An Ideal Life

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    Characteristics, I think I’m kind of Witty and Generous. Sometimes I can come up ideas quickly. I like new challenge and enjoy solving problems. I’m always optimistic to face life because I know life is beautiful but you have to discover. I’m a bold girl for sure because I leave my family to study in Canada alone, I don’t afraid by unknown life because I know I will work hard to towards that. At work, I do like jobs which could allow me independence and freedom. I don’t like jobs which stay in one place and

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    Love vs Arranged Marriage

    individual freedom and aspirations are considered more important than what the society, parents or relatives expect from a person. In an ideal arranged marriage scenario, the partners have a major say in arranged marriage. They give the final nod as to the choice of their spouse. However, things do not always go like this. All of a sudden you start your life with a person with you have hardly spend any time. You don’t know the person or you may even not like the person if you have go married because

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    The Relationship Between Art and Life as Presented in 'the Picture of Dorian Grey' and 'the Decay of Lying'

    obviously self-modelled character named Vivian to set out a series of doctrines which detail his personal philosophy on the relationship that exists between art and life, and the rolls that they should play. Chiefly these are: art should only express itself, expressing life and nature makes for bad art, life imitates art more than art imitates life, and that lying is the true aim of art . When applied to his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray these doctrines add an extra layer of meaning to the themes already

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    In What Ways Has Marxism Developed Since Marx’s Death?

    significance and an important reason lies in the fact that Marxism originates from practice, guides the practice and is developed in the practice. Karl Marx is considered by many to have been the greatest thinker and philosopher of all time. His idea on life, society and social structure revolutionized the ways in which people think and still holds much relevance in today’s society. Although there were many downfalls within his thinking he still set out the basis of Communism within Russia. Marx drew distinctions

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    Plato Essay

    taught by Socrates. Plato believed the world we live in a world of appearances, however he also believed that there is a world beyond, one containing forms which was the world of ideas which he the world of the forms. Forms are the general realities or ideals versions of something. Forms in Plato’s eyes where perfect versions of something, and in the world of the appearances they are many particulars which have copies or impact versions which imitate the perfect version of the form. The world of the forms

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    Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

    Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Position Paper - Part B: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was the first President of South Africa to be elected in fully representative democratic elections. Among opponents of apartheid in South Africa and internationally, he became a cultural icon of freedom and equality. However, the apartheid government and nations sympathetic to it condemned him and the ANC as communists and terrorists, and he became a figure of hatred among many South African whites, supporters

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    Anaerobic Decomposition

    Anaerobic digestion is an ideal solution to multiple problems. It could help solve the waste overflow and lack of resources to create energy. In the twenty-first century, we can’t be single-minded. We have to open our minds to a world of possibilities. Without doing so our planet will perish; if Earth is destroyed in the near future, we will perish along with it. If we consider any topic, we have to look at it from all the angles available. Though anaerobic digestion opens a whole new door to environmental

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    An Ideal Society In The Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx

    An ideal society consists of an organized government, individuality and personal freedom, and class-consciousness. Remy Melina defines an organized government as having an authoritative figure such as a president, ruler, or imperious figure to take control of a country or territory. An organized government is also a system where citizens have freedom of speech, freedom of choice, and have the right to vote for a government and presidential candidates (Melina, Remy). I agree with Melina’s definition

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    American Constitution Fulfillment

    US constitution, Fulfillment or Betrayal of the ideal of the American Revolution The American Revolution is often portrayed as something that it is not. For example it did little to almost nothing when it came to social matters, like the topic of slavery or women’s rights. What the colonist wanted in the beginning of this revolution was simple, they asked for the restoration of English liberty, equal representation, and equal English values that English men had in Great Britain. The idea of breaking

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    John Locke's Founding Ideals

    principles were progressive, such ideals also had parochial aspects that caused them to be out of reach for most groups of people, namely, the enslaved people, Native Americans, and women. In that sense, this essay illustrates the ways in which these factors contributed to shaping and sometimes contradicting the core American values and some of the more radical aspirations that remained elusive in practice. The intellectual landscape of America’s founding ideals was significantly influenced by Enlightenment

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