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Hatchet Research Paper

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In the event that I am lost within a remote forest, I would choose what I believe to be the five most important survival tools in order to survive. While it is important to have quality gear that makes survivability a breeze, ten days to survive on my own will not require high-end products such as a tactical watch. In fact, it is not the quality of gear that is important. Simplicity itself is key to survival without relying so much on technology any more than a flashlight. However, that is not to say, for example, a water canister with a purifier would not help; survival is mainly about living, but without relying on too many tools. Although there are numerous survival tools to aid in lasting for long periods of time in the midst of a forest, …show more content…
With a hatchet, numerous opportunities are possible, ranging from cutting down small branches to make a fire to making way of obstacles to reach an area. Not to mention, in the case of self defense, a hatchet is the most effective if there is nothing else to use. Of course, there is good reason as to why I chose this tool in particular. I recall reading a book titled, "Hatchet". Written by Gary Paulsen, "Hatchet" tales a young survivor of a plane crash, who lasted for months unheard, and missing. He found the hatchet from the plane that submerged under water, and from then on, it served to help him survive in the forest. The idea that a hatchet can have so many uses makes it a very valuable tool among other …show more content…
Similar to the material of a windbreaker, they are great as crudely made ponchos to protect clothes from rain, as well as keeping rain off of other items. In addition, they can actually make a good shelter. There is no worry of contractor bags breaking or being poked through, as they are meant to be resistant to tears. Finding an area where there is a deep depression in the ground or a suitably large tree would work. Larger contactor bags make better shelters due to their size, but even smaller contractor bags prove to be suitable as well. In everyday use, they are seen in large bins, normally within schools and work. For most areas, contractor bags are nothing more than a oversized trash bag for larger areas of common garbage. In the event of being lost within a forest, contractor bags can become the best unusual tool when one will need it the most. A single bag is

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