...社運浪潮中之護教運動——以中國佛教會護教組為探討核心 55 社運浪潮中之護教運動 ——以中國佛教會護教組為探討核心 釋傳法、釋性廣 ∗ 摘要: 中國傳統社會不乏對佛教出家僧侶多所醜化與嘲弄之文字,造成社 會對佛教思想與僧尼形象之誤解,其影響甚深且鉅。如今,隨著台灣政 治形態的改變,佛教徒可以透過民主政治中請願、抗議、示威、遊行等 合法、理性的方式,向社會大眾或政府機關表達意見與訴求,較之於千 百年來君主威權體制的中國, 「不依國主,則法事不立」的弘法方式與 護教行動,實有天壤之別。 佛教徒於現代政治環境中的護教活動,以中國佛教會護教組的成立 與活動,最具代表性。護教組成立只有兩年,然對於台灣僧侶社會地位 的去污名化,發揮極大的作用,對當代台灣佛教及社會具有極其重要而 深遠的影響。本文擬對中佛會「護教組」成立的時代背景及緣起、建立 宗旨,以及重要的護教個案,作一歷史性回顧,並試為分析其影響及意 義。 關鍵詞:中國佛教會護教組、護教運動、社會運動、昭慧法師 ∗ 釋傳法,玄奘大學宗教學研究所碩士;釋性廣,中央大學哲學研究所博士候 選人。 56 玄奘佛學研究 第十一期 2009/3 Protecting Buddhism in the Wave of Social Movement : Protecting Buddhism Corps of Buddhist Association ROC as the Discussion Core Chuanfa-fa Shih, Shing-kuang Shih ∗ ABSTRACT: In Chinese traditional society, languages to smear and mock Buddhist monks and nuns were often few; the images of these monks and nuns have been misconceived. Because of that, its effect is huge and unconceivable. Nowadays, as the political situation changes in Taiwan, Buddhists now, through democratic process, may have a petition, protest, demonstration, march, and other legal and reasonable ways to express their opinions and appeal to the public and governmental organizations. Compared with monarchical China of more than thousands of years, this way to spread Buddhism and the action to protect Buddhism, “without a monarch, nothing could be done,” is quite different from the way nowadays. Among the actions to protect Buddhism in the modern political environment...
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