...Independent Reading I was successful in enjoying reading different kinds of genres. Before I came to eighth grade, I constantly read fiction and realistic fiction books. However, the independent reading program helped me read different kinds of books. I didn't know that reading different books could be this fun. I struggled as a reader on finding time to read. In the beginning of the grade, it was easy to find time to read; however, as time passed by and more assignments were forming, it became harder to find time to read. Pride Piece I think the memoir was the best piece I wrote. I put lots of effort into this piece. I tried to use lots of figurative languages in order to spice up the piece and make sound more interesting. Because the topic...
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...there besides both of those things. Our youth is being exposed to so much violence; they are becoming immune to it. Today, it is the norm for them. All media is to blame, but in my opinion, electronic media is the biggest culprit. The youth of today are being consumed by all types of electronic devices. Violence is big business in the media. No matter if it is Facebook, YouTube, music on an IPod, internet radio, MySpace, or any other of the sites on the internet or electronic devices, violence is present in some way or another. There are youth out there in society that are committing heinous violent acts, just for the fun of it. What I want to know is when did violence become fun? Kids listen to gangster rap, and believe everything they hear. (Dawursk Jr 2007) In 1994, two teenagers that murdered a police officer from Milwaukee, stated, they did it “just for the fun of it”, because they were influenced by “2Pacalypes Now”, a song by @ Pac Shakur. Everywhere you look, there is a kid walking with some type of electronic device, with ear plugs on. (International Telecommunication Union) In 2008 61% of the world population uses cell phones, in 2000 only 12% used cell phones. The cell phones today are like mini computers, they give the kids access to everything. Our children do not want to be bothered with their parents, teachers, mentors, church, and community leaders. They are consumed by their devices, and the electronic media they view in search of their identities, and the freedom...
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...The Origin of my current attitude about reading and writing My immediate family all home schooled but I am pretty sure every one of us has a different story to tell about our origin of reading and writing. For me, it was not easy at first but it became easier when everything fell into place. My mother was diagnosed with a disease condition known as dyslexia while she was still in school but she struggled through it and graduated from high school despite the fact that she was bullied almost every step of her school year. With this notion, I see onsite schooling as a challenge I may not be able to conquer. Schooling was boring to me, I do not like the way bullies treated other students and still I cannot do a thing about it, this made me hate school. Some of it was fun especially watching the cheerleaders practice and that was it. The classes seem to be too slow to finish because most of the after school hours for me was meant to study beyond the syllabus, so I realize I am way ahead of the teachers in school. As a result of my mother’s impairment, my sisters and I home schooled. My mother will read to us all the times even before I can read by myself. She will read novels to us about animals and their origin. When I was old enough with my reading, she made us read only nonfiction books because of their realness. The home school schedule was very tight but at least it was much fun doing this with my sisters and at my own space. My father hates the idea since we are always...
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...Part 1: I fell I do my best writing in a quiet peaceful environment. I’ve found that while writing, one can become easily distracted, so my personal preference is to write in a more tranquil space that would allow me to focus on the task at hand. I once had the desire to become a free hand writer. One day I sat at the computer and before you knew it I had a good story with what I called actual chapters! That made me believe I was a pretty good writer, and hey maybe I can do this for a living! With that said, I feel my level of writing has been sometimes up and sometimes down. Sometimes good and sometimes not so good! Mostly better than bad! But that is all a part of being a good writer, there’s creativity in every moment of writing so as long...
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...all the kids in the world, kids your age don’t like to read or write. I say don't the authors make reading and writing interesting. Because I think kids would see the fun in reading and writing plus at the time kids would be gaining knowledge and having fun at the same time. First, do you know these kids out here on the street because they dropped out of school as soon as they could because they can’t read or write on the skill level they were supposed to be on. And kids were probably got bullied and teased. The reason they probably didn’t find the fun or interest in reading and writing. People these days that drop out of school always go out on the street and selling dope trying to get paper. And they would get shot, like a policeman did to Michael Newby and got shot coldblooded. Secondly, if kids these days would read and write more they could achieve a goal once in their life. They would be proud and would feel good about themselves knowing they could achieve something in life. And another thing if your parents tell you to read just do it because you’re gaining more knowledge and it’s fulfilling your mind not theirs. And they tell you to read because they love you and want you to live a better life. I know that reading and writing is not fun but the authors could make books that maybe you like sports or music. Or maybe in school whoever makes that writing prompts make them on something you would like to write about. Not all this boring stuff they are doing these...
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...In English 101, I’m looking forward to becoming a better writer because I was never a good writer, and struggled to write A grade papers. Hopefully this course will teach me the tools and mechanics, so I can improve my writing skills. A flaw I possess is I don’t like sharing my writing because I’m not confident in what I write about, or if I got all the grammar correct or not. I would like to see myself being confident in my writing, so if I had to share my writing, I can feel good about it and not second guess myself. Aside from English class, I expect my first semester at the University of Arizona to be fun, but not to much fun to the point I lose track of myself in school and fall behind. I would like to work hard and have fun at the same...
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...forms of writing revolutionized the society. For Mesopotamia, cuneiform made a big difference for them because they can record important events and important people in Mesopotamia. In modern time, typing was very important because if you make a mistake, you just have to click a button. And if you want to add something in the middle, instead of erasing you can just add it in. Out of the two, typing is easier. It is easier because you don’t need clay and it isn’t messy. If you make a mistake you can erase it easily. When the clay is dry and you made a mistake you have to start over. There are also differences between typing and cuneiform. For cuneiform it is longer to right and it is by hand. You need clay tablets. There is a stylus and symbols instead of letters. It is harder to correct and needs a lot of training. Cuneiform is wedge shaped and the tablet is sun dried on dried in a kiln. On the computer, you push buttons to get letters. It is a faster way to write. To print, you use ink and typing uses a keyboard. Although typing is better, it is also more expensive. You also use paper instead of clay to print. Typing uses electricity and you need little training. It is also easy to correct and faster send to people. Even though it is hard to write in cuneiform by looking for every letter it is fun doing it in on clay. Scribes in the ancient times must have had a lot of fun working with clay. I know that typing is easier than writing cuneiform but using clay is a lot more fun than...
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...SDENG3J – ASSIGNMENT 1 SAMEERA MANJOO 45909385 QUESTION A English in my school environment is used as a home language to 40% of the students in my classroom and as a first language to the remaining majority. The school is well resourced with textbooks, chalkboards, projectors and also writing books as materials and every student has a desk and chair to sit on during the school day. The school accommodates for students with the playground as well, they have a volleyball, basketball, and soccer and tennis court. All buildings of the school are well maintained and kept very clean, this allows for a comfortable learning environment. Each block of classrooms also has security guards that are visible to all students at all times providing a secure and safe schooling environment for students. The school is based on a diverse society, multi-racial students with different traditions and beliefs. This allows for students to intermingle with students that share a different value or trait, allowing for all students to see equality in our rainbow nation, South Africa. QUESTION B Social media applications have rules our youth for the past ten to twelve years. MXit is still one of the major applications used by majority of the students, as stipulated in the articles, “MXit also appeals to young people from poorer communities due to its low cost...”. The students in my Grade Ten classes come from the lower socioeconomic background. Students will be interested in...
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...My writing still needs to improve in word choice and transitioning, as I tend to use the same words repetitively, and struggle with making my writing flow smoothly. To make improvements, I will read other writing pieces to see how the authors built their sentences. This will help because most writers know more about balancing out their pieces. I believe that as you learn as a reader, your writing becomes smoother and easier to understand. I will also go through my writing more often to catch any words that I’ve used multiple times already. I don’t think I’ve developed independence as a writer, because I still struggle trying to write on my own. A lot of my writing is usually done when I’m supposed to for school, rather than when I want to. This causes my writing to seem bland and forced. I think to achieve that independence, practicing more and trying to just write down random thoughts will help. I usually don’t write because I can’t think of what to write about. Writing also seems to be hard for me because I don’t usually finish my writings (if I start a story, I’ll get bored of it and leave it unfinished). In my opinion, writing can be fun when you’re writing about something you’re passionate about and interested in. Other ways I could try to achieve independence as a writer is to set small goals for myself, so the writing process will be...
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...Part 1: A. I think there is a big difference in college writing and casual writing. I fell like college writing has is more structured. You have to capitalize the words that need to be capitalized, Indent at the beginning of each paragraph, and write paragraphs in the write structure. College level writing is more in-depth and detailed than casual writing. B. My favorite hobby is listening and creating music. Music is very strong, meaningful, and a way to express feelings. C. I love listening and creating music. Listening and creating music is very fun to me, it’s also very relaxing. Music can be very useful in many ways. You can give a positive message in music and also get people to enjoy it by expressing on a rhythmic beat and words. Listening and creating music gives an outlet to express many different emotions, sad, mad, and happy. Creating music is fun from recording lyrics to mixing and creating the whole sound. Music is what I do in my free time, it’s my favorite hobby. Part2: A. I have to basic step that I think is going to be the most difficult for me is “Drafting”. The reason I chose drafting is because I never utilized that step unless it was required by the teacher, and counted as part of the assignment. I’m going to start utilizing all of the steps that where listed. When I write my text paper I’m going to sit down and plan my paper, Also planning and taking the proper steps actually make the paper easier to...
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...Many days were stressful, many days were fun, and many days were full of learning experiences . Before seventh grade even started, I was pretty stressed out. To be honest, my thoughts were invaded by my older brother Collin who said that the seventh grade would be the worst year of my academic life. Thankfully, it was not all that bad, I survived, and actually had some great experiences and grew intellectually. The only subject I struggled in was English. This was because I started as an atrocious writer. I set a couple of goals at the beginning of my seventh grade year, one of which was to get on the honor roll and the other was to become a better writer. Both goals were achieved. Seventh grade has ended up being so much more than I expected. One of my favorite classes in seventh grade was Academics in Action. In this class we were given some fun assignments like the movie poster assignment and a movie script group project. In this class, Mr. Beard told us about the time that his projector caught fire and it was one of the funniest stories I had ever heard from a teacher. Two other classes that I have truly enjoyed this year are Social Studies and Art. I remember when in the production of our greek drama, my group members and I ran...
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...difficult for me to do is writing. Some people may love writing because it is one way that they can express their feelings toward anything freely, but it is not the best way for me. Before studying at the ELC, I never thought that writing was fun. When I was in high school, writing was the main subject that all students had to study, but at that time, I did not know much about writing. I thought that it was an easy subject in which I could easily get a good grade. After I had studied for two to three weeks, however, I found that it was so difficult. While I was studying, my teacher assigned me to write many articles. Every time that I turned in my homework to her, she always gave it back without any corrections;...
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...Basic Essay Formatting Guidelines Essay formatting: An overview of how to write a perfect essay with all the necessary guidelines in an easy to understand format. Essay formatting You can write an essay about a large variety of topics, be it academic or just creative writing. In all this cases the content might vary but the essay formatting will always remain the same regardless. Having the basic essay formatting skills will be crucial in all this cases. These steps should be enough to guide any amateur or professional writer to complete an essay. • Outline: The secret to essay formatting is the outline. Before anything else you should prepare a rough sketch of how your essay should look like. This includes the position and size of the heading, introduction, body and the conclusion of the essay. This will make you to be better prepared when you start your writing. • Think about the topic: Once you have the outline the writer should come up with the necessary material to write the essay i.e the writer should visualize what they are going to write about and the content of their writing. • Conduct Research: No essay can be perfected without proper research no matter what the topic is about. • The format: all essays should follow the following arrangement: 1. The introduction: in this paragraph the writer should introduce the topic to the reader albeit briefly, just to give the reader an idea of what is contained in...
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...Shitty First Drafts 1. Is writing as difficult for you as Lamott says it is for her? Yes, writing is exactly as difficult for me as Lamott says it is for her. I could not have said it better. After reading this selection from Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird, I let out a huge sigh of relief, as I had no idea that even expert, published writers go through the same struggles in writing that I myself do. 2. Do you write “shitty first drafts” and then clean them up and turn them in? Or do you try to work out what you’re going to say in your head first so that you write only one draft? Or do you just turn in the “shitty first draft”? In the past, I have always been extremely cautious to let anyone else read my shitty first drafts. It always pained me when a teacher would ask us to bring a rough draft to class so that others could peer-edit my work. Because of this, I developed a tendency to attempt to work out what I was going to say in my head so that I would only have one draft. I would sit at my computer for hours typing, erasing, and re-typing my work, almost as if I was cleaning up my rough draft as I was writing my rough draft. I always tried not to just turn in the shitty first draft, as I knew it was far from my best work, but sometimes I would get stuck and would ultimately be forced into turning in my shitty first draft. 3. Based on your answer to question 2, are you happy with how you go about writing? Why or why not? Overall, no, I am not happy with...
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...Thinking about my individual writing process has caused me to forget how I begin a paper. It’s strange to think about the concept of what writing is before you actually write something. After reading over the assigned pages to give me the help I need to discover what my individual writing process is I “skimmed” over freewriting. I tend to just start writing and let my thoughts flow and I feel like it’s what best suits my writing style. So here we go. My individual writing process includes freewriting, lists, and looping. I like to use freewriting because I enjoy continually writing and letting my ideas flow out. Sometimes when I get stuck, it helps me to have a list of the things that I want to include in my writing so I can elaborate and expand on them. After I get to a certain point, I use the process of looping. Looping can be considered a side effect of freewriting. I loop by rereading what I have written and decide if I like the order and the theme of my...
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