Malaysia's history starts generally around the establishment of the Melaka sultanate. During the 13th century, it was renowned as a major port for traders from both east and west. Following this time, events developing in China and the Roman Empire motivated Indian traders to seek a new port for their rich trade. Melaka was chosen, based mainly on its advantageous location -- it was sheltered from strong monsoon winds, thus the port was able to operate year-round. Melaka 's profitable position
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stands for. Thesis statement: So today I am here to give you a little information on how the Nike brand was born. Preview: When I am done you al should know more about its history and the people involved in its success. (Transition: “Let’s go ahead and start with the men who redefined the athletic footwear industry”.) BODY I. One of the pioneers for the brand Nike was Phil Knight, Bill Bowerman and Jeff Johnson A. Phil Knight was a track runner at the University of Oregon from 1955-1959
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Decision model for revising ethical issues-7 step analysis-Yum burger Case 1) Determine the fact: Who-Yum burger the fast food chain looking to expand its menu so it can compete with international chains, CMO Jake Tanner looking to increase market by adding a kids menu, Emile Barnes the top marketing manager and Jane a resent MBA student, Chinese manufacturer and targeted kids. What-Sourcing Chinese manufacturers to make toys for kids meals on order to turn business around, ingredients possibly
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train conductor when he had approached the ¼ mile mark? Was the train clearly visible from the point of view or was the view obstructed due to dust, plants, weeds, etc.? 3. What I do know from the information I was given, is that John’s truck was ahead of the train, because the conductor saw the truck before John saw the train. I know based on the information given by Lee
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When I was a young child I used to think that, I would “grow up” and become a marine biologist, teacher, or veterinarian. Unfortunately, once my mother explained to me in thorough detail the gruesome realism of sick animals, becoming a veterinarian or marine biologist was no longer in the cards, and I rebelled against my original judgements. Additionally, I have always loved to interact with children and love my own beyond measure, but I decided teaching was not my calling in life. Thus, my passion
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To win a state championship, to suddenly come to the realization that all of ones practice, hard work, and dedication has paid off and to realize that ones dreams have been transformed into a reality is a truly wonderful experience. I could begin the story with my first tennis lesson, at age five, however, I’m going to fast forward to tennis season my Sophomore year. Our lineup was the same as the previous year except for one addition, a seventh grader named Nicola. She played the number two position
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Telus Case Analysis Executive Summary TELUS is one of Canada’s leading telecommunications companies. The revenue of the company is generated mostly through residential and corporate phone service. The company has been able to stay ahead of the competition by innovating and providing the best solution to Canadians at home, in the workplace, and on the move. For them to continue to strive, they need accurate financial reporting and up-to-date accounting policies in today’s competitive environment
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the Environmental Marketing Team agreed that while other companies were making efforts in the facet of recycling, what Xerox was doing far surpassed other companies’ current capabilities and claims. The Green line was born from this need to stay ahead of the competition in a time when the consumer demand trends were clearly identified. Xerox accurately assessed the market and where it was going, as well as where the company stood, and therefore it seemed an easy decision to launch the three product
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The inability to protect their information could result in the loss of trust from a client or a lawsuit. Successfully protecting personal information is based on five key principles; they are take stock, scale down, lock it, pitch it, and plan ahead (Federal Trade Commission, n.d.). Take stock refers to the inventory of personal information stored and who has access to the information. Ensuring only those people who has a need to know is given access. For example, at the restaurant I own, the
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found staring at her charred azaleas the same morning her house and garden burned down. In this passage, Lee uses the literary elements of conflict, tone, and foreshadowing to develop the theme that you have to keep your head up and continue looking ahead even during the hard times. Miss Maudie really loved her azaleas and took great care of them. The conflict with the fire shows how unexpected things can happen, but it is up to the person as to what they will do next. “At the front door, we saw fire
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