...violations, when this has occurred federal funding has been delayed and schools have had to pay considerable monetary damages as well as attorneys court cost. It should be noted the amendment nor the compliance standards did not specify pay for coaches of women's teams or the facilities for their athletes.Economically, the promise of Title IX has not been fully executed as women continue to earn 25 percent less than men over their entire careers regardless of their level of educational. Additionally, female athletes still trail behind males in scholarship opportunities even though there are currently over $1 million in scholarships for women at Division 1 schools. However, it has been estimated males receive $133 million more yearly in athletic scholarships. Another current widely publicized pay issue is that of the United States National Soccer teams. The National soccer teams were paid $35 million for the last men’s champions, and only $2 million for the women’s. The women's national team has put forth an effort to bring to the attention of society. They would like “ Equal pay for equal play.” Title IX...
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...Standards and expectations for leaders in many organizations are different for women than men. Why does it seem so difficult for women to advance to high-level leadership positions and have the same opportunities as men? Why is it so uncommon for a woman to be CEO? Are women compensated equally for doing the same job as their male counterparts? If a woman is older than 40 does she have as many opportunities as men the same age? Is there still gender discrimination occurring in the workplace? These are all questions to ponder, even now in the year 2011. There is much information available on women leaders and the impact they are having on the top ‘Fortune’ 1000 companies. The information is varied and there are some mixed messages about whether women are treated equal to their male counterparts and making progress. It does seem that diversity in the workplace is becoming more the norm and creating a shift to allow women more opportunities to develop their leadership skills and to compete for higher-level positions. Historically male dominated industries such as Engineering and Information Technology seem to be seeing more women managers. I believe that corporations that have diversity have more innovation and are more efficient as a result, so they should be more profitable. One of the top leading non-profit organizations is Catalyst, it was established in 1962 by Felice Schwartz to promote diversity and inclusion for women in the workplace (Wikipedia). According to the...
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...The Glass Ceiling Effect: Women’s Career Advancement in Puerto Rico Ángela Ramos Pérez May 7, 2008 2 Index Chapter One .....................................................................................................................................3 Introduction..................................................................................................................................3 Purpose for the Study...............................................................................................................3 Limitation ................................................................................................................................6 Chapter Two ....................................................................................................................................7 Literature Review ........................................................................................................................7 Introduction..............................................................................................................................7 Glass Ceiling............................................................................................................................8 Career Advancement .............................................................................................................12 Gender Based Gap ...........................................................................................................
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...1985 and experienced rapid expansion. Coach`s product portfolio was expanded to include, accessories, luggage and briefcases and many more exclusive Coach stores and Boutiques were opened. By the late 1980`s there were 12 exclusive Coach retail stores as well as approximately 50 boutiques selling Coach products within lager department stores. While Coach initially grew it started to lag behind its competitors in terms of trendiness and sales began to decline. In 1996 Krakoff joined Coach and he was instrumental in positioning Coach as an ‘accessible luxury brand`` for it was understood that price was a source of competitive advantage for the brand in the luxury market. In October 2000, Coach went public under the name of Coach Inc. By 2005Coach`s revenues tripled and their share price increased more than 900 % since their IPO in 2000. The Organization Today: Coach is one of the most recognized fine accessories brands in the U.S. and in targeted international markets. Coach is a leading American marketer of fine accessories and gifts for women and men. Their product offerings include women’s and men’s bags, accessories, business cases, footwear, jewellery, sun wear, travel bags, watches and fragrance. Coach’s distribution strategy is multi-channel. Coach operates in two segments: Direct-to-Consumer and Indirect. The Direct-to-Consumer segment includes sales to consumers through Company-operated stores in North America, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, mainland China, Singapore, Taiwan...
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...nanceGender and rural microfinance: Reaching and empowering women Guide for practitioners Enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty This paper was prepared by Linda Mayoux and Maria Hartl. Linda Mayoux is an international consultant on gender issues in economic development including microfinance. She is currently global consultant for Oxfam Novib’s Women’s Empowerment, Mainstreaming and Networking (WEMAN) programme. Mayoux prepared this paper in collaboration with Maria Hartl, Technical Adviser for Gender and Social Equity in IFAD’s Technical Advisory Division. Annina Lubbock, Senior Technical Adviser for Gender and Poverty Targeting, Michael Hamp, Senior Technical Adviser for Rural Finance. Ambra Gallina, Gender and Poverty Targeting Consultant, also contributed. The following people reviewed the content: Maria Pagura (Rural Finance Officer, Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Carola Saba (Development Manager, Women’s World Banking) and Margaret Miller (Senior Microfinance Specialist, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor – CGAP). The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IFAD concerning the legal status of any...
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...discrimination against women. • Workplace- A place, such as an office or factory, where people are employed. • Delegating of task- To authorize and send (another person) as one's representative. Chapter 2 Literature Review Gender Discrimination Although the equity gap between men and women in management careers appears to be closing, the glass ceiling still persists in today’s business environment (Bible & Hill, 2007). Throughout the world, men out-earn women (Ngo et al., 2003). In the U.S. workplace, gender discrimination continues to exist, despite Equal Employment Opportunity laws that have been in place for several decades (Bible & Hill). Women as leaders in industry, business, and the public sector continue to be underrepresented (Noble & Moore, 2006; Probert, 2005; Probert, Ewer, & Whiting, 1998). In Ngo et al.’s extensive literature review, several key findings related to evidence of gender inequity in the workplace are cited from empirical studies: (a) women lag behind men in salary and salary progression; (b) women’s rewards and work conditions (i.e., pay, autonomy, authority) are usually less favorable than men’s; (c) women tend to work in deadend jobs, resulting in a lesser likelihood of promotion; and (d) women are less likely than are men to exercise authority in the workplace (Blum, Fields, & Goodman, 1994; Lyness & Thompson, 1997; Mueller & Wallace, 1996; Reskin & Padavic, 1994; Stroh, Brett, & Reilly, 1992). Evidence gathered through empirical studies showed...
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...Strategic Plan Strategic Plan ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Netflix: Strategic Plan Prepared by Carlos Contreras Jasprit Dyal Jessica Hoeschen Francisco Solano-Downs Yen-Chen Wang Prepared for Dr. Gary Wishnjewsky Date submitted August 22, 2013 Seminar in Strategic Business Management Department of Management California State University, East Bay at Hayward, CA Management - 4650 Industry Analysis Relevant Industry Trends Netflix falls under the broad umbrella of the movies and home entertainment industry. The company has been part of the wave that is taking this industry into the future in terms of how consumers are interacting with home video entertainment in particular. In general, we can observe that consumers are increasingly demanding more instant and personalized experiences when watching video entertainment as well as more mobile availability. There seems to be a “when I want it, how I want it” type of movement among consumers with declining interest in DVD’s and scheduled television programming and increasing use of online streaming or rental alternatives. Netflix is catering to these trends with its streaming service and seems to be well positioned, at least for now, to be successful in the future if it can manage to avoid more strategic “missteps” along the way. It is important to note how the public perceives and values films as an entertainment source here in...
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...GENDER RELATIONS AND DIVORCE AMONG THE ELITES A CASE STUDY OF GULU MUNICIPALITY BY HENRY EGYEYU ABSTRACT This study is aimed at establishing the relationship between Gender relations and Divorce such that possible approaches are sought to mitigate them. The study set out to assess the sex-differentiated impact of divorce, which are normally part of family life. These include changes in residences by children to accommodate changes in their relationships with their parents, changes in parental employment, remarriage, and stepfamily formation still; most children suffer from declining father. The study found that such changes affect individuals within households differently. Some lose while others gain. Women, however, have been singled out as the most affected. Changes in marriage and divorce laws and policies have further affected individual household members in different ways that is, children live in many different family forms, but the most common pattern is that they live with their mothers and have less contact with their fathers. As a result, a common alteration that children are forced to make is an adjustment to life without their father at home. Most children share time between the mother's household and the father's household, and families are creative in finding ways for children to maintain meaningful relationships with both parents involvement after divorce The conflicts over ownership of...
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...organizational structure and slow to change. Historical Perspective of Sexism Women in the United States have been on a slow journey towards equality that has had many twists and turns over the last one hundred years. There have been many women who have helped to pull other women to the same level as men. The women of today are still pushing towards the same level of respect, responsibility and reward that men receive and have been receiving. Chapter one of History of Woman Suffrage Vol. I, opens with “As civilization advances there is a continual change in the standard of human rights. In barbarous ages the right of the strongest was the only one recognized; but as mankind progressed in the arts and sciences intellect began to triumph over brute force. Change is a law of life, and the development of society a natural growth…. In all periods of human development, thinking has been punished as a crime, which is reason sufficient to account for the general passive resignation of the masses to their conditions and environments.” (Cady Stanton, Anthony, Gage and Matilda. 1881, p. 20) Women have been working towards equality since the first Women’s Rights Convention in 1848. The Suffrage movement was first started with Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony in the late 1800’s when the first state suffrage law was passed and continued through the passing of the 19th Amendment. The movement was not well received by the male dominated government and...
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...the national level, particularly in the legislature, the picture has not seen much significant change since 1996. This reflects strongly in the composition of the membership of standing committees and selected committees of parliament where real debate on legislative issues takes place. Certainly, this affects the contribution of women to the policy making process. At the political party level , although all the parties selected for the study which are the National Democratic Congress (NDC), the New Patriotic Party (NPP), the People’s National Convention (PNC), the Convention People’s Party (CPP) except for the Great Consolidated People’s Party (GCPP), make claims in their manifestoes to their commitment to gender issues in general and women’s concerns in particular, it is not very evident even in their party leadership structure and in their own internal organization. Some party leaders corroborated this by stating that positions are contested for and not given on the basis of one’s gender. Furthermore, it was apparent that women in politics encounter similar challenges irrespective of the party they subscribe to. Here, the common denominator is their gender. Thus, a common thread of subtle discrimination positioned in the context of competitive politics runs through all political parties. This has...
Words: 9422 - Pages: 38
...Senior Research Specialist +966 1 249 7781 mounira.jamjoom@booz.com San Francisco DeAnne Aguirre Senior Partner +1-415-627-3330 deanne.aguirre@booz.com São Paulo Ivan de Souza Senior Partner +55-11-5501-6368 ivan.de.souza@booz.com Shanghai Sarah Butler Partner +86-21-2327-9800 sarah.butler@booz.com Stuttgart Christine Rupp Partner +49-711-34226-916 christine.rupp@booz.com Tokyo Akiko Karaki Senior Associate +81-3-6757-8709 akiko.karaki@booz.com Booz & Company Booz & Company 1 Booz & Company wishes to thank the experts who contributed their valuable time and insights to the Third Billion Index: • Rajnee Aggarwal, President, Federation of Indian Women Entrepreneurs (FIWE) • H.E. Fatima Al Jaber, Chairperson, Abu Dhabi Business Women’s Council • Dr. Haifa Jamal Al-Lail, President, Effat University • Kim Azzarelli, Vice President of New Ventures, Newsweek/Daily Beast Women in the World Foundation • Poyni Bhatt, CAO of SINE (Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship), IIT Bombay • Cherie Blair, Founder and Patron, Cherie Blair Foundation for Women • Elena Bonometti,...
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...12:06 Page 1 WOMEN, GENDER AND WORK People are not defined solely by their work, nor is it possible to ignore the effects of factors outside the workplace on a person's status at work. To seek equality at work without seeking equality in the larger society – and at home – is illusory.Thus an examination of the issues surrounding women, gender and work must be holistic. That means considering the role of productive work in life as a whole and the distribution of unpaid work as well as the myriad questions relating to employment. This important anthology brings together the thinking of leading philosophers, economists and lawyers on this complex subject. Selected recent articles from the multidisciplinary International Labour Review are assembled for the first time to illuminate questions such as how we should define equality, what equal opportunity means and what statistics tell us about differences between men and women at work, how the family confronts globalization and what is the role of law in achieving equality. There is an examination of policy – to deal with sexual harassment and wage inequality, for example, as well as part-time work, the glass ceiling, social security, and much more. A major reference on the best of current research and analysis on gender roles and work. Martha Fetherolf Loutfi has been Editor-in-Chief of the International Labour Review, a Senior Economist for the Brandt Commission and in the ILO’s Employment and Development...
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...Thomas Teri Wiltcher Executive Summary Acquity Consulting Group set out to assist our client, Athos Technology, with increasing their market share in the fitness industry. Athos Technology has developed wearable smart clothing with the distinct ability to measure muscle activity through the use of EMG sensors embedded in the clothing. The company currently offers a limited number of items in its men’s and women’s lines. Through analysis of the fitness apparel and wearable technology markets, we found that there was a clear void in the market that Athos would be uniquely positioned to fill. We found that the wearable technology market is on the rise, with profits expected to reach over $11bn by 2020. Taking a closer look at what drove sales in the fitness apparel industry, we concluded that our client could see increased sales if they introduced a line of full-length compression smart pants. Additionally, given the role that the fusion of fashion and function has played in the growth of the fitness apparel market, we recommended that our client pay particularly attention to the design of the leggings for both male and female consumers. Interviews and surveys were conducted to ascertain an appropriate price point for this product and it was determined that Athos should price the leggings at $175, a competitive price point when compared to similar products. Additionally, we have recommended a business model that includes outsourcing to develop our products and...
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...athletics competition – the AAA Championships. The United States also began holding an annual national competition – the USA Outdoor Track and Field Championships – first held in 1876 by the New York Athletic Club.[14] Athletics became codified and standardized via the English AAA and other general sports organisations in the late 19th century, such as the Amateur Athletic Union (founded in the US in 1888) and the Union des sociétésfrançaises de sports athlétiques (founded in France in 1889). An athletics competition was included in the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 and it has been as one of the foremost competitions at the quadrennial multi-sport event ever since. Originally for men only, the 1928 Olympics saw the introduction of women's events in the athletics programme. Athletics is part of the Paralympic Games since the inaugural Games in 1960. Athletics has a very high profile during major championships, especially the Olympics, but otherwise is less popular. An international governing body, the International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF), was founded in 1912; it adopted its current name, the International Association of Athletics Federations, in 2001. The IAAF established separate outdoor World Championships in 1983. In modern times, athletes can receive money for racing, putting an end to the so-called "amateurism" that existed before. EVENTS The International Association of Athletics Federations, the sport's governing body, defines athletics in five disciplines:...
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...* 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Gillette has been the leading brand in men's grooming industry across the globe. With its wide range of products caters to the premium segment of the men's grooming market. It faces intense competition in the toiletries market whereas the competition in the razor market is not that intense. This case study aims at identifying the problems faced by Gillette in the toiletries market. We have suggested a plan for Gillette toiletries along with other suggestions for Gillette to face the competition in the near future and the long run. 2.0 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS Of Gillette's recent moves, by far the riskiest is the toiletries line. Gillette's track record there is spotty, with successes in the 1960s and 1970s followed by a series of disappointments, such as a failed foray into European women's toiletries in the 1980s. But Gillette's strength is with men, and executives are convinced they can use their strong brand name as an umbrella for a wider range of men's products. The line includes 14 items, notably pre- and after-shaves and a gel shaving cream. The most innovative product: a gel-based deodorant that will roll on using a patented, sieve like delivery system. Will it work? Many outsiders are sceptical, citing Gillette's sorry record in toiletries. Besides, competition has become very stiff in the once fragmented men's toiletries business. Procter & Gamble now owns Old Spice and Noxzema, Colgate bought Mennen, and Unilever grabbed Faberge's...
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