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Anaesthetic Induction Case Study

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The aim of this document is to reflect about a critical incident that happenned during my practice as an anaesthetic nurse trainee, based on the Gibbs reflective model (1988), which is the model that suits better in health-care settings. This critical incident fits perfectly on the description made by Benner (1984) in a way that promotes the nursing care with a substancially difference on the patient outcome. In accordance with the 2015 Nursing and Midwifery Council, confidentiality has been maintained with the use of pseudonyms.


This scenario referes to a 27 years old female patient, who required surgery for multiple teeth extraction under general anaesthesia. On arrival, Mrs. Jo asked for all the needles …show more content…
Tom on the morning team brief, which was informed during the pre-assessment by Mrs. Jo. Mr. Tom took charge of the situation speaking with Mrs. Jo calmly and explaining the steps of an anaesthetic induction and the options she could have. After a long dialogue and discussed the best strategies in order to proceed with the anaesthetic induction, we then went through all the safety checks for a surgical procedure and attached the monitoring necessary. The venopuncture was done normally, with Mrs. Jo beeing distracted by me during the procedure and also with the use of local anaesthetic to numb the venopuncture site. The cannula was inserted sucssessfuly with no significant changes on Mrs. Jo's vital signs, and the anaesthetic induction occured without any incident. A team de-brief was done in the end of the day, where it was pointed Mrs. Jo's situation and the reasons for failure in communication, with Mr. Tom assuming is …show more content…
The way I aborded and treated this critical incident supported by some bibliography, seems to me the right direction for a future practice, despite my limited experience. Perhaps in a near future, I will try to get more involved with the pre-assessment of patients in order to understand how suitable are they for surgery and address to the multidisciplinary team any information that has been not identified. During team-briefs I will try to guide the rest of the team in the direction and importance of patients feelings, getting them to collect more detailled information in regards to it, and avoid unexpected scenarios. Communication revealed an area where improvements should be done and strategies should be taken and discussed with the multidisplinary team during the morning team briefs. In the end of the day, team de-briefs should be promoted, stating the positive and negative aspects with a respective action plan for improvement.


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