Marketing communication concepts 2 The evaluation of IMC practice of BWM i8 in United Kingdom and United States of America. 4 1) BMW i8 target market in UK and US: 4 2) The key messages of BMW 5 3) An examination of the marketing communications tools and media used 8 Advertising: 9 Sales promotion 11 Direct marketing & personal selling 11 Public relations 11 4) Similarities and differences of the marketing communications in UK and US. 11 5) How the communication activities are
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SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP (SRM) is a discipline or set of strategic planning and managing with relation to the third party organization which supply goods / services in order to maximize the profit and reach the organization goal. Global supplier relationship is under the broad category of supply chain management. As the business is global , market for the manufacturer has been extended to domestic to global, increase in the market demand and the availability of the resources / delivering the material
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ASSET-LIABILITY MANAGEMENT IN THE INDIAN BANKS: ISSUES AND IMPLICATIONS Abstract The development of the banking system is always associated with the contemporary changes in the economy. The Indian banking industry has undergone a metamorphosis in the last two decades due to changes in the political, economic, financial, social, legal and technological environments. The mind boggling advances in technology and deregulation of financial markets across the countries created new opportunities, tempting
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BUS 675 Winter 2014 Midterm 1. What is product-service bundling and what are the benefits to customers? Site some examples Product-service bundling refers to a companies building service activities into its product offerings for its consumers (pg.9) A well-known pioneer in this area is IBM, which is a service business but views its physical goods business as just a small part. Cable/Satellite companies are now those in the Product service bundling business – as they try to build offering
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addition to computing MCR banks have to calculate adequate capital with the procedure as stated in the section second pillar or Supervisory Review Process (SRP) of Basel II. Calculation of adequate capital and preparation of a process document in this regard is an enormous job for the banks. The areas to be covered by the process document are review of risk management and planning for adequate capital against comprehensive risk profile including credit, market and operational risk. Roadmap on Basel
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• Procurement and provisioning procedures are rule driven, and value for money is almost always equated to the lowest price tendered – the emphasis is on monitoring inputs; • Procurement and provisioning activities are not linked to budgetary planning; • Asset management is limited to control of inventory, rather than on ensuring a satisfactory return to the community for the funds invested; • Bid documentation are not uniform, causing uncertainty to bidders and practitioners; • The Preferential
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2012 International Conference on Management and Education Innovation IPEDR vol.37 (2012) © (2012) IACSIT Press, Singapore The Roles of Graduate Quantity Surveyors in the Malaysian Construction Industry B. L. Chong+, W. P. Lee and C. C. Lim Department of Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Abstract: The profession of quantity surveying has evolved as a result of clients’ additional needs and market requirements. Clients not only request for
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.......................................................................................... 3 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 4 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................ 5 CURRENT LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT ...............................................................
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Logistics Management “Logistic is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, effective flow of goods storage of goods, services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements” Logistics exists to satisfy customer requirements by facilitating relevant manufacturing and marketing operation. The main responsibility of logistic is the geographical positioning of raw materials, work in
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1. The Service Concept: Just like production, service industry is also a vast plot that has its own keen interests and points, though different from production processes but equally important. Similar to production, services also have procedures, and each of them must have to be done properly, at right time and with right care. And these steps, procedures, follow ups need to be defined and recorded properly by the service providers. And here the term helpful, is THE SERVICE CONCEPT. The service
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