Acute Care Patient Reports

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    Patient's Decisions

    Outline 1) Introduction – a. Thesis statement -- However, if the patient is irrational or uninformed, it could have profound implications for the health care professionals treating the patient, and they could end up in court if they do not have the proper documentation of consent. 2) Argument – a. The patient has the right to fee will with their own mind and body. b. Religious reasons may be a larger deciding factor to refuse. c. One's cultural norm is not the same as another's

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    Oncology Care Program Sunshine hospital is a 762-bed teaching hospital located in Iowa City, Iowa. Iowa City is located in North Eastern Iowa with a population of approx. 68,000. Our hospital currently employs 7100 people. Of this 7100 we are fortunate to have 700 multidisciplinary physicians and 738 residents. Our hospital is proud of its renowned Cardiology and Oncology departments and programs. Sunshine Hospital is proud of our achievements in Cancer research programs. The oncology program

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    Ineffective Communication

    as well as the patients that are cared for on a daily basis. One example of ineffective communication that often comes to mind is in giving report from one unit to another. It is imperative to give a clear, concise report on your patient to others that may be involved in their care. So many times, when a patient is being transferred, report is called and given to one nurse. Many times the nurse who receives the report may not even be the nurse who will be caring for the patient. When this occurs

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    Pressure Ulcers

    and effects on quality of life: hospital inpatient perspectives Aim. This paper reports a study exploring patients’ perceptions and experiences of the impact of a pressure ulcer and its treatment on their health and quality of life. Background. Pressure ulcers are a significant health problem, and their prevention and management in primary and secondary care is high on the clinical and policy agenda. However, patients’ perspectives and experiences of the impact of pressure ulcers on health and quality

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    Nursing Sensitive Indicators

    Indicators: Organizational Systems The knowledge of nursing sensitive indicator can be helpful in providing the patient care which meets the quality and ethical standards. Nursing sensitive indicators rely on evidence to take patient care decisions (Patrician, 2010). According to Patrician (2010), Evidence Based Nursing is the use of personal expertise and research to take decisions on patient care. In case of Mr. J, there is a clear lack of evidence based nursing. Mr. J was kept in restraint without considering

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    Changing for the Better

    2015 Changing for the Better The 2010 Affordable Care Act has changed the way health care needs will be delivered to the American people. It requires transforming the health care system to meet new challenges such as, quality, affordable and safe care that will require the roles of health care professionals, including nurses, roles to be reevaluated ("Health Care Reform," 2015). With that said, the Institution of Medicine (IOM) released a report in 2010 that states, “nurses’ roles, responsibilities

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    Professional Development of Nursing Professionals

    2013 Professional Development of Nursing Professionals In 2010, comprehensive health care legislation was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama. These laws were the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act, collectively known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA represents the largest changes to health care since the creation of Medicare and Medicaid programs 45 years prior. It is expected to allow

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    Enterovirus D68 Research Paper

    the symptoms of acute flaccid myelitis paralysis was noticed at the same time, which created suspicions about the interaction with the EV-D68 virus. Due to the number of the outbreak and the first widespread testing for this virus, a lot of research was conducted. Forty-eight patients from California and Colorado diagnosed with acute flaccid myelitis between 2012 and 2014 were tested for the Enterovirus D68. The results indicated that the EV-D68 was closely associated with the acute flaccid myelitis

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    Jean Watson Daily Flowsheet

    Jean Watsons: Daily goals for Intensive Care Unit Ventilated patients Brea Blais Southern New Hampshire University Advanced Nursing Concepts Dr. Bladen May 13, 2015 Jean Watsons: Daily goals for ICU Ventilated patients An estimated 85% of errors occur in care when communication is not clear (Pronovost et al., 2003). When Nurses or doctors do not know how to properly care for their patients, then these patients cannot recover in an appropriate time frame (Pronovost et al., 2003). “At baseline

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    Chronic Health Care

    trend, health care organizations have increased efforts to prevent disease and promote health (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). Nurses are well-positioned to help families lead healthier lives by offering ways that they can support their loved ones during illness. The family nurse considers the family as a unit when planning care because all members of the family are affected when a person is ill. In this paper, I will choose a chronic illness that could affect a patient in my practice

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