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Yoga Observation

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The teacher leads the class more times then not. She’s a very involved teacher, constantly moving around the room. She wears high heels most days, but always beings a pair of sneakers to change into so she can continue teaching while moving around. The first day she changed her shoes within the first two hours of the day. I observed in her room on Tuesday and Thursday, so I wasn’t able to observe the activity she tries to do every Wednesday, but she told me about it. The class does teacher led yoga, where she uses literally terms and correlates them to yoga poses. An example of what she would do is a dynamic character vs a static one. The kids love receiving this reward, and it helps them remember the terms a lot better. She told me about how when …show more content…
She told me her tactic here is a deliberate one, if gives the boy a edge off the shyness of answering the question/not being involved, and allows him to pick someone else, which makes the student feel more comfortable. The students seem to be engaged most of the time, otherwise she made comments like, “Aww you guys are sleepy, and it’s killing me” or “that’s an awfully nice phone” to acknowledge a student off task in a light hearted way, while continuing to correct the wrong behavior. If students are talking among themselves when they are not supposed to be, which seemed to happen more often among the girls in the class, she would say, “girls let’s get back on task” and it usually corrected the behavior the first try. The kids can move around the classroom when they are doing independent reading, to get in a more comfortable spot, around their friends. She allows them to do this as long as they are doing good that

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... some Hindus worship heavenly beings, Devas or deities. ( )And there are believed to be thousands of deities that are worshiped in India, but most that practice Hinduism will praise and worship one main deity and acknowledge others as significant. There are three major groupings of deities: Saivites who worship the God Siva, Saktas who worships a Mother Goddess, Vaishnavites who worships the God Vishnu. Hindus also practice spiritual discipline designed to clear the mind and support a state of serene, detached awareness. The practice for increasing static qualities are known as yoga. There are even four distinguished types of people and particular yoga practice that are suitable for each type of person: raja yoga is for meditative people, jnana yoga is for rational people, karma yoga is for naturally active people and bhakti yoga is for emotional people. Bhakti yoga is the most embrace spiritual path by Indian followers of Hinduism....

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