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Yarra Valley Water Case Study


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Pages 14
BUSM 4194 Leading for Change (Singapore semester 3, 2013)
Exam Case study
Yarra Valley Water: Learning and change for sustainability

Yarra Valley Water (YVW) is widely recognised in Australia as a leader in corporate sustainability. The Victorian Government-owned water utility delivers water and sewerage services to over 1.6 million people in the northern and eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Its operating licence covers over 4000 square kilometres and it maintains a distribution network comprising over 16,000 kilometres of water and sewerage pipes. Operational challenges include the maintenance of ageing water and sewage infrastructure in established areas and the development of new infrastructure in the rapidly expanding northern suburbs of Melbourne.
The organisation's capability and commitment to delivering sustainability outcomes has been demonstrated at a practical level through the implementation of innovative projects. Its contribution as a leader has been recognised through public sustainability awards at state, national and international levels.

YVW's ability to consistently deliver innovative projects and to demonstrate sustainability leadership in the water industry is the outcome of a decade-long focus on organisational learning and change.

This case study describes three inter-related aspects of YVW's approach: 1. Organisational culture. Since 2001, YVW have been implementing management initiatives to create a more open and collaborative organisational culture that has fostered innovation and creativity. 2. Integration of environment as a strategic issue. In 2003 YVW established “environment” as one of four key elements of the organisation's strategic intent and continued to integrate environmental considerations into core business decisions. 3.

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