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World Vision Rhetorical Analysis

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World Vision draws the whole world’s attention to human trafficking by publicizing an advertisement displaying a small child smashing rocks with a price tag attached to him. World Vision, an organization whose main purpose is to help children and families in all nations of the world, uses this announcement to shift individuals thinking from carelessness to carefulness. Many are ignorant to the exchanges happening all over and World Vision took it into their hands to create an effective advertisement by using a variety of persuasive techniques to engage society in their movement against trafficking and modern day slavery. The picture draws the attention of all ages and of all cultures by exhibiting a small, very thin child doing an adult’s …show more content…
It is said that there should be an equal balance of all these three appeals in an advertisement and this ad provides a perfect example. The heartstrings of people across the world are instantly pulled with the image of a small child who is very thin and does not have good clothes or shoes on doing physically tiring work. Not only is the child thin, dirty, and working, there is a large price tag strung around his neck implying this individual is not an individual at all. This picture emotionally attaches people of all ages and all cultures to feel despondent for this unfortunate child. Logos then comes in to play as individuals see the evidence of slavery still playing a major role in today’s society. Many individuals write off slavery believing it was taken care of many years ago. However, little does society know human trafficking, a modern day form of slavery, is taking place all across the world on a day to day basis. The pictures and text display the appeal of logic making people think about slavery situations in the world. Lastly, World Vision is an organization that pairs with common day people to sponsor children in third-world countries to help provide food, clothing, shelter, and medical expenses. By putting their worldly known logo in the top right hand corner of the ad, viewers then trust the credibility of the advertisement and ethos then takes

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