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Essay About My Writing Process

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I started with the thought in my head that I was quiter proficient at writing essays. In high school I winged most of my essays and still received high grades, but I was taught in this class that just writing the essay wasn’t all that I needed to do. In the beginning of the class with essay 1 I just wrote it in one sequence, never stopping to try and reorganizing it. My organization skills were off balance and I had trouble with mistaking my corrections for revising. As I made my way to essay 2 and received an 81% I realized that writing in sequential order and not paying attention to the organization of my essay wasn’t going to cut it. I took the criticism on essay 2 and applied it to my essay 3. I wrote essay 3 from start to finish like I normally did because writing out of order still confuses my train of thought. After I finished writing it though, I took it to peer review and really tried to gain something out of it. By participating in the peer review, I got to get constructive feedback that actually helped me revise my essay once I revisited it. Peer review was a positive experience that truly helped me. By the time I finished essay 3, my writing process had become more thorough, …show more content…
I dreaded writing that paper and it showed through my work. Essay 1 though was easy as it didn’t take much thought because it was a narrative. When it came time to write my essay 3 I knew I need to to start early and try really hard to enjoy the writing experience. Starting with my 97% I thought I was going to speed through this class, but when I got my 81% on essay 2, I was discouraged but it was a huge wake up call. Now that I made a 99% on my essay 3, it definitely shows that the hard work and enjoyably I used was well worth it. My ability to use the notes I took on organization to work with my essay and move around paragraphs made the entire process smoother and more

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