...Tom Brokaw believes that the World War Two generation, is the greatest genertion. In his book, he tells stories of magnificant bravery and determination this generation had, and the times of incredble hardships that this generation had to endure. This genertation was full of men and women willing to go above and beyond in order to serve their country in any way, shape or form they could, and their civil doings didnt stop their. They were people with great character willing to do anything needed to help others, and their country. Thomas Broderick was a premed student when the war started. He joined the Marines, where he had a private room, ate great food, and got a great pay. But alas, that wasnt enough service for Tom. he decided to quit and join the Airborne, which was one of the deadliest branches of the military. After Airborne training, his cptain offered him a sargent job, but he refused because he wanted to fight overseas. Only when he was fighting overseas he was shot in the tmple and he went blind . He returned home to his wife, where he started a insurance business and a family. he didnt let his blindness control his life. He was determined to succeed. From the beggining he wasnt the man to take the easy way out, he even wouldnt let his wife get handicap plates and refused to be handicapped. He did everything that a normal father and businessman would do. (p. 17-23) Many of the soldiers in the war dropped out of high school in order to fight for their country. This...
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...Over time, the roles of both men and women have changed slightly, but in a lot of cases they still remain the same. In the Odyssey one can see there are unquestionably different expectations for men versus women during this time period. To this day, there is little information on Homer himself. Even though there is not much information about the author himself, it is known that “The epic poem Odyssey focuses on the Greek character Odysseus and his ten year journey from Troy to Ithaca after the fall of Troy (Trojan war).”("Odyssey by Ancient Greek Poet Homer.") This story takes place directly after the Trojan War. The society is still recovering from the war and tragedy. Although gender expectations are true in the early years that the Odyssey...
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...1- According to Blackish Tv Show, Season 2 Episode 1 (The Word), This Episode shows that African American say the N word frequently. Therefore, they pass it on to their children unintentionally. In other words, they do not teach their kids that they should say it everywhere to everyone. But because they say it repeatedly, their generation learn it. However, the society think this word is offensive and should not be said in public. Also, this Episode demonstrates that African Americans do not accept this word from other racial/ethnics. At the end of this Episode, different generations have different views regarding this word. For example, Zoey's friends say the N word to her all the time and she never care about it as her dad. Because...
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...War Poetry Midterm People say the men and women who sacrificed their lives during the Second World War were the greatest generation in our history. However, my philosophy is that any man or women who devotes their life to the military and defends the freedom of others is the greatest person of their generation. Through the writing of war poetry the people who didn’t risk everything to defend our great country get to experience what war is like in a recount version from the people who were there. There are two types of people that will be reading this literature however, the people who would defend their country if called on, and the people who would sit on the sidelines behind a closed door to what is really happening. The U.S Military is the greatest fighting force the world has ever seen, like the British Army was during the seventeen hundreds. The U.S. Military holds as the supreme dominance since World War One. They fought back Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Hirohito, and the entire axis powers in World War Two. Many man fought communism in the forgotten war of Korea in the early nineteen fifties. The men who fought in Vietnam were a breed of their own they dealt with the Viet Cong, an insurgence group that was terrorizing the people of democratic South Vietnam. Vietnam and the poems from Carrying The Darkness would have shed some light on the people back home in the United States who didn’t understand what was going on. By the end of the Vietnam War nearly none...
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...this movement that makes reality clearer. Articles like “The End of Men” will obscure the public’s opinion because of how it presents women receiving college degrees and PhDs in numbers significantly higher than men. Yet due to the various articles I have read in class I do not believe that the United States will be able to achieve gender equality in twenty to thirty years. Women’s representation in higher positions is so low that it is very difficult to pass laws and change social ideas. There are also too many obvious prejudices that have not yet been fixed even due to decades of protesting, like the Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement took...
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...in enforcing ideas and laws within society that a particular gender or race has little or no value. Resilience is the ability of those oppressed to continue surviving after being compressed by such a powerful force. It is the oppressive forces of the majority group that have smothered minority groups (women and people of color) for hundreds of years and it is the resilience of those oppressed who continue to inspire change throughout history. Historical Oppressive Forces The Noel Hypothesis is a social learning theory that explains the development of a minority group. It suggest that if two or more groups come together characterized by a differential in power, ethnocentrism, and competition the result will be ethnic/racial stratification (Guadalupe lecture notes, 2008). This theory can also be used to explain the development of gender stratification as well. The majority group in relationship to this paper would be white males especially those who are wealthy and the minority groups, women and people of color. The act of oppressing a particular group begins with pointing out what is different and labeling those differences with negative attributes. Women and people of color were viewed as childlike and needing protection from the world and themselves. They were powerless and uneducated, and keeping...
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...Jews and Muslims have been fighting for the rights to the holy land for centuries and still currently are. Palestine, where the majority of the population is Muslim and Israel where most of the population is Jewish, have religious wars over the promised land Israel. Another main source of Muslim persecution is from different Muslims sects. The main one division being between the Shia and the Sunni and other small minority groups fighting among each other because of different religious beliefs and values. These separations are still in place today, and thousands of Muslims have died by the hands of other Muslims. Today, the U.S president has placed a temporary ban on immigrants, targeting predominantly Muslim countries proving Muslim discrimination is still alive and...
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...The Edenton Tea Party was organized by Penelope Barker, a marked patriot and leader among the women of Edenton, North Carolina. She knew full well that women who up to then were considered passive in political matters could, through purse strings and social connections, hold considerable power, Kerber 64. Being one of the wealthier citizens of the colony, Barker was in a better position to take the risks involved in organizing such a meeting. But she had intended to rally a large coalition of women — mothers, wives, daughters — who controlled household budgets and were buying tea, fabric, and other household staples. We would thus withhold from British imports the boon that kept Britain in control over us economically and rise up in revolt....
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...nuclear war. The media presents an artillery of people who look the same, white, male, strong, tall, tough: a soldier. And people who act the same, selfless, fighting for what is right, shooting before thinking. Country boy, rednecks, and boys who fathers served before them. Generation after generation of veterans fighting for their countries. Usually they begin as Captain America, strong, selfless and a message of freedom, then end up as a Walter, a hard,...
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...definition of feminism by two generation. Levy struggles to make sense the two generation mutually exclusive definition of feminism, what it means and what it should stand for. The feminist's movement of the 1960s and 1970s drew inspiration from the civil rights movement. It was made up mainly of members of the middle class, and thus partook of the spirit of rebellion that affected large segments of middle-class youth in the 1960s.Thee feminist movement of the 1960 fought for women liberation, they had series of campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, voting rights, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. The movement of this period fought to achieve women's civil liberty rights, eradication of gender discrimination at workplace and in education centers, eliminating discrimination in wages, sexual revolution, reproductive rights and subsequently, amending the laws pertaining to cater for women’s need. According to the book the 1960 feminist movement was a major advocate in pushing congress to pass the Equal Pay Act in 1963, which made it illegal to pay a man more money than a woman for doing the same job and the civil rights Act in 1964 that banned discrimination on basis of race, sex and religion. The act also made it illegal for businesses to reserve specific jobs for men or women and also for businesses to fire woman for getting pregnant. Organization such as the Nation Organization for women (NOW), National Association...
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...World War II Through the 1970’s Stephen Lundert Dr. Mel Albin HIS 105 Contemporary US History Strayer University 2 June 2013 This is the Baby Boom Generation. The period runs from the beginning of WWII thought the end of the 1960’s. The Vietnam War period was a very tumultuous period for the United States and a counterculture was created. This was also a period of great social unrest. The economic upturn that began at the end of WWII came to an end. The US participated in 3 wars; World War II, Korea, and Vietnam during this period. Women and minorities continued to make advances and even had some victories in the Civil Rights arena. There were several major tuning points that occurred during this time period but, I selected WWII and the Cold War because I believe they had the greatest impact. The first turning point to be discussed will be World War II. The war prompted a tremendous mobilization of America Resources, at a level not seen since the Civil War. The American Economy ramped up from that of the low-production Great Depression years to the most powerful economy in the world. The economy showed the most remarkable improvement, Wartime mobilization boosted production, increased demand for labor, and rescues the economy from the depression. World War II initiated the most significant federal management of the economy in American history. When the war began, President Roosevelt implemented the War Production Board (WPB) to steer the economy into...
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...Millions lives have been lost protecting the nation and fighting for many things that are taken for granted today. Our generation has been blessed by, not one, but many different gifts. Many of the gifts can be described by one word, freedom. Freedom means that you can do things without restraint. Everyone is granted, without any objection, civil rights stated within the Constitution. America has blessed not just American citizens with its gift, it has blessed the other countries that we’ve help. Furthermore, everyone, not just the people of America, should be granted the pursuit of happiness, life, and liberty. Much of the American history is the nation fighting to defend something that’s important to the people. During the civil war...
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...Student's Name Instructor's Name Course Date The movie fight club Different peevish acts may accompany specific cultures that may at one point result to both good and bard aspects of the society. In addition, different authors and scholars have made it real to discuss such aspects of life in their productions to enhance a pass of information to the general public. David Fincher in his work on Fight Club film touches on social commentary as well as consumerist culture on feminization and how it influences masculinity as demonstrated hereinafter. Consumer culture provides the source to the grief and fight in the society. This political rebellion facilitates anger and fight among the characters. The values of advertisement are highly critiqued in the film with consideration of aspects such as wealth, power, beauty, and youth. As much as people could do jobs in the society to attain physical sustainability, they are no longer satisfied spiritually. The society continues to buy marketed goods to provide better feeling since they do not feel like there is sensible person to talk to about their grievances. Class isolation is another important aspect as per Fincher’s argument in the film. The character Jack suffers from lack of satisfaction as well as insomnia since he has no friend whom he can share his problems with. He could not get someone to share with openly the sad and dark-natured feelings. In addition, jack could not find reasons why he experience difficulties...
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...younger generations. It is our responsibility as parents to provide them with guidance and direction in choosing the correct technological learning tools, and managing the amount of time spent in front of video games. Although video games offer a broad array of opportunities for teaching and learning, there are equally as many games focused on violence and inappropriate behaviors. Children are easily influenced in today's society through what they see and hear, making video games a prime resource for how they are influenced. VIOLENCE Many of today's video games, especially suitable for young boys, focus their attention on violent acts, and whether it be through weapons, verbal abuse, or fighting. Young minds are easily molded through the violence in these games, leading them to believe that weapons and fighting are standard in today's society. In order to instill the most positive values in these young boys, parental guidance is necessary in controlling the video games to which children are exposed. Helping them to distinguish between reality and video games is a key responsibility of parents and guardians. INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR Most often going hand in hand with violent acts, today's video games are also infested with many forms of inappropriate behavior. It is not uncommon for young boys to observe scantily clad women representing many of today's celebrities . Often times with this sort of behavior in video games, many young boys may learn that disrespect towards women is accepted...
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...the exact numbers are difficult to assess, there is enough data to figure out the trends of human trafficking. Cambodia is a destination country for trafficking and Thailand is the main place trafficked victims go to. Cambodia also is the source many of the trafficked victims and is a canal of transportation for them as well. Vietnam shows to be the main source of trafficking victims into Cambodia and these girls and woman are imported to be sexually exploited. Along with going into the sex industry, women from Vietnam are also put to work in factories and used for domestic and agricultural labor in Cambodia. Trafficking domestically within Cambodia in regards to sexual exploitation is specifically common. In the early 1900s Cambodia was considered as a haven for sex tourism because at the time, soldiers being deployed created a market for the bodies of poor young women. Phnom Penh, Poipet, Koh Kong and the ill-reputed Svay Pak are some of the urban locations where the women and children of rural areas are brought to. Sometimes the young children are sold into prostitution by their poor parents while others are sold by trusted village members. International focus is given more to females however young boys from Cambodia also endure the tribulations of sex trafficking. It doesn’t take much to go and raid brothel under the suspicion of sex trafficking. This is...
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