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Young Adults Living at Home


Submitted By eddymar
Words 659
Pages 3
People have grown up with the idea that you need to move out as soon as you graduate high school. That is not always the case though, especially of the generation of our day. Whether it’s because our generation is having a longer transition between adolescence to adult hood, or they’re having difficulty finding a job, or maybe they’re just not used to the idea of living without mom and dad, young adults should be allowed to live with or near relatives until they are emotionally, mentally, and financially. Studies show that our generation is experiencing a longer transition between adolescence and adulthood. More than one out every ten young adults still live with their parents and forty percent of all young adults find themselves moving back with parents at least once. Many never even move out once! More than sixty percent of young adult males stay living with their parents until they are in their late twenties.
Two out every three young adults are living with a romantic partner, later returning with parents after a divorce or a failed relationship. Although the number of young adults living with a romantic partner is rising, the average age at which people get married is also rising. What used to be the age that people would be married by, twenty one has now risen to twenty nine! I suppose our generation seems to be experiencing some commitment issues as well.
Lack of work in this bad economy is a good motive to live with or near relatives too. Young adults go through an average of eight jobs in their twenty’s, that’s a lot of job changes. With it getting so hard to find a job and the risk of losing your job always running, many young adults feel more economically secure living with parents. When the economy took a turn for the worse, more than one out every four for the age of 18-26 moved back with relatives. In such a weak job market, many young adults do not

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