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“a Closer Look at Changes to Welfare Reform”


Submitted By lovexciaral
Words 792
Pages 4
“A Closer Look at Changes to Welfare Reform”

“A Closer Look at Changes to Welfare Reform” Welfare is a defined as a term characterizing the wide variety of social programs developed during the New Deal to help the poor , unemployed, disabled, and elderly. There have many changes to the programs and the laws that govern them. After living in Missouri for most of my life and then moving to Texas, I have noticed many differences. Welfare is a term I heard a lot as child. Obviously, I never knew what it was until I was older. When I hear the word, I think of hearing people waiting to receive their “check” at the beginning of the month. I always saw it as something negative because I grew up knowing that you were supposed to work, not rely on a handout. Now that I’m a bit older, I understand that sometimes you need to have a bit of assistance during hard times. The term welfare not only refers to cash benefits, but also programs such as food stamps and medicaid. Food stamps, which are also referred to as supplemental nutrition assistance program or SNAP benefits, were established in 1939. This is a program that provides financial assistance to low income families to purchase food for their household. Medicare is another form of welfare. It is a program that helps low income families receive healthcare. Qualified participants in the medicaid program include low-income adults, their children, and people with some disabilities. Unfortunately, poverty alone does not qualify one medicaid. The main type of welfare is referred to as cash benefits, or TANF. TANF is a program called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Prior to 1996, the program was called Aid to Families with Dependent Children, or AFDC. The Aid to Families with Dependent Children program was established during the Great Depression. It was designed to help relieve the financial burden

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