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Workers Compensation Insurance

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Workers play an important role in the daily operations, productivity and success of a business. Employers must make sure to give them priority and take care of them. Moreover, all the employers are compelled by law to guarantee the safety of the workplace for their employees. For this reason, workers' compensation insurance is offered by the insurance companies for all the employers who want to protect their employees.

Overview to the Workers' Compensation Insurance Policy

Accidents take place suddenly. They can occur at any time and at any place in spite of extra care and attention. Under such circumstances, this insurance policy is beneficial for both employers and employees.

For Employees: It guarantees that the employees will be provided with coverage for the portion of income they lost when they were incapable to work.

For Employers: It provides coverage …show more content…
Moreover, companies with less than five employees are not liable to follow the workers' compensation insurance program.

Coverage of Injuries under the Workers' Compensation Insurance Policy

If an employee sustains injuries within the boundaries or outside the boundaries of the workplace, then they are compensated under the workers' compensation insurance policy. This form of insurance covers injuries that the employees encounter during working, which may include natural disasters, terrorist attacks, or violent acts.

Moreover, in case the employee dies due to an accident at workplace, then they get compensation for the funeral as well. Not only this, the employees are provided with coverage for illnesses or diseases caused because of the employment. For example, employees dealing with toxic chemicals may suffer from illness because of daily exposure to the chemicals.

Benefits of Workers' Compensation Insurance

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