1. Communication Security is the protection of all Communication Media, Technology and Content. While Networking Security is the protection of Data and Voice Networking Components and Connections. Then there is Information security which is security of Informative assests in storage, processing, or transportation. Then comes Physical Security, the Actual Physical Protection of Machines and the data in which they hold. Finally as a whole you have Security, which is the state of being free from dangerous. 2. C. Confidentiality I. Integrity A. Availability It is used for the Characteristics on how information should be stored and how it should be secured. 3. Risk is the Probability of an Unwanted Occurrence 4. The Critical Characteristics of Information are: Accuracy, Data that is correct and free from error. Authenticity, Data is truthful and genuine Availability, Data that is accessible and free from interference. Confidentiality, data that is protected from exposure. Integrity, Data that is whole complete and not compromised. Possession, data’s ownership is legitimate and authorized. Utility, that the information has a purpose 5. Top down and bottom up are the two approaches and the top down approach is more successful based on its structure. In that the plan starts with the higher ups and gets pushed to the lower individuals to complete said task. 6. Phishing is attempt to usually to try and steal your personal information. An example is a plain generic e-mail saying you’ve won something you hadn’t signed up for 7. The 3 types of data ownership are: Data Owners, they are responsible for the security of a particular set of information. Data Custodian: They are responsible for the system in which information is processed and stored. Data users, Users that use the secured data 8. 6 phases of the SDLC are: Investigation, Analysis, Logical