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Author Response Letter


Submitted By Hrashid1
Words 537
Pages 3
Author’s Response Letter
Brainstorming process:
Q: How long did it take you to think of this topic and develop an idea?
Ans: It took me couple of minutes to pick this movie “Good Will Hunting” because this is one of my favorite movies of all time.
Q: Which brainstorming technique did you use and why?
Ans: I have used several techniques for brainstorming for this movie essay. I started off with the free writing and then I break that essay into different parts. I mapped and clustered the whole essay and then developed a final copy.

Peer-review process:
Q: What was the most challenging aspect of the peer-review workshop?
Ans: The most challenging aspect of the peer-review workshop was to analyze the essay very carefully and then giving an appropriate feedback on the essay.

Q: Did you find the peer-editing process helpful?
Ans: Yes, I found the peer-editing process very helpful because it gave me an opportunity to learn about writing an essay without any grammatical mistakes.
Q: Did your peer editors offer you helpful advice?
Ans: Yes, they did offer me very helpful advice about my writing. They read my essay and took out the grammar mistakes and they also gave me a constructive feedback on my writing skills.
Q: What were some of their suggestions toward revision?
Ans: They suggested me to look out for my grammar mistakes and to use the dictionary to improve my vocabulary and grammar skills.
Q: Did you accept all of their suggestions? If not, which ones did you overrule and why?
Ans: I accepted all the suggestions because they were very constructive and beneficial for my writing skills.

Revision process:
Q: Reflect on the changes you made from your rough draft to the final draft?
Ans: I removed all the grammatical mistakes from my essay that were identified by the peer editors changed it to MLA style.
Q: Why were these changes

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