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Jon Jones Case Study

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Jon Jones Faces Stipulations Following Probation Violation

Following his recent verbal exchange with a police officer for pulling him over on accusations of drag racing, Jon Jones was slapped with stipulations for his ongoing probation stemming from a hit and run accident last year. Jones has to attend anger management courses, take a driver improvement course and perform an additional 60 hours of community service to what he has already served. The Bernalillo County District Attorney recommended the stipulations, including a 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. curfew that was argued against by Jones’ legal team and shot down by judge Michael E. Martinez. However, Martinez did warn Jones that “it won’t go well for you” if he saw Jones in his courtroom again …show more content…
"I couldn't tell you a single restaurant I remember eating at,” Mir said. “I even called over James and said 'do you remember where we ate?' I have to try to write down all the different places we went. And even if I could figure it out; let's say somehow someone could document where I went. You're telling me USADA is gonna go down, and, on my behalf, try to test all the different meats to see if, well, you know, kangaroos are wild and this guy wanted to beef em' up, so he bought something that was very abundant - the studying that I did - the oral turinabol, could be bought in powdered form.

That you could put it on the food and you bulk up your livestock, and then you could sell it into the stores because now you get more bang for your buck, because an animal that takes two years to reach maturity, you know, muscle weight, now in four months, he's bigger than he's ever gonna be and you slaughter him. It's a common practice. I don't know, I'm not even pointing the finger anyone, I'm just saying there's so many loopholes for me to sit there and go 'where did it come from?' Hell man, I don't know, I really don't. All I know is that I didn't willingly take

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