI, which fixed the demarcation line along a circle passing 100 leagues W of the Cape Verde Islands and through the two poles. This division gave the entire New World to Spain and Africa and India to Portugal. However, the Treaty of Tordesillas shifted the demarcation...
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...Report The piece of work I have chosen to analyze is an ancient West African water vessel, which is part of the University of Iowa Museum of Art’s collection currently featured in the Richey Ballroom. Because the piece is ancient and pottery has, until very recently, been held in very low esteem in comparison to other mediums the artist is unknown. The piece is approximately a foot in height; the diameter of the body of the piece is six inches tapering off to about an inch at the neck before flaring out at the lip. This vessel like many other vessels created in West Africa is earthenware. The piece itself though simplistic is very interesting to look at and demonstrates a multitude of ceramic elements and principles. The form...
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...Aneka-Sierra Johnson HIS 103 Dr. Tameka Hobbs 22 January 2013 Chapter Summary for Chapter 1 – “Africa” Summary: This chapter describes how Africa was basically the birth place of humanity and its geographical features. The chapter states that Africa is the second largest continent in the world (Asia is the largest).It describes where the Africans originated and how they evolved over time. Also it gives a generally understanding of how the Africans ran there countries.IT gives a brief description of what they did to survive and how things where in there time. The Chapter also explains why African civilizations are important. Key Points: Paleoanthropologists –scientist who studies the evolution and pre-history of humans- these scientist are a key part to understanding the early state of African humanity because of their research it is concluded that all people today are decent of Africa. They also believe that Ardipitecines which are creatures that walked upright, evolved from Ardipitecines to Homo habilis The Earliest civilization in Africa and one of the two earliest in the world history is that of ancient Egypt which stared in the Nile River valley. The other of the two is Mesopotamian civilization. In both of these civilization hunting and gathering “gave way’ to the agriculture. Which lead them to become hierarchical and specialized. Sudan Ghana was the first known kingdom in western Sudan. It was established by the Soninke people in the area in the contemporary...
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...wfo-oma.com/women-in-agriculture/articles/the-role-of-rural-women-in-agriculture.html Written by Saquina Mucavele, MuGeDe - Women, Gender and Development, Republic of Mozambique - Southern Africa "When women are empowered and can claim their rights and access to land, leadership, opportunities and choices, economies grow, food security is enhanced and prospects are improved for current and future generations", Michelle Bachelet - Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women Women are the backbone of the development of rural and national economies. They comprise 43% of the world’s agricultural labor force, which rises to 70% in some countries. In Africa, 80% of the agricultural production comes from small farmers, who are mostly rural women. Women comprise the largest percentage of the workforce in the agricultural sector, but do not have access and control over all land and productive resources. During the last ten years, many African countries have adopted new land laws in order to strengthen women’s land ownership rights. This has helped improve the situation of rural women. To this effect, the lack of appreciation of the role of rural women in agriculture is harmful and gives rise to a lack of specific policies, policies which are misdirected, high levels of poverty, illiteracy and non-involvement in the design and planning of programs and policies, which involves a process of mutual learning that reflects the real and specific needs of rural women. Despite...
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...statement from the Africa Progress Panel (APP) reads that “they can either invest their natural resource revenue in people to generate jobs and opportunities for millions in present and future generations or they can squander this opportunity, allowing jobless growth and inequality to take root.” Further, the survey says that “in many African countries, natural resource revenues are widening the gap between rich and poor. Although much has been achieved, a decade of highly impressive growth has not brought comparable improvements in health, education and nutrition.” (Kanyesighye, 2013). Rwanda’s government is urged to improve its governance in order to manage its economic and developmental strategy. According to Challenges for Generating Political and Economic Development (2007), political development requires the recognition of individuals, regardless of their ethnic, religion, gender, or social status, and for them to exercise agency in order to achieve democracy and empowerment. Poor countries need to be able to make policy decisions of their own and must be shielded from the pressures of powerful international institutions. This statement highlights one of the deals, which cost the Democratic Republic of the Congo over US$1.3 billion in revenues because of the undervaluation of assets and sale to foreign investors (Kanyesighye, 2013). Politician Machel claims that if its recommendations (improving governance) are taken, “more kids will go to school, fewer women will die in child...
Words: 1559 - Pages: 7
...Write a research paper on Poverty in Africa. Describe how/in what way it is such a big problem in the world, possible causes and possible solutions in which you think these problems can be solved. Contents Abstract 3 Introduction: 4 Overview of poverty in Africa: 4 Facts about poverty in Africa: 5 Graph: 6 Causes of poverty in Africa: 7 1. Corruption and Poor Governance: 7 a) Unbalanced Economic Systems: 7 2. Environment: 8 3. Poor Utilization of Land: 8 4. Increase in Population: 9 5. Diseases and poor health facilities: 10 Solutions to overcome poverty: 10 1. Overcoming government failure: 10 2. Education: 11 3. Population control 11 4. Focus on agriculture: 12 5. Other possible solutions: 12 References: 13 Abstract This paper will provide a deep insight into the problems of poor people and their causes of poverty. Other than that solutions to their issues regarding the government and basic necessities of live will be focused upon. The deprivation of services for the poor is another noticeable point in the paper. Introduction: Poor people are poor because of many reasons, but they remain poor because market and government does not support them. When capital markets fail, youth is unable to get loans to finance their education, they are not capable of maintaining their health and most importantly the government is unable to provide them with basic services and necessities like water, clothing and food. To protect the...
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