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Spanish Settlement Analysis

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Landon Allen- Id#800899473
San Juan Spanish settlement
AMST 3000-004
September 29, 2017
Word count: 1165
As I was watching the videos on the Spanish settlement in Morganton NC, the narrator who opened the video said that must information people have is that of early English settlements like Jamestown, Roanoke colony, and others. And that’s just as far as their insight on some of the beginning settlements go, I know in my case I was the same way my knowledge on native American life had no depth to it. So, watching these videos opened my eyes on how big of a role Spain played, and it blew my mind that we had so much of it here in North Carolina. What also fascinates me is the amount of work that has been done to uncover the artifacts that were …show more content…
As the villagers guided and taught the Spanish their way of building houses, one special trick was to build the homes over a pit, to help defend from a surprise attack. In return for the tips, the Spaniards taught the Indians how to use tools such as wedges to cut notches in wood, along with other Spanish tools. I think its interesting how they put their cultures tricks and skills …show more content…
This Fort was one of six that were built along the Carolinas to Tennessee, it was the first and largest of the six forts built, although the great fort only lasted about 18 months before it was burned down. The discovery was made about a decade ago and like most great things was found on accident. The archeologist that found stumble about the Fort and its artifacts consisted of David Moore of Warren Wilson college, Robin Beck of the university of Oklahoma, and Christopher Rodning of Tulane University. The initial dig brought up a soil disturbance so the team x rayed the area which allowed them to outline what seemed to be a moat. The team continued to dig, the more they dug the more artifacts they would find, some belonging to soldiers who were stationed there at the time of the attack. Some of the items that they found were pieced of pottery, nails, iron hooks that were used to attack clothing together and armor the soldiers wore. Other supplies discovered at the berry site were 100 pounds of lead shot, 34 pounds of nails, and 135 pounds of lead, so it’s safe to say they had enough supplies to stand an attack just not the men. They were also able to locate where they believed the strong house which was what the military garrison was called, due to the

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