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The New Girl


Submitted By maxogfelix
Words 373
Pages 2
The new girl
The new girl is a short story written by the author … The story starts out in prospect street a lower middle class white neighborhood where we hear of the two kids, the narrator at the age of eight and Allison at the age of ten.
One day while riding their bikes on a warm sunny day they spot the new girl, the new girl just moved in with her family, the new family is of African American heritage. The narrator is the first one to see the new girl and greets her with kindness by smiling, the new girl positively responds by smiling back at him to. Allison refuses greet the new girl and says “get out of here nigger”
Allison has this attitude towards the new girl because her mother has convinced her that black people are stupid and should not be allowed in the house because “niggers” will destroy it
At first the narrator seems to like the girl and wants to get to know her because him Allison are the only two kids in the neighborhood, but when Allison starts to show this hatred towards the new girl he joins her and starts saying that niggers are stupid.
Firstly, the boy seems to like the girl, but after Allison shows of her hatred against her, he says that niggers are stupid. The black girl wants to play with them, but after Allison says she don’t play with niggers the little girl immediately rushes inside. However, she still watches them behind her curtains from inside the house. Even though it never was confirmed, the boy expected the girl’s mother to be mad at them and run after them, but she never did.
He still kept seeing the girl in front her house at many points, while he still lived on the street, but he never apologized to her or talked to her again.
The story ends with the boy thinking back on the day twenty years later. He haven’t spoken to Allison, since he moved away, but still he can’t forget what happened and he keep thinking the black

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