...say that the youth of today is the driving force of tomorrow, Rizal even quoted that “The Youth is the hope of our future, but most of the adults nowadays call them the “lost generation”. Are today’s youth really a lost generation? Let’s face it, they may give them that label because it is true that young people are struggling in record numbers to find work, leave home, and start a family, according to a 2010 census figures recently released by the US Department of commerce United States Census Bureau. Today, I’d like to discuss the nature of the youth nowadays, the role of government in honing the youth of today, and if the youth can really make a difference. Today’s youth is a different generation to any of the youth generations that have gone before. Yes, there has always been a youth market, but the 21st century differs in both a neurological and emotional manner from previous youngsters. The radical shift has occurred most rapidly over the past decade, as technology continues to advance at an exceptional pace. These children live and exist in a digital dominion which they find as natural as the air they breathe. Well, it is true that young people are a crucial segment of our society; they are the basis for future development. Young people are social actors of change and can serve as a pressure group to lobby governments in defining their priorities. It has been clearly stressed that youth are not only the leaders of tomorrow, but the partners of today. Youth have some responsibilities...
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...At the end of a road there must have been a start, AMSU was my start. I am an AMSU lady, a leader of tomorrow. AMSU, depicted as the place of the start of my evolution; it has instilled in me a myriad of essential skills necessary for my success in the future. This is not only a school, it is my second home. If you know well enough you know that I basically do every type of activity at Ursula. That sense of motivation, to be well-rounded is what AMSU has taught me. It is because of what I have learned at AMSU that I will be succeed in college and much afterwards. What does it mean to be an AMSU lady you may ask yourself? Being an AMSU lady I believe derives from four core factors, being a women of academics, motivation, service, and unification....
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...Life is short and yet man spends it like a prodigal, as if it were eternal and he, immortal. Most of us do not understand the value of time, the most valuable gift from God. The waste of time we indulge in is really surprising. Most of us have not been taught or told how to value and use this treasure called time. The precious minutes which can be turned to excellent use are wasted away in thoughtless and purposeless activities. If man takes care of his minutes then the hours and days will take care of themselves. Time is more precious than money. Time is universal and eternal. We all grow in time, live in time and ultimately perish in time. Time may not be defined exactly, but we all know what it is and how valuable. Our life is a bubble, a short morning dream, brittle as glass and, therefore, we should take good care of it and make the best use. We all want fame, success, happiness, and prosperity but only a few are able to achieve this because only they make the best use of their time. Time and tide wait for none. They cannot be commanded. They are to be used in the best possible manner. We should be prepared to make the best use of an opportunity when offered. Time once lost can never be recovered. The flow of time is ceaseless and eternal and we all are like small, insignificant and helpless particles in this endless and continuous flow. Time is destiny. It is more powerful than the most powerful monarchs, princes, and rulers. These come and go but time is forever...
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...separating young men and woman could contribute to their studies. I strongly disagree with this statement that young men and women should attend separated schools. I say they should be educated in the same school to prepare them for society. School system all across the world should be coeducational. Now, it’s very important today that young men and women should have the some kind of knowledge of every aspect. Our schools are not only academic utensils but are utensils used to mode our educators of tomorrow. The purpose of the education is to teach them about the world outside the four walls of the class room which involves the opposite sex. The different opinion on subjects from classmates will help them develop the skills of listening and embraces others informational thoughts. Secondly, they encounter friendship with different genre of people by just communicating with them. As a youth they don’t even know their preparing for life outside the four walls of a classroom. They learn to communicate with the opposite sex as youth which is important in almost every workforce today. The coeducation method of regulating a school system basically prepares student to deal with all kinds of people. Once, the youth is taught in the same classrooms with the same teaching techniques, there will be no chance of partiality. If our young men and women are separated what are the chances that they will receive the same education and experiences in life? Now, learning...
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...Plato Holy Trinity- Socrates, Plato, Aristotle Socrates-Atheist and corrupt teacher 400 years before Christ birth he is found guilty and condemned to die Plato’s theory of forms Images/ Forms Ideas Concepts Images- Beautiful women, Concepts-of beaity will still be around Tintern abbey Comparison bw when he was young and now that is old He lost some things but also gained some things he is getting older and wiser Past to present to future Young and thoufghtkless youth when y9u are young you can enjoy nature withought thibnkibg abo9ut it too much Presence that disturbs me.. thoughts that transcend , a sense, sublime 110- when I am in nature I am closer to the essence that makes me human and when I come face to face with that understanding I am reminded of what really matters . from material things Speaks to young reader 114- If I didn’t think this way I would be lost You can live life depressed or hopeful Follow what I say in the poem Being around young ppl remind him of what he was like when he was young As you age you quickly forget what its like to be young You try to unlearn or forget what you were at that age that is why he likes to be with young people He wants to be able to hold on to what he was and remember what it is like because he relizes he is getting old 125- ppl are not born with happy moods, youre energy comes from nature if you fail to recognize that you suffer decay otherwise known as bad moods, unenthusiastic 132- All of life...
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...To what extent can global food production meet the demands of today and tomorrow whilst remaining sustainable and ethical? In the first half of this century, agriculture will have to face several challenges. Currently food production can meet the whole worlds population needs, except it is not distributed fairly. World population is expected to soar by 34% to reach 9.1 billion by 2050, with the entire 2.3 billion rises to take place in the developing countries. Furthermore, not only will population growth take place entirely in developing countries but also it will occur mostly in urban areas that will swell by 86% or nearly 3 billion people while rural populations shrink by 18%. The combined effect of population growth, high-income growth and urbanization, with the shifts in diet structures towards more nutritious and higher quality foods, is expected to result in almost the doubling of demand for food, feed and fibre. There could be a few solutions for these issues, but the question is asked if they are both sustainable and ethical. Because of this increase in demand, natural resources such as land, water and biodiversity, will become more and more scarce because of increasing pressures. This means that a smaller rural workforce will have to produce more and better from fewer resources to meet future demand. In addition to the growing resource scarcity, global agriculture will have to cope with the effects of climate change, notably higher temperatures, greater rainfall variability...
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... However, once the greatest of scientists had failed a large number of experiments, we had started to believe that we would never be able to clone humans. Now finally after many years of hard work and struggling, a baby boy was born today. His name is David Jonas and he is the first ever cloned human. The streets in front of the New York hospital are crowded with people shouting, singing and dancing. One whole avenue and 7 streets have been blocked from traffic coming in. The hospital is surrounded by police officers blocking any entrance. Dr Zavos had asked us, BBC, to join him inside just minutes after the boy was born. He had been allowed to attend to whole process of giving birth by a woman named Sarah. She had been appointed as the first woman to ever carry a cloned human due to her excellent health conditions and life style. We unfortunately weren't allowed in the room but we were told that she went through labour without much trouble or pain and she is in a stable situation. “Finally we can start moving on in the world. The numbers of infertility have increased enormously over the last 20 years. We were starting to run out of solutions and people were losing hope. This is one of the biggest advancements in technology and science today, of which we are going to profit for the rest of our life. This is the start of a new era.” said Dr Zavos. Not everyone seemed to agree with this however. In front of the hospital there was a group of people sitting on the ground, dressed...
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...dreams or there life and what they went through, so they were to say it in a story form. So they, meaning the kids would never forget there heritage. Therefore, when they became slaves they would sing songs and they would also make other things to remember there past to show there future. The first poem I chose was Silkworm on page.53 when reading the poem it made me think about love and how it was taken away from a lot of African Americans. In the first line it says “they made a fancy catch for a nightgown out of me”. When I first read this poem I, at first didn’t understand what the book was insinuating, but after reading that line about three times it made me think about the slaves and there body being taken advantage of and body being sold as if we were animals to be bought and used for pleasure. To look at this in a different way would be, were you are made to be someone else’s toy and to also not have a real purpose to have a say in anything. The second line of the poem that I would like to go more in depth is: “against her skin eager fingers fought each other to unhook me, like an unkind thought in a mans brain”. After reading this line I soon came to the conclusion of, a women being wrongfully touched. Even deeper then that would be that would be, having her childhood being taken away from her...
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...Criminal Justice Hector Centeno,Heidi Ann Hinrichs,William J. Klein-Rivera Janee McNeill Hawkins and Brenda Pina AJS 565 Dr. Duane Benton October 11, 2013 One of the most known programs today is the Anna Marie’s Alliance, which is a program that provides 24-hour emergency safe shelter for female victims of domestic violence and their children, to ensure their safety is and not compromised by domestic abuse. Anna Marie was a local Minnesota woman who was forced to raise four children as a single parent. Throughout the lives of her children, Anna Marie taught them the importance of community outreach and connection. Many problems could arise from these situations because women who want to desperately to seek shelter would find it more difficult and emotionally draining to find a safe place in which they could believe they can escape their current situation. Describe the overall program and the team’s goals According to the article, Domestic Violence by Furlow (2010), "Domestic violence is a neglected epidemic in the United States that affects millions of children and adults and leads to a sizable proportion of emergency department visits. Another set of authors, Eisenstat and Bancroft indicate that "Domestic abuse, or battering, is a pattern of psychological, economic, and sexual coercion of one partner in a relationship...
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...AWhy I became a teacher Doctors, lawyers, politicians, and engineers, how did they all get to where they are today? No matter the position someone may hold in society everyone has progressed to where they are in life because they had a teacher, someone who taught them in the way they should go. Teacher as defined in the dictionary as one who instructs. To teach someone is to communicate skills and give instruction. Everyone has gotten to where they are in life because they had a teacher. The lives most impacted by teachers are those of our children. Teaching makes a difference in children, because it gives them tools to help them be successful in the future. Our children are our future, and they need to be prepared for the future in order to be successful in the working world. The future of our communities and even our nation lies in the hands of our children. The quality of men and women we develop will impact the future of this nation. Therefore, I see teaching as one of the best ways I can help create a greater tomorrow for our great nation. I saw that the great teachers were good at explaining content, were patient, yet firm with students, were always fair, set high expectations, knew how to motivate us, and used humor appropriately. They were excellent communicators who had a command of the subject-matter content they taught. I wanted to be like them, to be able to do what they could do, and yet I understood that I would have to forge my own style of teaching that would...
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...apocalyptic setting that predicted the fate of the future. We fallen obsessed with these movies because of our endless curiosity about what the future holds. I for one watch apocalyptic films because each of them involve an interesting prediction of how our world will come to an end. Whether it be a zombie attack that infects everyone or if the water from the ocean wipe out civilization, each are caused by some sort of human involvement. Which is why these movies exist; to tell society that the end of the world will be inevitable and will be a result of human actions. These blockbuster movies like, Independence...
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...Personal Responsibility Being a responsible individual is necessary in order to succeed in life. Life is full of important choices and being responsible is one of the most important of them. Many things can alter our choices: friends, money, or life’s stresses can persuade you to make poor decisions. The dictionary defines personal responsibility as “taking responsibility for your actions, accepting the consequences that come from those actions and understanding that what you do impacts those around you”. In this essay I will explain my view points and experiences on the importance of having personal responsibility for one’s self. In life we have both positive and negative ways of going about doing any given task. We also have the choice as individuals as to when we decide to do or not do that task. As we grow and learn on a day to day basis, we are to be responsible for our actions. As a result, we will get positive or negative feedback from those around us. As we move forward in life we will most likely, but not in all cases, enjoy the positive feedback rather than the negative, and we will strive to do whatever it takes to continue getting it. We are personally responsible for what path we take in life and where it takes us. We can make it a hard, bumpy road full of thorn bushes that we have to walk though, feeling the pain that we have created, or we can be in an air-conditioned BMW, cruising on a smooth highway. We are the ones who are responsible for the outcome...
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...these inspired men and women. It is easy to see the times and trials these poets dealt with through their works, you could easily see the social, economic and cultural lifestyles they lived in. One of the historical poets I have had the opportunity of reading and learning about was Langston Hughes. His work sheds light on readers of today, on the social culture and ways of the early 1900’s to mid 1900’s. The unfortunate issue of slavery and inequality was very prevalent in the writings of Mr. Hughes. He wrote with a sense of the unfairness he was dealing with, as well as being a voice for those enduring the segregation as well. Only a few of his poems allowed us to see he had a hopeful side and would appear to write on day dream type things, like the sun and the rain. I wanted to point out on two particular poems that Hughes wrote, “Democracy” and “Let America be America Again”. In these poems many of the social indiscrepencies were obviously a huge factor in the way he felt. But as I read through these poems I could almost see a few similarities with the social issues of this present time. Although the segregation and separation was indeed more prevalent in the time of Hughes, the views he shares in these two poems are quite comparable to some of the views that society may very well have today. In let “America be America Again” Hughes says “I am the people, humble, hungry, mean---Hungry yet today despite the dream. He says also “beaten today---O Pioneers! I am the...
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...challenging examples of men and women who, by persevering self-study, planning, and hard work, achieved outstanding success in their chosen fields of endeavor. Sir Winston Churchill, one of the world's great leaders in the last quarter of a century, told a Boston audience some years ago: "I have no technical and no university education, and have just had to pick up a few things as I went along." He never stopped learning. Many of the greatest men in American history did not have the benefit of a formal college education, but they were, nevertheless, among the best educated men of their times. They were men who used their spare time, and every opportunity, to cultivate their minds - they were eager for knowledge, and forever kept on learning. They were self-educated. Robert Fulton, whose portraits were exhibited in the Royal Academy in London, England, never had even an ordinary education. Benjamin Franklin had only a few months of school attendance; Patrick Henry and Abraham Lincoln were self-educated. Mark Twain never went to school after the age of twelve, and yet he was one of the great writers and lecturers of his time and received honorary degrees from Yale and Oxford. And there are thousands more who have become famous without benefit of formal education. In our fast-moving modern world it is, however, wise to acquire as much formal education as possible while you are young. From now on it will be well-nigh impossible for our young men and women to...
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...Combat Medic, Leader, Mother, Wife: Characteristics of ME 17 June 2012 Introduction to Sociology: Sociology 211 Dr. L. Susan Williams Introduction and Definition of Key Terms What is status? In modern society, status is how society decides what pedestal to place you on. Society can also determine your status on your profession. Celebrities, teachers, doctors and lawyers are placed on a high pedestal and held to a higher standard. Garbage men are looked down on and sometimes not even held to a standard because of their profession. According to Witt (2011:103), status “is the social positions we occupy relative to others.” Status isn’t just what your profession may be. Being a woman, man, Caucasian, Asian, student, or gardener is a status. There are different types of status. A person can have an ascribed status, which is basically a status that a person is born with such as male/female or race. A person can also have an achieved status, which is a status that a person can change such as student, wife, or occupation. With each status that we hold, we also have roles to play. “A role is a set of expectations for people who occupy a given social position or status” (Witt 2011:105). For example, we expect teachers to be great with students and lawyers to know the law. Unfortunately, this is not always the truth. For the duration of this paper, I would like to share important ascribed and achieved statuses that I myself hold in society. Status and Roles ...
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