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Zagata And Rosin Summary

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These kids are less likely to succumb to peer pressure or engage in risky behavior” (Zagata par. 3 and 4). While Rosin doesn’t touch on academics so much in her article, she would say that this type of parenting style “strips” children of learning and growing on their own. That you cannot always tell a child no and never let them learn the consequences that come from engaging in certain behaviors, which is something found throughout Rosins’ article. “Reasonable risks are essential for children’s healthy development”, says Joe Frost, an influential safety crusader (Rosin, “Reasonable Risks” … Title). “If we are strict as parents all the time, we hinder their development because “In the real world, life is filled with risks—financial, physical, …show more content…
“Strict parents are consistent with discipline, and children learn at a young age that consequences exist for inappropriate behavior. Because this attitude is instilled in them early in life, they are less likely to display behavior problems. The self-control they learn as children is typically carried into adulthood” (Zagata par. 4). This is something that Zagata brands in our minds. That once you are taught in a serious and strict way, you will follow all council given, and turn into a law abiding and good adult. Changes are happening around us for the better, is something Rosin would say regarding to the communities around us. In her article she gives a real example of where she lives, in the U.K. “The safety paranoia is easing up. The British equivalent of the Consumer Product Safety Commission recently released a statement saying it “wants to make sure that mistaken health and safety concerns do not create sterile play environments that lack challenge and so prevent children from expanding their learning and stretching their abilities”” (Rosin, “There’s a fear” … par. 17). Another statement worth mentioning is that “strict parents often require their children to get jobs when they are old enough and save their money. They learn the value of money and the importance of earning it at a young age, which can help them be financially successful later in life” (Zagata par. 5). With all these positive things that come about from the community and from these different parenting styles, its evident that we are learning how to be better parents today in

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