...In the book “Anthem” by Ayn Rand. Men and women are bound to one another, and pushed to believe that they are useless, unless they work. Their government makes them work as a group, and there is no individualism. Men after the age of twenty, and women after the age of eighteen; are sent to the house of mating. This only happens once a year, during the spring. Therefore, the women having the baby somewhere around winter. The men are assigned women to mate with, and afterwards neither of them get to see the baby. The baby is then placed in the home of the infants, where they stay there until the age of five. Then, they are placed in the home of the students. This is when they go to school, and learn what they are supposed to learn. At the age...
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...Anthem: A Mind above them all Ayn Rand's Anthem is the story of a human in discovering personal growth and what he is inside and a quest for something he has never sought for before. Our protagonist equality struggles to find meaning in this life and understands his own unique nature. The only issue is the dystopian society, he lives in, they produce rules and control everyone’s lives within the society. An equality was always different than others and ended up breaking the rules that were bound to set him and his mind and chains. Many rules were set, some that made no sense and provoked anyone from branching out to a different life than everyone else is living. The rules of equality society were made in order to make sure that all the...
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...ANTHEM In a time after mass destruction, when the world has ended up where it started, the idea that people are one and all and all in one is ingrained into their minds. They go through school at the exact same pace, all for their careers to be chosen for them by the council. In this society, no one stands for themselves, but they stand for each other, and are punished when they don’t do this. Throughout Ayn Rand’s novella Anthem, the protagonist Equality 7-2521 learns that it is not a sin to be an individual in the radical and strict society he lives in, which condemns individualism. He does this by seeking knowledge from the Unmentionable Times after realizing how powerful it can be, alluding to his individuality. Next, he breaks free from...
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...just like in the Soviet Union. In Ayn Rand’s story Anthem, there is a society ruled by a council where you have no sense of self. The main character, Equality 7-2521, suspected the Council of not being what they seem. He realizes later in the story that they are holding back advancements in their civilization on purpose. Many people think that something like this is much to horrific to ever happen. The problem with that argument is that history repeats itself. Anthem is a...
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...In Ayn Rand’s Anthem, people are indoctrinated in a utopian society, the oppressive dictatorship that society has been ruled by has never seen much hostility. This is about to change because people have free will and free thought. People have not known that life could be different. But one person, Equality 7-2521, wishes for himself instead of following the collective ideology. This frightens him at first so he hides his thoughts from others. He has heard stories of torture, and even witnessed this at the young age of 10, and reports of imprisonment at the Palace of Corrective Detention. Equality is a hero that discovers the glitch in the matrix. Being a coward is about to change, all because of free will. Living under an oppressive government is like living as a soulless, mindless robot....
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...A Sinful Society An act regarded as a serious or regrettable fault, offense, or omission defines a sin. Ayn Rand’s novel, Anthem describes the journey of Equality 7-2521 who retaliates against his collective and communist government. The idea of individualism does not correlate in a communist society that Equality lives in. However, he harms nobody within his society. Freedom and individualism should not be considered sins. Equality commits a sin when he discovers new ideas, commits multiple transgressions of preferences, and writes his actions down in his journal. Equality creates his own ideas and inventions and begins to realize how to become an individual within himself. He works alone in a tunnel he discovers for three hours each day and working alone defines a sin in their society. Ironically, with the name of Equality, he does not believe that everybody should be equal to one another. He believes this when he ponders, “The secrets of this earth are not for all men to see, but only for those who will seek them” (Rand, 52). Equality gathers items from the streets and other houses and takes them down to the secret tunnel continuously. He continues to do so due to the lack of yearning from all of his brothers to explore and discover. International discovered the tunnel with Equality but he did not want to return due to the consequences that would occur if they were caught. After he escapes the community and the Uncharted Forest, he discovers a house with his soon to be wife...
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...“We strive to be like our brother men, all men must be alike”(Rand 19). In Ayn Rand’s Anthem, the society lacks individualism. However in Equality’s case he constantly feels that “we were born with a curse. it has always driven us to thoughts which are forbidden”(18). Equality only feels that he is cursed because of the standards in the society. The true reason for the “sin” Equality committed was due to the pressure of collectivism from the society he lived in. Although the actions he committed were seen as a sin in his society, Equality has a correct moral assessment of these sins because of his self-individuality and egoism in his own pursuit of happiness. Equality has always stuck out among his brothers when it came to his wits. In...
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...Life Motivators It is often said that allowing other people to control the way one lives their life will hinder them from reaching their maximum potential. On the other hand, when one lives their own life they way they want to, unimaginable things happen and are achieved. One of the best ways to achieve unimaginable things is for one to find something that motivates them and drives them to be the absolute best person that they can be and to never let themselves do any less. The entire world would be a more amicable and surpassing place for everyone. Throughout the different scenes and obstacles that the novel’s hero experiences in Ayn Rand’s, Anthem, it shows that in order to be the best person one can be they have to find themselves and live life...
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...Anthem by Ayn Rand Author's Foreword |F.1 |This story was written in 1937. | |F.2 |I have edited it for this publication, but have confined the editing to its style; I have reworded some passages and cut | | |out some excessive language. No idea or incident was added or omitted; the theme, content and structure are untouched. The| | |story remains as it was. I have lifted its face, but not its spine or spirit; these did not need lifting. | |F.3 |Some of those who read the story when it was first written, told me that I was unfair to the ideals of collectivism; this | | |was not, they said, what collectivism preaches or intends; collectivists do not mean or advocate such things; nobody | | |advocates them. | |F.4 |I shall merely point out that the slogan "Production for use and not for profit" is now accepted by most men as | | |commonplace, and a commonplace stating a proper, desirable goal. If any intelligible meaning can be discerned in that | | |slogan at all, what is it, if not the idea that the motive of a man's work must be the needs of others, not his own need, | | |desire or gain? ...
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...Dorie Love-Ashby P. Elmore Composition II 1302-7420 5/25/11 FAULKNER Faulkner was born in 1897, to a genteel southern family. His father, Murry Cuthbert Falkner, was a railroad worker, owner of a cottonseed oil and ice plant, livery stable operator, hardware store employee, and secretary and business manager at University of Mississippi. His mother was Maud Butler Falkner. Falkner grew up and spent most of his life, off and on, in Oxford, Mississippi. He trained for the Royal Air Force in Canada, and later the British Royal Air Force during World War I, but the war was over before he saw action. After the war he briefly attended the University of Mississippi. He married Lida Estelle Oldham Franklin, June 20, 1929. The Faulkner works were greatly influenced by his family history. The area in which he lived had a great deal to do with his sense of the doleful position of Black and WhiteAmericans. This also influenced his sense of humor and is said to be the legacy of earlier writers like Mark Twain. Faulkner was best known for his novels, but he also wrote short stories, poetry and occasional screenplays.. Film versions have been made of several of his works: Sanctuary (1961), Intruder in the Dust (1949), The Sound and the Fury(1959), The Reivers (1969), and Pylon (1957; or Tarnished Angels). Others (Requiem for a Nun, 1951, and "Barn Burning") have been filmed for television. (Pierce, Constance, and Heller) Faulkner received the 1949 Nobel Prize for Literature for "his...
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