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Safe Sex Advertising

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There are many reasons in which I chose this ad. One it talks about a topic many people who have family members, live with this type does as well as contracted from being rapped, being born with it or many other ways. Starting from the late 1980’s safe sex has been promoted and celebrities for examples Easy- E died from Aids and Magic Johnson Is living with HIV and many others have openly spoken of the dangers of this disease and unprotected sex. This ad is extremely offensive because the lady is lying on the bed smiling and saying opening herself to harm and danger is like a day at the spa. . This ad sends the wrong message to the younger generation. It says STD is funny or a laughing matter. It also says it's okay to sleep with multiple people or to open yourself up to 20 guys at a time. It makes fun of the man or women who are currently planning their love one funeral by saying use condoms so tiny in the corner to …show more content…
There is no real purpose of this ad. You would associate this ad with a service. Normally in college or even on the street you would see papers like this saying we buy, sell and fix phones or pull one for tutoring services. This ad is saying I am free for anyone to call no matter where I am at. Not only that it’s a men's magazine so I am guessing they are trying to say the only way you can attract a man is by having a woman available for sexual favors . It is offensive because on newsstands a little five year old boy can see this and think that’s what women are supposed to be like. Their bodies should show and their numbers should be the easiest thing to get. It shows women in a less respected light. This ad is also offensive because it looks as if she is walking nowhere. It doesn’t show her going to work, but maybe working the block and this is not how women should be viewed. There an old saying that says don’t look at me like a hungry dog and a piece of meat have some

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