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That Gives Me Anxiety Analysis

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Many people don’t think of the actual meaning of anxiety when they say: “That gives me anxiety” or “That triggers my OCD”. Anxiety and OCD, as I have found, isn’t a momentary disturbance that passes in a minute and it isn’t being bothered by a slightly asymmetric scene. Anxiety is feeling a rush of worry come over you at the most random of times, it’s not being able to sleep because you didn’t flip the light switch enough times to feel comfortable. I have always had anxiety, but in eighth grade it became increasingly worse. A few days ago my dad told me fear is being afraid of a spider. If you walk into a room and see the spider you can do one of two things: Fight it or run from it, both of which will solve that momentary spike of fear. Anxiety, however, is like walking into a room and knowing the spider is somewhere, but you can’t see it. In that moment, there is nothing you can do, but sit and worry. Since eighth grade, it feels like I’ve been sitting and worrying about everything, especially about things that I am, in no way, in control of. Even though I can suppress my worries most of the time, I can fall into a panic attack at the mention of certain words or ideas. …show more content…
So, I lie awake and preoccupy myself with a calming show or funny Youtube videos until my racing heart slows down and my train of thought pulls in to the station. My sleep pattern is also hindered by my constant need to get up and check everything. Did I check the light switch? Is my window closed? Is my window locked? Did I leave the water running in the bathroom? Are all the hallway doors shut? Are my hands clean enough? I find myself asking these questions every night before I go to sleep and the answer is almost always

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