Indicate for each question the first name and age (years-months) of the toddler you are observing. If you observe more than 1 toddler, be sure to include that name of an age of each toddler you observe. Describe each toddler individually, as each toddler exhibits unique actions, behaviors and vocalizations.
Name: Brandon, Aaliyah, Jordan Age: 19months, 17months, and 17months
Biosocial Development
1. How does the toddler compare in height and weight to developmental norms? Consult the height and weight chart at the rear of this manual.
______Brandon______ weighs __29.6__ pounds.
According to the CDC developmental norms chart, he/she is in the ____90____th percentile for weight.
______Brandon______ is ___35__inches tall.
According to the CDC developmental norms chart, he/she is in the ____95___ th percentile for length.
_______Aaliyah_____ weighs __27__ pounds.
According to the CDC developmental norms chart, he/she is in the ____90____th percentile for weight.
______Aaliyah______ is __32___inches tall.
According to the CDC developmental norms chart, he/she is in the ____75___ th percentile for length.
Motor Development: (pp. 145-146)
2. Describe the physical movement involved when the toddler throws a ball, pounds a toy with a hammer or pushes or pulls a toy. When Brandon would grab the ball and then throw it looked as he has done it for a long time. Brandon and Aaliyah would both grab toys and slam the constantly on the floor. They also pulled every toy from the toy box with force. When the toddlers would pull or push the toys they would make a little sound.
3. Describe how the toddler manipulates his or her fingers and hands to pick up and hold objects. Describe how the toddler uses the pincer movement (p. 146-147).
The toddlers would grasp all the toys by using their fingers to hold and their palm to support the item. Therefore by using this method it is described as the pincer movement and all three toddlers showed that they fully understood how to use this movement.
4. Describe how the toddler climbs on a chair and sits in it. The toddler’s technique to get on top of the chair was grab, hold tight, pull themselves up and then fix their body in a sitting down position.
5. Describe how the toddler moves from one part of the room to another. Compare this with another toddler’s walking locomotor ability. Brandon moved around the room like crazy, he was just all over the place. Aaliyah didn’t move around the room that much she sort of stayed in the same place. Jordan was really shy and he didn’t really move around at all.
Cognitive Development:
6. What substage of sensorimotor intelligence does the child seem to be in? What specific behaviors or actions do you observe that support your conclusion? (p. 162-163) There in the early Representational Thought stage because the toddlers have barely began knowing what the world is. Like in class they had a better understanding of everyone near them, and why everyone was looking at them
7. Describe two examples of ways that a toddler solves a problem. The toddlers solved problems by putting puzzles in place and also by trying to put back a toy in the correct order.
Language Development: (pp. 175-187)
8. Listen for evidence of pre-linguistic speech (babbling), and linguistic speech (holophrase, multi-word sentences, under extension, overextension). Write the examples you heard. Indicate if the toddler was speaking to a child, adult, or vocalizing to no one in particular; indicate the type of speech you heard. Be sure to use quotation marks to directly quote the child’s sounds. All the toddlers were babbling at certain points in the observation but when they would here there favorite songs they would sometimes speak. Brandon would constantly say happy because that was the name of his favorite song. For Aaliyah her favorite song was some cartoon song and she would look up when she heard the song play. Jordan got played a song and as it was being played he would watch the monitor.
Emotional and Social Development:
9. Describe the actions the toddler uses to approach or interact with other children. The toddlers interacted with each other because they would share toys with each other. They would listen to each other’s favorite songs and interact with each other by mubling things and pointing the the screen and looking at the ceiling together.
10. How does the toddler react to being approached by a stranger (stranger wariness)? How does the toddler react to being separated from the significant adult (separation anxiety)? (p.193) The toddlers didn’t feel like they were confronted by strangers because they were cool and calm. They weren’t scared at all by being around people they don’t know.
11. Describe specific behaviors and actions that the toddler demonstrates to show attachment to his or her caregiver(s). (pp. 207-210) Brandon showed his attachment to his mom because he constantly looks at her and he would take her toys. Aaliyah doesn’t really show attachment to her aunt because she said that even if she leaves that she wouldn’t care. Jorden never left the sight of his parents at all times and he would probably cry if they had left.
12. Describe observed evidence of autonomous and/or dependent behavior showing self-confidence or shame and doubt. (p. 199) All three toddlers showed confidence because at one point they were all very comfortable.