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Essay About My Writing Class

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The one thing that is most difficult for me to do is writing. Some people may love writing because it is one way that they can express their feelings toward anything freely, but it is not the best way for me. Before studying at the ELC, I never thought that writing was fun. When I was in high school, writing was the main subject that all students had to study, but at that time, I did not know much about writing. I thought that it was an easy subject in which I could easily get a good grade. After I had studied for two to three weeks, however, I found that it was so difficult. While I was studying, my teacher assigned me to write many articles. Every time that I turned in my homework to her, she always gave it back without any corrections; …show more content…
I could write, but my writing was so simple and sometimes very boring. I dared not use any difficult words because I was afraid that other people who read my writing would not understand what I want to communicate; this made my paragraphs boring. As a result, I spent too much time to write anything. In the present day, I think my attitude toward writing has changed. This is the first time that I think writing is fun. In the writing class, the professor inspired me by using Peter Elbow’s quote: “The most effective way I know to improve your writing is to do freewriting exercise regularly.” That is a powerful sentence for me. He made me realize that writing is not as difficult as I think. I should not be worry about any writing principles when I do the freewriting. I can write anything I want and not care about grammar, vocabulary or spelling when I write any topic. It is not only Elbow who inspires me to write, but also my wonderful writing professor encourages me to write as well. Now, I try to do freewriting every day, and I hope that I can be a better writer as time goes by. Moreover, I will try to vary my vocabulary choices so that the readers will not feel bored with my

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