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Xacc 280 Final Project


Submitted By kriskenneway
Words 2213
Pages 9
Financial Analysis of Coca Cola versus PepsiCo, Inc. Axia College of University of Phoenix

Financial Analysis of Coca Cola versus PepsiCo, Inc. There are two major competing companies that manufacture beverages. They compete for the number one manufacturer and distributor spot for beverages worldwide. Both companies are immediately identifiable almost anywhere. They are PepsiCo and Coca-Cola. They have so thoroughly saturated the markets around the world that they enjoy universal recognition for their company and for their products. Historically, these are the major competitors in the “Cola wars”. They both produce flavored water, regular water, and soft soda drinks. Coca-Cola (Coke) and PepsiCo, Inc. (Pepsi) target all income brackets across the globe due to their ability to produce products which they have convinced millions of people are attractive and reasonably priced. This makes people buy them regardless of their income level. We will review these companies’ income statements and balance sheets to reveal the financial condition of the companies in relation to one another. After an introductory discussion of the companies, we will perform vertical and horizontal analyses from their annual report financial data and then will provide recommendations on each company. There are a wide variety of distributors in these markets, but Coke and Pepsi have stayed number one and two for decades. They have reached far beyond their own borders in the U.S. to become a going concern in production and distribution worldwide. They have modeled practices that one another have followed in order that they could overcome any obstacles to worldwide manufacture and distributions. (The Coca Cola Company, 2009). Both of these companies run worldwide operations and they compete globally with one another for customers. They produce

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