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Lower Class Summary

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Minorities and the nations “lower class” are often labeled as blue color workers before they even choose their own career path. Author Jonathan Kozol quotes a student named Fortino who said: “You’re ghetto,” said Fortino, “so we send you to the factory” (185). This was Fortino’s response to a fellow classmate’s frustration at her inability to take an AP class to help her goal of going to college. Fortino responded with his own preconceived ideology of what he believed to be the forecasted career path for their financial standing in the community. Electives at their school are designed for lower paying jobs vs higher paying jobs. Instead of being given the opportunity to do advanced placement classes the students at the lower income school were …show more content…
Meritocracy is proven to not be a factor in this type of situation since the students in the lower class schools do not in actuality have an equal opportunity to advance their skill sets and education at the same level as the middle and upper class students; in this case even just based on their elective class options. This is just one of many factors contributing to the student’s future success, but an important one as preparation for college and the workforce effect the opportunities you will be afforded for the rest of your life.
A large misconception in the United States is that Democracy makes us all equal regardless of your economic status. In the article “Class in America” by Author Gregory Mantsios “Class really doesn’t matter in the United States. Whatever differences do exist in economic standing, they are—for the most part – irrelevant” (379). If this were indeed the case why would we have 80% of the population sharing such a small percentage of the nation’s wealth at just over 10%? Class matters because depending on which class you fit into it affords you access to resources that otherwise may not be attainable, which in turn increase your success and quality of life. Financial wealth enables you to live a

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