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Zimbardo Chapter Summary

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by their identification numbers, instead of their actual names (Zimbardo). They began small talk, then the priest asked “Son, what are you doing to get out of here?” At first, prisoners were confused by the question, but he explained that the only way out of prison was with the help of a lawyer. The priest then told the prisoners that he would contact their parents in order to hire a lawyer for them, some of the prisoners accepted the offer enthusiastically. There was only one prisoner who decided not to talk to the priest, which was Prisoner #819. Prisoner #819 was vomiting and urged that he would be brought to a doctor, not a priest. Staff ended up persuading Prisoner #819 to speak to the priest and Zimbardo to see what they could do to …show more content…
They were asked if they feel as if their lives or mental health had changed during the experience, all denied mental distress. Once all of the guards and prisoners were stripped of their uniforms, they were normal. Zimbardo noticed a complete change in the behavior of the test subjects. Guards were once again kind, and prisoners were once again humans. Zimbardo conducted evaluations monthly on test participants to determine any mental distress, but there was none. Every professor and person involved in the creation of the experiment was baffled at these effects. How were there no negative psychological effects? No one knew the answer, but other psychologists and professionals knew that they should never conduct a similar experiment that Zimbardo had (Whitbourne). Professor Zimbardo created unbelievable history in the matter of six days. Because of the mass negative attention towards the experiment, many test subjects chose to remain anonymous, for they did not want to be known for their hostile behavior created in the experiment. Zimbardo’s experiment is a lesson to other aspiring psychologists and behavioral specialists, that the Stanford Prison Experiment crossed many lines and boundaries in the psychology field

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