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Submitted By msahab
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What Was Cannot Always Be

For decades women have fought for their rights for equality in a manly dominated world. Their right to have their voices heard rather than be shunned away into a hidden corner, their right to vote, and their right to be able to work in the professional fields as men do. They have struggled for their Godly given right, yet even after many women struggled just so that the women of today may be able to voice their opinions in an advancing world such as that of the 21st century, it is unfortunate to see that many women still continue to suffer, as they become victims of abuse, rape, and murder.
India is a country where in a world of tradition which dates back to more centuries than one can count, education and moral values have always been held at a high level. However in a country where that is so, the Indian women are degraded daily as they become victims of the ignorance of many so to speak, as the criminals of the cities kidnap, rape, and murder these helpless women. It has become so that the further we step into the future, the more unsafe the streets have become for the women whether it is to walk around by themselves, and to carry on an errand or for a child to even go to school as some of the men have turned out to be some of the top rated criminals in the country have become the filth which degrades the nation of India, our values, and our women. These filthy scum’s are known are rapists. It isn’t something of an awe to call them as such, rather it is more of an appropriate labeling for those who carry on such a vulgar activity in the society, abusing young girls, and women.
As we are all aware, a girl was brutally gang raped in the capital city of India in a moving bus last month and she had “peacefully” passed away in a hospital in Singapore according to the doctor. How can the doctor even think to comment saying that she had “peacefully” passed away? Do they know what is going on inside the conscious of a person? Was the comment “peacefully” passed away made in order to hush the outcries of the protesters? This is not the first rape which has occurred, yet it seems that the media is only taking this much attention to it now. Why? The topic is hot. It is something that is interesting to the people. It used to be that the goal of the media was to educate the society to help them, however today media simply reports news which means reporting whatever it is which captures the peoples interest. Once a story is sparked, it is immediately held onto by the media as such with the current rape case. If you take a look back at recent news, and history, rape is not something new in the Indian society. It existed when a girl by the name of Soumya was chased, and pushed out of a traveling train as passengers watched the man jump after her, hit her on the head knocking her unconscious and rape her. A week later a man who had witnessed it confessed to witnessing the brutal murder out of guilt of not doing anything about it. These rapists were around when a report of a girl child being sold into prostitution by her father allowing numerous men to rape her surfaced. These rapists were around when a young lady in Chhattisgrah was gang raped by police officers who were posted in charge in a village in 2007. They were around the same day in the city of Delhi, when the girl who was raped brutally in a moving bus and flung out onto the streets, a 3 year old child was raped in a playschool, and a 40 year old woman was raped. They were also around when a young girl residing in Thrissur, Kerala had stayed home from school due to illness where the house was broken into by a man and she was raped, later on passing away. And now in recent weeks with numerous rape cases that have been reported, the attention has come to put an end to these filthy men who cannot even be called humans. Despite the numerous reported cases that have taken place and been covered by the media in the past few years, no action have been taken. The public have read it in the newspapers, or heard about it in the news, and some have even witnessed it. Of course some have only read the papers, or listened to the news and continued discussions regarding the issue, yet have never had the guts to take an action to stand as a voice for these rape victims. If you had asked them to at least take a bit of an action to voice their opinion or a protest against such a crime, they would not have done so because it would jeopardize their state of living to do such a thing. Though this may seem as if a crucial criticism of the actions, it is the truth which is being spoken off as there is a change in the air now as the has come to public witness a rape that was so brutal in their defintion that they could no longer keep quiet. This is what it took for the public to voice their protests against rapists, for the media to finally give the vast coverage that is necessary to these types of cases, to grab at least a bit of the Government’s attention. The Government officials are apparently now “concerned” about the fact that its citizens do not have that much safety in the streets. When have the citizens actually had safety in this country aside from those in power and with money is another question which comes to mind? The fact that the people are no longer keeping silent is an action that is showing that India is determined to move towards a corrupt free country in the future, as long as these outcries last even after the fire is put out by the media this is possible. Despite the attempts of the police to silence the protests of the citizens of the country, celebrities are brought onto television to discuss such matters. The comments of the Government officials are spread nationwide. In a so called democratic country why is it that the celebrities and the government officials are not silenced, but the common citizens are? Are the celebrities, and the government officials not the same as we all are? We Indians live in a country where those with money and power rule, thus those people who live with a common status are given no importance. In a society where such is the case, how can one even prevail? What opportunities lay ahead in the future for an individual in such a conditioned country? The government is still in the process of considering the punishment of the men who were involved in the recent rape case as to whether to hang them or not And with numerous rape cases being reported in the past few weeks, they have said that they will begin to keep a database where the names of the rapists are recorded. They have only said that mind you, but as to whether they will do it and what use it will serve in the future is a matter of question. Because with a Government who only cares about having money in their own pockets, and food on their own table, who only does certain things to simply keep a “show” for the society to at least make them think that they are doing something worthwhile to help the common citizens, everything is unsure off. Most of the reported cases in the past year have usually been discharged, placed on pending status and at times only one or two would have been tried. With common sense any individual should be able to wonder, why is it that such an chaos is being caused now? Why not before? Will the Government actual take an action now or are they simply full of empty words which are being said to calm down the crowds?
Though no one will be brave think it out loud, it is the right thought, and it is the path to a better future because it is what will help prevent such cases in the future. So now the question placed on the table is this. Can the common citizens continue causing an uproar being a voice for the victims of rape, even after the media stops giving attention to such reported cases till an unlimited amount of pressure is placed on the Government to finally make a decision to implement harsher laws to punish these rapists? The recent rape case which is being placed in the lime light for the time being is not the only brutal rape case, there have been several others, some of which have been reported and some which have gone unreported. Any rape is brutal, and it is the degradation of a woman, of a mother, of a sister, of a young child. Look around you every day and realize that the woman that is standing next to you is someone’s wife, mother, sister, daughter, granddaughter and for each voice that is raised these women are placed in safer hands from the horrors of brutality caused by heartless scoundrels.

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