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Written Case Analysis of Toyota


Submitted By ahmadbauer
Words 5452
Pages 22
University of Management and Technology Lahore

Business Strategy

(Section: B)

WAC #2
Toyota Motor Corporation: Lunching Prius Submitted To:
Sir Aly Raza Syed

Submitted By: Saad Shahzad (12046005-005) M. Umair Arif (12046005-092) M. Ahmad (12046005-099) Noman Zafar (12046005-043) M. Umar (12046005-020)

Date of Submission: 13/04/2016

The time of the case is December 7, 2006. Sakichi Toyoda is the founder of Toyoda Automatic loom works and has advised his son Kiichiro Toyoda to begin with the idea of developing small engines, and in 1937 it was named as Toyota Motors Corporation. Automobile industry basically operate in pickup trucks, luxury cars, SUV’s and powertrains. The geographical location of the company is Aichi prefecture Japan. Hiroshi Okuda was played the rule of key player In Toyota motors, who joined the company in 1955 and became president in 1995. Toyota motors are competing globally but they have also competitors in their own country like Nissan and Honda and they have global competitors as well such as The U.S Big three which is consists of General Motors (GM), Ford and Chrysler, Volkswagen and BMW. The company deals in Cars, SUV’s and Minivan etc. The general issue of this case should they push for a more aggressive timing of launch or given the technical problems or delay the program to ensure a smoother launch?

Situational Analysis

External Macro Environment Analysis DEEP-LIST

Demographic * With 9 million new registrations, united states was the largest national market which was followed by japan with over 4 million registrations * 644 million units of motor vehicles were in use worldwide. Economic * For every country’s economy, the automobile industry has brought a great impact on it.

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