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Adult Children


Submitted By AleyVesia
Words 1247
Pages 5
Human beings as a whole have always been driven towards living comfortably. In today’s society, people are more oriented towards living a more comfortable lifestyle than ever before. Since a child requires the proper attention and affection for a healthy development, a family’s living circumstances in North America has become substantially and increasingly more comfortable, at least for the wealthy class. This has caused the transition from childhood to adulthood to become an extended period of adolescence. Individuals have been remaining emotionally and financially dependent on their parents up until their late twenties, and some even longer. Although John Rosemond had said, “the primary purpose of raising a child is to help that child get out of your life and into a life of its own,” it is proven that wealthier parents may create an easier living situation, involving less work for a for a young adult, which causes them to choose to stay living at home for a longer time period.
When considering the reasons why an adult would return home after already leaving, or make the decision not to leave in the first place, it is important to recognize factors that have changed throughout history and time. In the past, a functionalist would argue that separation of youth from parents was a practical solution due to high rates of infant mortality and childhood illness; this led to nearly half of the population of children to die before the age of twenty. It was a necessity for parents to have many children, in order to ensure they would be supported in their old age. Parents in poorer families would often send their children to work for wealthier families, as this would allow them to avoid attachment and allow an opportunity for social mobility, in addition to the choice of occupation. When the industrial period began, production moved from home to factories, and fathers sent

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