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World War 1 Aviation Impact

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Implication and Effect of World War 1 Event to the Aviation Industry The period of 20 years between the end of the World War 1 and the beginning of World War 2 has been called the “Golden Age of Aviation”. During this time of period the airplane has changed from a slow, wood-and-fire-framed and fabric-covered biplane to a fast, sleek, ail-metal monoplane. Immediately after the ending of World War 1, the greatest challenge faced by the aviation was to demonstrate to the non-flying public the capabilities of the airplane. Many countries in Europe who involve in the war began to look into the airplane for its commercial value. Less than three months after the signing of the armistice, Germany started the world’s first passenger airline service using heavier-than-air aircraft between Berlin, Leipzig and Weimar. The British and France both also began their passenger service in 1919 …show more content…
Airmail was one of the earliest avenues via which air transportation became commercially relevant because it helped to accelerate the velocity of the money supply and helped to better tie together far-flung enterprises, facilitating the emergence of continental and intercontinental enterprises. That year the Congress appropriated 100,000USD for an experimental airmail service which was conducted jointly by the U.S Army and the Post Office between Washington and New York, with an intermediate stop in Philadelphia. With large number of war-surplus aircraft in hand the Post Office set its sights on a far more ambitious goal it is a transcontinental air service which its opened the first segment between Chicago and Cleveland. By using airplane the Post Office was able to reduce 22 hours off coast-to-coast mail deliveries. U.S airmail also subsidised the emergence of the first major U.S passenger

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