...and social change in modern societies1 Luis Garrido Vergara* Resumen Los estudios académicos acerca de las élites políticas poseen una vibrante historia reciente. El objetivo aquí es proveer un resumen selectivo de esa historia, enfocándose en la importancia de la distinción social y en las teorías de la estructura de poder como el marco teórico para comprender la influencia de las élites políticas en el cambio social. Dado que nuevas perspectivas y preocupaciones han surgido en este campo, la organización de este artículo no es completamente cronológica. Aunque puedan haberse ignorado muchas contribuciones relevantes, la intención aquí es brindar algún sentido de la riqueza e importancia de lo que han logrado los académicos acerca de la relación entre élites y representación, los vínculos entre élites, democracia y cambio social y las teorías de la estructura de poder. En este artículo también se estudia hasta qué grado la introducción de una nueva metodología de investigación por parte de la teoría de la dominación de clase de Domhoff abrió una nueva perspectiva en los estudios sobre las élites. Finalmente, se presentan una estrategia de investigación para las élites y dos conclusiones principales. Palabras clave: Élites políticas - cambio social - estructura de poder - representación. Abstract Scholarly studies of elites and political elites have a vibrant recent history. My aim here is to provide a selective summary of that history, focusing on the importance of social distinction...
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...Franco Modigliani Paper assignment Franko Modigliani was born in 1918 in Rome. He spent his childhood in Italy and finished Rome University with the degree of Doctor of Laws, in the same year he left Italy because of his Jewish origins and Antifascistic views. Firstly, he moved to France with his wives family and then moved to USA. He was an instructor of economics and statistics At Columbia University and Bard College from 1942 to 1944. In 1944 he also got degree of Doctor of social sciences at New School for Social Research. He defended his thesis for Doctor degree on the topic of “Liquidity Preference and the Theory of Interest and Money”, and was teaching there for a three years. This work was the first publication of Modigliani in English and, in his opinion, it was one of his main achievements. In 1946, he became a naturalized citizen of United states of America. After 1948 he joined University of Illinois, then Carnegie University (1950-1960), and North-Eastern University (1960-1962) afterwards. Since 1962, as a professor of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he continued he continued his researches in the field of Macroeconomics that he started before, especially Theory of Cash cylces. During these years, he begins study international financial and billing systems, consequences and methods of fighting with inflation, stabilization policy in open economies. Most widely known works of Modigliani was his works in various areas of finance. 1) Personal Finance ...
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...Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness Author(s): Mark Granovetter Source: American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 91, No. 3 (Nov., 1985), pp. 481-510 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2780199 . Accessed: 18/10/2013 11:39 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . The University of Chicago Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to American Journal of Sociology. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Fri, 18 Oct 2013 11:39:24 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness' Mark Granovetter State University of New York at Stony Brook How behavior and institutions are affected by social relations is one of the classic questions of social theory. This paper concerns the extent to which economic action is embedded in structures of social relations, in modern industrial society. Although the usual neoclassical...
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...Citation Guide for Papers To show the research that you have done for your papers, you need to cite your references. There are two predominant referencing systems: (1) footnotes/endnotes or (2) parenthetical referencing. You may use either method, but you must follow proper citation formats. Below is a basic guide for your research design bibliography and paper citations. These cover the most common types of sources, but there are dozens of variations that cannot be covered in a handout. The only way to know how to deal with these is to consult a style manual. If you do not own one, you should purchase one. There are no hard and fast rules for when to include a reference in your work. The general purpose is to allow the reader to go and find the sources that you used. So you want to give them proper “directions”. In general, if you are representing the ideas of someone else – and absolutely when you are using their exact words! – then you should include a reference. The best rule of thumb is, if you are not sure if you need a reference or not, go ahead and include it. Better to “over-cite” than to “under-cite”. NOTE: Many of your sources will likely be gathered through online databases that contain PDF or html version of printed articles. Since these articles ‘original form’ is a paper version, you should cite them as such. That is, an article from Newsweek downloaded from the library’s Academic Search Premier article database should be cited just the same as if you had...
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...efforts carried out especially in the developing countries. These theoretical perspectives allow us not only to clarify concepts, to set them in economic and social perspectives, but also to identify recommendations in terms of social policies. For the purposes of this paper, the term development is understood as a social condition within a nation, in which the authentic needs of its population are satisfied by the rational and sustainable use of natural resources and systems. This utilization of natural resources is based on a technology, which respects the cultural features of the population of a given country. This general definition of development includes the specification that social groups have access to organizations, basic services such as education, housing, health services, and nutrition, and above all else, that their cultures and traditions are respected within the social framework of a particular country. In economic terms, the aforementioned definition indicates that for the population of a country, there are employment opportunities, satisfaction -at least- of basic needs, and the achievement of a positive rate of distribution and redistribution of national wealth. In a political sense this definition emphasizes that governmental systems have legitimacy not only in terms of the law, but also in terms of providing social benefits for the majority of the population. (1) 2. Theory of...
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...M.A. Social Work (Previous) FIRST SEMESTER Paper S1: 01 History and Philosophy of Social Work - 50 Paper S1: 02 Psychosocial Dynamics of Human Behavior - 50 Paper S1: 03 Methods of Working with People: Micro-Approaches - 50 Paper S1: 04 Social Welfare Administration - 50 Paper S1: 05 Research Methodology - 50 Paper S1: 06 Man & Society - 50 Paper S1: 07 Concurrent Field work three days in a week - 50 Total - 350 SECOND SEMESTER Paper S2: 01 Approaches and fields of Social Work - 50 Paper S2: 02 Human Growth and Development - 50 Paper S2: 03 Methods of working with People: Macro Approaches - 50 Paper S2: 04 Management of NGO’s and Disaster Relief Services - 50 Paper S2: 05 Statistics and Computer Application - 50 Paper S2: 06 Dynamics of Socio-Political Institutions and Organizations - 50 Paper S2: 07 Concurrent Field work (three days in a week) -50 Total - 350 M.A. in Social Work (Part-I) Preamble: 1. There shall be six theory papers of 50 marks each and field work of 50 marks as paper seventh out of 50 marks, 38 marks shall be devoted to semester paper and 12 marks shall be fixed for class/home assignments. 2. The format of the theory paper shall be the same as it is being following by the university. 3. Evaluation procedure shall be as per university norms. FIRST SEMESTER Paper S1: 01 History and Philosophy of Social Work (50) Unit – I Meaning, objectives and scope of social work; Role...
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...…………………… 63 PREFACE Curriculum of a subject is said to be the throbbing pulse of a nation. By looking at the curriculum one can judge the state of intellectual development and the state of progress of the nation. The world has turned into a global village; new ideas and information are pouring in like a stream. It is, therefore, imperative to update our curricula regularly by introducing the recent developments in the relevant fields of knowledge. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Federal Supervision of Curricula Textbooks and Maintenance of Standards of Education Act 1976, the Federal Government vide notification No. D773/76-JEA (cur.), dated December 4th 1976, appointed the University Grants Commission as the competent authority to look after the curriculum revision work beyond class XII at the bachelor...
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...as land owners, businessmen and politicians alike, and in many ways it is quite normal, the essence of both those ideas appear the same and are often put in the same category, but in reality they very far from each other on many levels and points of view and they represent systems that do show resemblance but are almost entirely different in functionality and order. Nancy Kranich; Based upon Jorge Schement, "Imagining Fairness: Equality and Equity of Access in Search of Democracy," in Nancy Kranich, Libraries and Democracy, Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 2001: 15-27. Nancy Kranich’s education is as follows: MA, Library Science, University of Wisconsin— Madison; MPA, New York University Wagner School of Public Service; PhD work, NYU Wagner School of Public Service; BA, Anthropology, University of Wisconsin—Madison. She served as President of the American Library Association in 2000-2001, focusing on the role of libraries in democracies, and is known to have written multiple accounts concerning the equality and freedom to spread...
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...organizations. Information about how to contact the organizations mentioned in this chapter is from the 1992 edition of The Encyclopedia of Associations and is available in most libraries. Publications of U.S. government agencies are indexed in the Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications. Most publications included in the Monthly Catalog are available from The Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 732 N. Capitol St., NW, Washington, DC 20401. Information: 202/275-3648, orders and inquiries: 202/783-3238. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For overviews of environmental scanning, see: Aguilar, F. (1967). Scanning the business environment. New York: Macmillan. Cope, R. G. (1981). Environmental assessments for strategic planning. In N.L. Poulton, (Ed.), Evaluation of management and...
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...1 THE DONALD MCGANNON COMMUNICATION RESEARCH CENTER WORKING PAPER MEDIA ECONOMICS AND THE BAD & MEDIA POLICY: THE GOOD Philip M. Napoli Director Donald McGannon Communication Research Center Associate Professor, Schools of Business Fordham University Donald McGannon Communication Research Center Faculty Memorial Hall, 4th fl. Bronx, NY 10458 718.817.4195 www.fordham.edu/mcgannon mcgctr@fordham.edu Presented at the Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, Santiago, Chile, July, 2004 2 Media Economics and Media Policy: The Good and the Bad Abstract This paper explores the role and function of economics in media policymaking and policy analysis. This paper begins with an overview of the distinctive economics of media industries in an effort to demonstrate the importance of focused and specialized economic analysis of these industries. The paper then chronicles the growing role of economics in U.S. media policymaking and examines both the positive and the negative implications of this transition for media policy. 3 Media Economics and Media Policy: The Good and the Bad Economists traditionally have devoted relatively little attention to media industries, though the level of attention has increased in recent years. This increase in attention is likely due in large part to the wide range of economic questions raised by both the changing media technology environment (see Mitra, 2000/2001), the adoption of new regulatory philosophies in many...
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...utilitarian, ORIGINAL XXX International Publishing Management theories IJMR 2007managerial and relational Reviews of corporate social responsibility © Blackwell Journal of Ltd 2007 1460-8545 Oxford, UK ARTICLES Blackwell Publishing Ltd Utilitarian, managerial and relational theories of corporate social responsibility Davide Secchi Concepts and theories of corporate social responsibility (CSR) have been examined and classified by scholars since the mid-1970s. However, owing to the evolving meaning of CSR and the huge number of scholars who have begun to analyze the issue in recent years fresh efforts are needed to understand new developments. Since there is a great heterogeneity of theories and approaches, the task remains a very hard one, mainly because heterogeneity derives from multi-disciplinary diversity. The criterion for selection is to consider the role that theorists confer to the firm. Following this idea, three groups of theories have been discerned: (1) the utilitarian group, in which the corporation is intended as a maximizing ‘black box’ where problems of externalities and social costs emerge; (2) the managerial category, where problems of responsibility are approached from inside the firm (internal perspective); (3) relational theories, or those in which the type of relations between the firm and the environment are at the center of the analysis. The three perspectives allow the reader to understand the most significant differences between the various theories of CSR...
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...Legislating the Family: Heterosexist Bias in Social Welfare Policy Frameworks Amy Lind University of Virginia Studies in Women and Gender Program This article addresses the effects of heterosexist bias in social welfare policy frameworks on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals and families in the United States. It discusses the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), federal definitions of family and household, and stereotypes about LGBT individuals. It argues that poor LGBT individuals and families lack full citizen rights and access to needed social services as a result of these explicit and implicit biases. Key words: Welfare reform; family policy; civil rights; gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT); heterosexism Welfare reform is fundamentally about family policy—about promoting and privileging particular kinds of families, and about penalizing and stigmatizing others. (Cahill and Jones 2002: 1). Two pieces of legislation were passed in 1996 that set an important tone for family policy in the United States: The 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), an act that expanded welfare-to-work programs throughout the country, restricted people’s access to public assistance, and crystallized the broader restructuring of public-private boundaries; and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage as a legal union between a man...
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...Group of: _X Crime and Justice __ Education __ Social Welfare __ Other Plans to co-register: _X No __ Yes __ Cochrane __ Other __ Maybe TITLE OF THE REVIEW Broken Windows Policing to Reduce Crime in Neighborhoods BACKGROUND Briefly describe and define the problem Crime policy scholars, primarily James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling, and practitioners, such as Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton, have argued for years that when police pay attention to minor offenses—such as aggressive panhandling, prostitution, and graffiti—they can reduce fear, strengthen communities, and prevent serious crime (Bratton & Kelling, 2006; Wilson & Kelling, 1982). Spurred by claims of large declines in serious crime after the approach was adopted in New York City, dealing with physical and social disorder, or “fixing broken windows,” has become a central element of crime prevention strategies adopted by many American police departments (Kelling & Coles, 1996; Sousa & Kelling, 2006). In their seminal “broken windows” article, Wilson and Kelling (1982) argue that social incivilities (e.g., loitering, public drinking, and prostitution) and physical incivilities (e.g., vacant lots, trash, and abandoned buildings) cause residents and workers in a neighborhood to be fearful. Fear causes many stable families to move out of the neighborhood and the remaining residents isolate themselves and avoid others. Anonymity increases and the level of informal social control decreases. The lack of control and escalating...
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...issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/1754-243X.htm Corporate governance theorising: limits, critics and alternatives Stephen Letza and James Kirkbride Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK Corporate governance theorising 17 Xiuping Sun Leeds Business School, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK, and Clive Smallman Commerce Division, Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand Abstract Purpose – This paper seeks to examine the mainstream theories of corporate governance in an attempt to suggest that their underlying assumptions and ideologies are misplaced and ought to give way to an emerging pluralistic view of the governing process in order to understand any governance contribution to the dynamics of the business environment. Design/methodology/approach – The paper engages with the traditional literature and views on governance models from law, business and organisational studies perspectives. It then considers the environment and changes in the environment and how those challenge the relevance of the traditional approach, drawing upon the impacts on the fluidity of management and governance perspectives and practices in the global economy. Findings – The reflections and analysis confirm the view that the underlying assumptions of existing models and regulatory frameworks for governance are misplaced and it is suggested, with reason, that a pluralistic view and framework are better than the current dualistic...
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...DRIVING DEMOCRACY – CHAPTER 4 9/15/2007 2:33 PM Chapter 4 Wealth and democracy Can formal democratic institutions succeed if they are built in societies with inhospitable social and economic conditions? In particular, will attempts to hold competitive elections fail to strengthen democracy in poor and divided nation states, as well as in regions such as the Middle East which are dominated by autocracy? Skeptics point to an earlier wave of institution building, when European-style parliaments were transplanted to many African societies during the era of decolonization, including in Benin and Togo, only to collapse as the military usurped their powers.1 We first need to establish the influence of certain underlying economic and social conditions on democratic consolidation before proceeding to examine the impact of powersharing institutions in subsequent chapters. As Dahl points out, where the underlying conditions are highly unfavorable, then it is improbable that democracy could be preserved by any constitutional design. By contrast, if the underlying conditions are highly favorable, then democratic consolidation is likely with almost any constitution.2 But many cases fall into the muddy middle-ground. The analysis of cross-sectional time-series data illuminates the general patterns and what conditions count, focusing upon examining the role of wealth, the size of nation states, colonial legacies, regional diffusion, and the degree of ethnic heterogeneity. Each of these...
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