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Wuthering Heights Heathcliff Cruelty Quotes

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In Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, cruelty serves as a crucial motivator. When Heathcliff feels hurt because of Hindley Earnshaw's treatment of him, Heathcliff lashes out at Hindley and his child. When Catherine, Heathcliff’s childhood love, marries another man, Heathcliff becomes angry and hateful. He begins to become motivated by his hate and he becomes feared for his cruelness. In Wuthering Heights, jealousy and a need for revenge drives Heathcliff's feelings of love to turn into feelings of cruelty. Although several other characters in Wuthering Heights are described as cruel, Heathcliff's cruelty fiercely contrasts theirs because he willingly acts on it. Hindley's treatment of him and Catherine's decision to choose Edgar over himself directly cause …show more content…
Heathcliff declares, “I shall pay Hindley back. I don't care how long I wait, if I can only do it at last” (Bronte 56). He declares his revenge, but he does not feel as if he fully avenges himself when Hindley dies. Heathcliff begins to retaliate against anyone of relation to Catherine and Hindley. He takes out his anger on Hindley’s son, Hareton. He tells Hareton, “we'll see if one tree won't grow as crooked as another, with the same wind to twist it” (Brontë 176). Hindley dies before Heathcliff can fully get his revenge so Heathcliff chooses to transfer his feelings of revenge onto Hareton. He makes him his servant and does not give him the education he deserves. He refuses to allow Catherine and Hindley's children to live good lives and he begins to abuse them emotionally and physically. Hareton, Linton, and

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