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Authorship Analysis Interview

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Authorship analysis is the examination of textual characteristics that helps to draw conclusions on its authorship (Olsson, 2008). Authorship identification in forensic applications helps to narrow down suspects in attempts to identify the real author of a disputed anonymous document (Mendenhall, 1887). The study of authorship analysis can be classified into three categories based on Kassou & El Bouanani, (2014): Authorship attribution or Identification, Authorship Profiling and Similarity Detection (Kassou & El Bouanani, 2014). This paper will focus on the first category, which specifically looks into the likelihood of a particular author having written a piece of work through the examination of other works produced by that author. The comparison of the WhatsApp messages …show more content…
The punctuation feature that will be used to identify the unknown author is reduplication of the exclamation point. Rico-Sulayes (2012), categorized the usage of reduplication of punctuation under media specific uses as this feature is often observed in electronic communications (Rico-Sulayes, 2011). Based on the unknown author’s text the most prominent use of punctuation is the exclamation point at the end of the expression “hahahah!!”. This author uses reduplication on the exclamation mark, that is either “!!” or “!!!” which accompanies the expression “hahaha”. This usage is widely observed in the messages of author M with a comparison to author D. Even though author D uses exclamation marks, the difference is that it does not accompany with the expression “hahaha”. Furthermore, the frequency of reduplication of the exclamation mark is comparatively lesser (2 times) then author M’s usage (29 times) in the entire conversations, increasing the likelihood of unknown author to be author

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