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Zeus Goddess

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A player. At least that’s what some people think of him. Not the good kind of player but you know the kind where he has more than one spouse or love at once? Yeah that’s what I’m talking about. He had 16 different spouses. Some of his spouses were related to him. He took over athena and multiple other goddesses. His symbol was the lightning bolt. He was the god of the sky and the ruler of the olympian gods. He protected his friends and family. Zeus was one of the most powerful gods because of the power he exerted over other gods and women, both human and goddesses.
Zeus origin story shows how powerful he was compared to other gods, especially his father. When Zeus was younger he fought in many different wars. His father, Cronus married his sister Rhea and had six children. Cronus swallowed five of his children. Rhea …show more content…
Athena the goddess of warcraft, wisdom, and craft was born and her mother was Metis’s daughter. Zeus swallowed her whole during the pregnancy. She then took up residence in his stomach.
As you can probably already tell, he is not like any other god. Zeus was different. He was very intelligent. Zeus knew how to play Hera without her knowing some of the time. Other times she knew. She wasn’t strong enough to mention anything because she was committed. Hera became the queen of goddesses. Zeus and Hera had 2 children; Ares and Hephaestus. Zeus was anthropomorphic. Meaning he could transform to any animal or human being that he wanted to be. That way he would go down to earth and mess around with mortal women who would mate with him.
In conclusion Zeus controlled many people, gods and goddesses. Is so controlling is because of his father. His father put him through a very rough time which Zeus had to battle him about. He had control of them because of the power he exerted over other gods and women, both human and goddesses. That is the reason why Zeus was one of the most powerful

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