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Youth Rebellion


Submitted By royushi
Words 1144
Pages 5
My own thoughts on Youth Rebellion

Youth rebellion is a vital process of a child's turning into an adult. It can also be seen as teenage rebellion. What is the exact definition of youth rebellion? This is the Wikipedia version: "As part of their development into young adults, humans must develop an identity independent from their parents or family and a capacity for independent decision-making. They may experiment with different roles, behaviours, and ideologies as part of their process of developing an identity. "

Youth is one of the most precious periods of a person’s life, and yet one of the most difficult. Teenagers are no longer satisfied with being treated like children, but yet they don't fully understand how the adults' world operates. Not to mention their lack of experience on adult stuff. They try to develope an independent identity and pursue for equal rights as adults. What most teenagers are searching for is just the meaningful cause.

Young people are so full of confidence that they are always considering of "I am able to change the whole world" or "The earth will stop rotating without me." Young people are like a mass of flames. They have the will to reform the society. They are also eager to destroy things that constrict and oppress them. Their voice can be a powerful weapon to change the shape of the whole world within proper guidance. Adults, however, believe that the world is just the way it is and never think too much about changing the status quo for they are burdened with great pressure of livelihood. Young people want to change everything while adults want to stay the same. This is the constant conflict between the two sides. Most adults regard youth rebellion as a shame which is a natural transition of one's life. They see youth rebellion not only shame, but even crime. The Rebbe once said, "The rebellion in young people is not a crime. On the contrary: it is the fire of the soul that refuses to conform, that is dissatisfied with the status quo, that cries out that it wants to change the world and is frustrated with not knowing how." Indeed, youth rebellion can result in crimes if the power is misled, but rebellion itself is an amazing energy to fight against the unfair and to eliminate the conformaity of peers in order to express the individuality.

For every young generation , pain and confusion has to be paid for the long-time adolescent growth. I've watched lots of movies about youth rebellion and cruel youth. What impressed me most is Japanese movie" Kids Return" and the American movie " Mona Lisa smile ". "Kids Return" is a movie about two high school dropouts, Masaru and Shinji , who try to find a direction and meaning in their lives—one by becoming a yakuza lieutenant, the other by becoming a boxer. The movie focuses on two so-called "bad students" who always skipped classes and made fun of everyone they disliked. They went to the cinema for porn movies in pretended adult costume: funny beard and suits; they made a strange-shaped dummy to tease their teacher; they blackmailed their wealthy and rude classmate and defended the weak ones. In the eyes of adults, they are definitely bad and fallen. But what they really pursued is just youth itself. Is breaking rules evil? Is rebellion against peer norms bad? I don't think so. They need an outlet to release their superfluous hormone while the reality is quite the opposite against their wish. At the end of the movie, Shinji asked Masaru," Do you think we are finished?" Masaru just smiled and patted Shinji's head, "Nonsense! We haven't started yet!" My tears fell. The confusion of youth and the desire to be different once was two big themes of my life, too. "Mona Lisa Smile" is a movie about a young teacher arrives at an old conservative institution and arouses the suspicions of parents and authorities by inspiring students to express their individuality and look at the world in new ways. The teacher then leaves, but not before transforming the students' lives and winning their hearts. "Mona Lisa Smile" is a remake of "Dead Poets' Society". But the teacher become a women art historian, the institution is Wellesley College for girls, and the time is the mid-1950s. There is even, a students' secret community in "Mona Lisa Smile", the same as the "Adam's Ribs" in "Dead Poets". Before meeting with the teacher, these girls were lost about their future. Most of them considered of their marriage after college. Knowledge acquirement and psychological quality training is not valued in the college. Katherine won every girl's respect by her humor, sincerity, enthusiasm and her broad、profound view of the world. She taught them to think independently on their own, to remove the secular shackles and to fight for their life not only as a wowan, but as a human being who is seeking for equal rights. These young girls are having a youth rebellion at their own time when women rebellion is growing vigorously. But men at that time took the idea that women should be men's accessories for granted. They want their wives to be pretty、elegant、gentle and most importantly obedient. A woman with independent thoughts seems so out of control. But women in this movie refused to give in. Their refusal is as strong as earthquake.

Young people refuse to come to terms and obey the regulations. They shout and fight in order to change the conformity. They are never content with the status quo. In order to meet the needs of young people in today's society, we should first face up to their nervousness and eagerness for meaning. Their thoughts of life are not jokes. They are a strong power of society. Their appeal shouldn't be ignored. Their hunger is not material but spiritual, and only spirituality can feed spiritual hunger. Their fire-alike strength should be well used, not just to build careers but also a home filled with love and care. It is a sin for adults to criticize teenagers for their independent minds and behaviours out of conformity. Adults should take the responsibility to guide teenagers with a right direction and a right moral standard. They should provide a window for teenagers to release their confusion and to voice their own opinions in order to become a meaningful person.

A great writer once said these words for youngsters," You are as alive as fire. If you complement your flame of youth with a sense of focus and urgency, you have the power to move worlds."

We should constantly encourage our young people: “You are firelight of life. You are our hope, our most valuable treasure.” Guide them and let the youth rebellion shake our obsolete world.

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