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Yellowtone Volcano Research Paper

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Yellowstone super volcano, its northwest Wyoming and northeast Montana. No one has died, but if you are around when this explodes, you won’t be around much longer. It melts the lithosphere, this makes a giant soup of nukes and when it goes off it will be very powerful. If you put Tokyo in the Yellowstone volcano (caldera) there will be a lot of space left over. Then there is some bad things that might happen, now you might be thinking “save the children!”, it's not going anytime soon. Maybe 30,000 years, that's a long time right, but if you are around at this time. Here some potential effects of the Yellowstone caldera it will cause 1000 cubic kilometers of ash to go into the air, it will also kill a lot of the people in the north west, …show more content…
This will do two things it will block all the sunlight and kill some of the plants. It will also cause global cooling. The weather is very cold, you will always be cold.”A full eruption of the Yellowstone volcano would put 2,000 million tons of sulfur into the atmosphere. Within 2-3 weeks, the rest of the Earth would be covered with the sulfuric acid aerosols, dropping average global temperatures by as much as 10 degrees, and in some places, such as in the Northern Hemisphere, temperatures would drop as much as 12 degrees.These cooler global temperatures could last as long as 6-10 years, and then temperatures would warm back up to normal temperatures.”(THE GLOBAL EFFECTS OF A SUPERVOLCANO ERUPTION,WRITTEN BY GREENTUMBLE EDITORIAL TEAM). The ash would kill a lot of organisms , mainly plant life and ocean life, which is bad because then, the organisms on the mainland they would die because the the life cycle would collapse and kill a lot of people ash would block a the sun and it would get a little cold and all the sediment in the air would kill a lot of people …show more content…
The other way we will die is the yellowstone volcano would blow up and it will be like 1000 Hiroshima bombs going every second. This will cause a lot of damage and the people of the North west (NW) would die. It would feel cold and it would be daisy out. There will be an ash cloud coming super fast.”A supervolcano is a volcano that has ejected more than 1,000 cubic kilometers (240 cubic miles) of pumice and ash during a single eruption event at some point in the Earth’s past. To put this into perspective, a super-eruption contains the force of 1,000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs exploding per second. Supervolcanoes on Earth include Yellowstone, Long Valley in California, Toba in Indonesia, and Taupo in New Zealand. The last supervolcano eruption on Earth happened at the Taupo volcano 27,000 years ago.” (THE GLOBAL EFFECTS OF A SUPERVOLCANO ERUPTION,WRITTEN BY GREENTUMBLE EDITORIAL TEAM). The NW people would have problems but not everyone will die, but a lot will die from all the ash in the air, and the explosion itself would kill some too. Now a lot of people would die in general because the ash is covering the sky, so people all of the world

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