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Zodiac Sign Aurus Research Paper

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If I had to choose what constellation I favored, it would be my Zodiac Sign; Aries. Aries is a constellation that resembles a ram's horns, an animal which I always thought had a lot in common with persons of it's Zodiac. Ram's are male sheep, and sheep are usually thought of as unintelligent animals but that may be more fiction than most might think; an average sheep has a higher IQ than cattle and pigs and they are believed to have a developed enough brain to remember faces and such. By now I'm just babbling on about why my Zodiac is best, I mean I am an Aries after all; We are quite self loving and independent people. Anyways, about the constellation... It is in the northern celestial hemisphere; between Pisces (W) and Taurus (E). It is one of today's modern 88 constellations, and is …show more content…
She plotted ways she could get his crops of corn to fail, bribing a messenger into believing that Phrixus had to be sacrificed in order for the people to thrive instead of starve. Phrixus' mother, Nephele, pleaded for the boy's safety, but King Athamus had already been brainwashed by the lies of Ino and was ready to sacrifice the young boy. At the very last minute, the boy and his sister, Helle, were saved by a magnificent ram with golden fleece; sent by Zeus to answer the mothers prayers. Devastatingly, as the Ram was crossing the stretch of water between Europe and Asia, Helle fell to her death, but Phrixus got away safely and was brought to a land called Colchis. To thank Zeus, he sacrificed the ram and gave it's golden fleece to King Aeetes. The king had the fleece put in a sacred place, guarded by a dragon who never slept. Phrixus remained in exile for his entire life, marrying the King's daughter. The fleece was eventually stolen by a boy named Jason, who sought after the golden

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