...International student motivations on the choice of studying in the UK. Literature Review; Britain has become the top destination for international students ahead of America, Newzeland, Canada, Germany and Australia (Haung R, 2005). For many years UK education has been known the best in the world for delivering quality education. UK is reputed for its higher education and has been benefited in speeding its market penetration worldwide (Binsardi A, 2003). Higher education is a key in development of industrial knowledge societies. Students and employer demands for higher quality education is increasing which has resulted in a rapid growth of transnational student mobility (Binsardi & Ekwulungo, 2008). The aim of this research paper is an attempt to examine the push and pull factors which motivate international students desire to seek UK education and influencing the decision making process in selection of final study destination. It also try to find how social and economic forces influence students in host country to push them study abroad? Demand for higher education is boomin around the world (economist,2010). Cross border mobility of students is a core component of internationalisation of higher education which has significant economic and academic implications (Li & Bray, 2007). International students mobility has been noticibaly increasing and becoming an impotrant part of the global higher education scene (verbik,2007). Over the past two decades considerable number of...
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...TOURISM • One of the first attempts at defining tourism was that of Professors Hunziker and Krapf of Berne University in 1942. They held that tourism should be defined s – ‘the sum of the phenomena and relationships arising from the travel and stay of non-residents, in so far as they do not lead to permanent residence and are not connected to any earning activity’. 9. 9. UNWTO definition • Tourism comprises the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business or other purposes. 10. 10. Definition – broken down • Tourism is the temporary short-term movement of people • to destinations outside the place where they normally live and work • includes the activities they indulge in at the destination •...
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...The changing body of students A study of the motives, expectations and preparedness of postgraduate marketing students Jie Liu Department of Business and Management Studies, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK Abstract Purpose – The aim of this paper is to assess the motives, expectations and preparedness of postgraduate marketing students, and discuss possible implications for postgraduate marketing education in the UK. Design/methodology/approach – The research uses primary data collected from postgraduate marketing students at four British universities. Factor analysis is used to evaluate the convergent validity of the survey questionnaire and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient to examine the internal consistency and reliability of the variables composing the major scales. Findings – The results indicate that postgraduate marketing education today faces a culturally diverse student body coupled with a notable lack of relevant work experience. Students are found to have relatively low perception of their preparedness for postgraduate study and high expectations for support and practical experience in marketing. Research limitations/implications – The sample used is relatively small although the high response rate achieved would help add validity to the study. Further research should examine the ways in which students draw on their prior-learning experience to make sense of their learning process. Practical implications – This study should...
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...M.S MARKETINGBRANDING DR. OSMAN KHANUNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL PUNJAB | HIGHER EDUCATION | LITERATURE REVIEW | HAFSA KHAN L1F15MSMK0007SAIRAZAKIR L1F15MSMK00085/28/2016 | LITERATURE REVIEW: THE CONCEPT OF BRANDING IN HIGHER EDUCATION Bennett and Ali-Choudhury ( 2007 p4 ) suggest that a university brand is “a manifestation of the institution’s features that distinguish it from others , reflect its capacity to satisfy students’ needs, engender trust in its ability to deliver a certain type and level of higher education, and help potential recruits to make wise enrolment decisions”. Stamp (2004) gives a number of factors for higher education (HE) branding agenda,that includes;tuition fees, competitive differentiation, league tables, organizations attaining university status and the miss-match between brand perceptions and delivery. Researchers have to continually ask why some organizations are more successful than others in brand building in order to understand branding.(Urde, 2003). It has been suggested that “Higher Education Institutions need to be managed more and more as corporate brands” (Whelan & Wohlfeil, 2006, p317), but instead of the fact that there is a large number of studies that examined image and reputation, the notion of branding has very little marks on higher education marketing literature (HemsleyBrown and Oplatka, 2006) and empirical papers that relate to HE branding are scarce (Hemsley-Brown and Goonawardana...
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...Festival and Event Management IS THE ASSIGNMENT CONFIDENTIAL? MSc in International Hotel and Tourism Leadership No TITLE: Benefits of multi-stakeholder groups for participating in Gladmat festival AUTHOR ADVISOR: Prof. Reidar Johan Mykletun Student number: 215519 ………………… 214504 ………………… Name: Ambassador Rezene Meretse ……………………………………. Muhammad Yahya ……………………………………. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF 2 BOUND COPIES OF THESIS Stavanger, ……/…… 2013 Signature administration:…………………………… 2 Abstract This paper investigates the benefits of multi-stakeholders from participating in the Gladmat festival in Stavanger. The findings of this study can help festival and event managers to understand which major factors can attract group of stakeholders to the festival. It could help them to formulate policies, to offer suitable segment focusing on the marketing field. Stakeholder theory, the benefit segmentation theory, push and pull motivation theory, and Maslow’s hierarchy theory were applied to find the benefits of stakeholders for participating in the festival. Mixed method research have been used to collect the data, three qualitative studies and one quantitative study is carried out to explore and describe the benefits from the festival. The outcome from the qualitative shows owners benefits by positioning and marketing their product, supporting the local business, creating destination image and other factors. While, the exhibitors benefit by creating brand loyalty of business...
Words: 31825 - Pages: 128
...crisis on China’s migrant workers, based on a recent survey of over 2,700 such workers conducted during January–February 2009. The author focuses on the number of migrant workers returning to their home villages for the annual New Year holiday period, the types of workers that were laid off, options available to such workers upon losing employment, and the reasons underlying their subsequent moves. Implications of the findings for labor policy in China are briefly outlined and several directions for future research identified. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: E240, G010, J610, J690. 7 tables, 68 references. Key words: China, global financial crisis, migrant workers, unemployment, globalization, rural development, push factors, manufacturing exports, hukou, migration networks, remittances, Chinese New Year, return migration. INTRODUCTION M igration is closely tied with processes of globalization and the global economy, and China’s rural-to-urban migrant workers have contributed substantially to the country’s economic growth and success. This group of hard-working laborers has made inexpensive “made-in-China” products available in almost every corner of the world. Varying sources estimate that migrant workers2 have contributed 16–24 percent of China’s GDP growth and one-third to 40 percent of the rural net income (Yan and Li, 2007; Harney, 2008; Cai and Chan, 2009).3 However, migrants have been the most vulnerable group of workers,4 and have the most...
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...physical pain and maximize pleasure. It can also originate from specific physical needs such as eating, sleeping or resting, and sex. Motivation is an inner drive to behave or act in a certain manner. These inner conditions such as wishes, desires and goals, activate to move in a particular direction in behavior. Contents 1 Types of theories and models 1.1 Motivational theories 1.2 Conscious and unconscious motivations 2 Psychological theories and models 2.1 Rational motivations 2.2 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation 2.3 Push and pull 2.4 Self-control 2.5 Drives 2.6 Incentive theory 2.7 Escape-seeking dichotomy model 2.8 Drive-reduction theory 2.9 Cognitive dissonance theory 2.10 Content theories 2.10.1 Maslow's hierarchy of needs 2.10.2 Herzberg's two-factor theory 2.10.3 Alderfer's ERG theory 2.10.4 Self-determination theory 2.11 Temporal motivation theory 2.12 Achievement motivation 2.13 Cognitive theories 2.13.1 Goal-setting theory 2.14 Models of behavior change 2.15 Conscious motivation 2.16 Unconscious motivation 2.17 Thematic Appreception Test 2.18 Intrinsic motivation and the 16 basic desires theory 2.19 Attribution theory 2.20 Approach versus avoidance 3 Practical applications 3.1 Employee...
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...CHAPTER 1 AN OVERVIEW OF THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY PART I: THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY IN THE PAST A. THE HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM o The civilization of ancient Greece. Key event: The Olympic Games of 776 BC were the first international tourist event. o The Romans. Key event: First roads were built. o Early Christianity. Key event: Pilgrimages and visits to holy places. o 17th and 18th centuries. Key event: Nobility went on Grand Tours. Trips for health reasons to spa towns and seaside resorts. Stagecoaches and coaching inns developed. o 19th century. Key event: Steam transport (boats and trains). First organized tours and excursions by Thomas Cook. Growth of hotels and resorts in Europe. Introduction to traveller’s cheques and hotel vouchers. Birth of mass tourism. o Post-World War II . Key event: Paid holidays. More disposable income. Rowth of holidy camps ( accomodation and entertainment). Package holidays. The invention of jet engine. B. FOUNDATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF VIETNAM’S TOURISM INDUSTRY o From 1960 to 1975 Key event: 09/07/1960: Vietnam Tourist Enterprise founded in the North (Only guests of the government were served; having no good conditions or potentials for tourism industry to develop; luxurious hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs were mainly in in the South). o From 1975 to 1989 Key event: - Late of 1975 to early of 1976: Tourists enterprises or agencies founded in many cities and provinces...
Words: 13757 - Pages: 56
...Marketing Intelligence & Planning The changing body of students: A study of the motives, expectations and preparedness of postgraduate marketing students Jie Liu Article information: To cite this document: Jie Liu, (2010),"The changing body of students", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 28 Iss 7 pp. 812 830 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/02634501011086436 Downloaded on: 12 October 2014, At: 16:08 (PT) References: this document contains references to 46 other documents. To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com The fulltext of this document has been downloaded 1982 times since 2010* Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER At 16:08 12 October 2014 (PT) Users who downloaded this article also downloaded: (1999),"Teaching graduates to mind their own business", Education + Training, Vol. 41 Iss 9 pp. Helen Connor, Sue Shaw, Brenda Little, (2008),"Graduate development in European employment: issues and contradictions", Education + Training, Vol. 50 Iss 5 pp. 379-390 (1999),"Teaching graduates to mind their own business", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 20 Iss 7 pp. - Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription provided by 471881 [] For Authors If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please...
Words: 10190 - Pages: 41
...The Future of the Automobile Industry Diala Albirini, Karen DuBois, Missy Habig, Craig Naugle The Future of the Automobile Industry Industry Scope When we first started organizing our thoughts on what to focus on within the automobile industry we found ourselves drawn to the population size and safety features (safety for individuals and for environment). We stimulated our strategic thinking by asking the following questions: What will the automobile industry at large look like in 2025? What trends/shifts will shape mobility in the years to come? What will drive the success of future winners? We quickly realized that our project scope needed to be broader to cover all of the megatrends we indentified and address them as it pertains to specific geographic regions of the world. Cars being mass produced on the assembly line will be a thing of the past. The commercials today for Buick of not ‘driving your father’s Buick’ will even be more pronounced in 2025. In fact, my father would have thought he was living in a science fiction movie! The mantra of ‘have it your way’ will become the mission statement of the automobile industry – both from a consumer and an employee perspective…if they want to remain successful in the industry. Our results? The automobile industry will remain a capital-intensive business model and thus limited in terms of its margin growth. However, over the next fifteen years the automobile industry will remain an exciting place. The industry’s center of...
Words: 8290 - Pages: 34
...„RECESSION HAS AFFECTED TOURISM INDUSTRY GLOBALLY. WHAT MEASURES CAN BE TAKEN BY UK HOTELS?‟ “CASE STUDY: MARRIOTT GROUP OF HOTEL‟S EFFORT TO ATTRACT MEDICAL TOURISTS” RAMAMOORTHY PANDIAN STUDENT ID: 09004669 DISSERTATION SUPERVISOR THOMAS REEVES SUBMITTED IN PART FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION UNIVERSITY OF WALES INSTITUTE, CARDIFF FEB 2010 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor Thomas Reeves for his valuable professional advice and guidance as well as for rendering his kindness, endless patience and continuous encouragement towards my dissertation. I would like to thank interviewees in the Marriott Group of hotels and its branches, without which this study could not have been reached its conclusion. A handful of thanks to all the lecturers of my concern for their teaching, without them, I can‟t learn so much knowledge. This dissertation could not have been completed without continuous support, encouragement, and caring of all my friends and my family members. I would wish them many a thanks too. Finally, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to those who provided me with great support and encouragement during my studies in UK. Thanks again to all of them. 2 ABSTRACT The aim is to find out the most possible means that recession would affect the tourism industry globally and also to pay attention towards the various measures taken over...
Words: 19699 - Pages: 79
...prompts a person to act in a certain way or at least develop an inclination for specific behavior.[1] For example, when someone eats food to satisfy the need of hunger, or when a student does his/her work in school because they want a good grade. Both show a similar connection between what we do and why we do it. According to Maehr and Meyer, "Motivation is a word that is part of the popular culture as few other psychological concepts are".[2] Wikipedia readers will have a motive (or motives) for reading an article, even if such motives are complex and difficult to pinpoint. At the other end of the range of complexity, hunger is frequently the motive for seeking out and consuming food.Types of theories and models[edit] Motivation theories can be classified on a number of basis. Natural vs. Rational based on whether the underlying theory of human Cognition is based on natural forces (drives, needs, desires) or some kind of rationality (instrumentality, meaningfulness, self-identity). Content vs. Process based on whether the focus is on the content ("what") motivates vs process ("how") motivation takes place. Monist and pluralistic motivational theories[edit] A class of theories about why people do things seeks to reduce the number of factors down to one and explain all behaviour through that one factor. For example, economics has been criticized for using self-interest as a mono-motivational theory. [3] Mono-motivational theories are often criticized for being too reductive...
Words: 8883 - Pages: 36
...Factors Influencing Visitor's Choices to Visit Urban Destinations Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Recreation Canadian Tourism Commission Canadian Heritage Parks Canada PREPARED BY: PREPARED FOR: Global Insight, Inc. June 2004 Table of Contents I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................. 1 Highlights................................................................................................................................ 1 Study Summary........................................................................................................................ 1 Recommendations ................................................................................................................... 2 Next Steps................................................................................................................................ 3 II. III. IV. A. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 4 STUDY OBJECTIVE....................................................................................................... 4 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................... 5 LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................... 6 Introduction............................................
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...Supply 15-31 UNIT 19 International Trade and Balance of Payments 32-50 UNIT 20 Economic Indicators 51-62 UNIT 21 Business Cycles 63-71 UNIT 22 Economic Growth, Development and Planning 72-84 Economics for Managers Expert Committee Dr. J. Mahender Reddy Vice Chancellor IFHE (Deemed to be University) Hyderabad Prof. Y. K. Bhushan Vice Chancellor IU, Meghalaya Prof. Loveraj Takru Director, IBS Dehradun IU, Dehradun Course Preparation Team Prof. Ramalingam Meenakshisundaram IFHE (Deemed to be University) Hyderabad Ms. Pushpanjali Mikkilineni IFHE (Deemed to be University) Hyderabad Mr. Pijus Kanti Bhuin IU, Sikkim Ms. Preetaq Dutta Rai IU, Jharkhand Ranchi Prof. S S George Director, ICMR IFHE (Deemed to be University) Hyderabad Dr. O. P. Gupta Vice Chancellor IU, Nagaland Prof. D. S. Rao Director, IBS, Hyderabad IFHE (Deemed to be University) Hyderabad Ms. Hadiya Faheem IFHE (Deemed to be University) Hyderabad Mr. Mrinmoy Bhattacharjee IU, Mizoram Aizawal Prof. Tarak Nath Shah IU, Dehradun Mr. Manoj Kumar De IU, Tripura Agartala © The ICFAI University Press, All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise – without prior permission in writing from The ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad. Ref. No. Eco Mgrs SLM – 09 2K11R 30 B4 For any clarification regarding this book, the students may please write...
Words: 28786 - Pages: 116
...INTRODUCTION REVIEW OF LITERATURE This project is concerned about marketing management. It covers in details about the concepts and principles of marketing, including the marketing plan. With the aid of Infosys organization we will try through the course of this document to explore the marketing plan, its application and its effectiveness. The main reasons for selecting Infosys Corporation as a case study were following: ▪ Infosys being a multinational company has a universal presence ▪ Diverse range of products ▪ MNC with a financial strength to explore and implement all aspects of the Marketing plan including high end spending on Promotions. In this project the following points are going to be discussed: ▪ Overview of Infosys and its product line in the UAE ▪ Target Market and Segmentation ▪ Sample List of Marketing Mix being used by the organization. ▪ Find out if the marketing mix used by organization is satisfactory. ▪ Our suggestion to the organization concerning the marketing plan. CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION 1.1 Industrial Review The Indian Information Technology industry accounts for a 5.19% of the country's GDP and export earnings as of 2009, while providing employment to a significant number of its tertiary sector workforce. More than 2.3 million people are employed in the sector either directly or indirectly...
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